airmessage / airmessage-web

AirMessage for the web
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Add emoji picker #18

Open Hoodgail opened 2 years ago

Hoodgail commented 2 years ago

image (6)

Button to trigger a components full of reactions. I'm getting a little bored of using Google to look up "laughing emoji" to send to friends. 🤣 🤣

tagavari commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion! I'll see if I can get around to this at some point

Hoodgail commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion! I'll see if I can get around to this at some point

Np, you wounlnt need to make the component your self. Since there are many open source react versions, such as emoji-mart

Geczy commented 1 year ago

emoji mart is good but still doesn't support typescript, so it will not integrate with this project well

the only other option is emoji-picker-react but that one is extremely slow and bad for the site, lags everything

tagavari commented 1 year ago

@Geczy I see that you've created a PR with emoji-picker-react, thank you for that!

For reference, most popular NPM packages have types created for them with the @types/ prefix. emoji-mart has @types/emoji-mart on NPM. I haven't tested this package though.

If emoji-picker-react doesn't perform well, then it may be worth trying with emoji-mart again

Geczy commented 1 year ago

yeah even with @types/emoji-mart it was still failing in several places. that type is for v3 of emoji-mart, but the latest is v5 so maybe thats the issue :( there's an open issue on emoji-mart repo to update it to v5 :/

Geczy commented 1 year ago

i think its better to just use the system builtin emoji picker. no web emojipicker will ever top that

To open the emoji keyboard, hold the Windows key down, and press either the period . or semicolon ; key.

Windows key + .


Windows key + ;

This keyboard shortcut will open an emoji keyboard like the one shown below.

Hoodgail commented 1 year ago

@Geczy Not everyone uses windows. Does linux & macos & chrome OS have a native emoji picker that works like that?

Geczy commented 1 year ago

@Geczy Not everyone uses windows. Does linux & macos & chrome OS have a native emoji picker that works like that?
