airsdk / ANE-PlayAssetDelivery

Play Asset Delivery ANE
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Is it possible to see a minimal application build with this ANE integrated? #12

Open GeneralVimes opened 2 years ago

GeneralVimes commented 2 years ago

Just thought that it could be helpful for the developers to understand the integration.

paulp-games commented 2 years ago

Waiting for integration example.

paulp-games commented 1 year ago

@marchbold hello! Please help with example, i can't update my game Thanks!

marchbold commented 1 year ago

Hi, I haven't actually used this in any of our apps as yet so can't really give you an example. I'm not the developer of this extension, this one is developed by Harman.

If I can find some time I'll put together an example, but I'm quite busy atm.

maxorehov commented 1 year ago

@marchbold hello! Did you have time for an integration example? Thanks

GeneralVimes commented 1 year ago

I think it's better to tag @ajwfrost as this ANE is from Harman

VasilyShakalov commented 1 year ago

@ajwfrost hi! Also waiting for an example of integration. Thanks

marchbold commented 1 year ago

@maxorehov no I haven't had time as yet. Dealing with a few other issues at the moment but hopefully have some time soon.