airsdk / ANE-PlayAssetDelivery

Play Asset Delivery ANE
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Problem to load asset on demand #16

Open megajogos opened 1 year ago

megajogos commented 1 year ago

I'm currently trying to implement Assets delivery on demand in my application, but I'm not getting it to work. It's showing in logcat that the download was completed, but I'm not able to access the file inside the folder. Do you have an example of how to do this process?

Below is the structure I made in the app: app.xml `


My code: `assetsOnDemand = new PlayAssetDelivery(); trace("!!!assets.initAssetDelivery() ", assetsOnDemand.initAssetDelivery()) if (assetsOnDemand.initAssetDelivery()){ assetsOnDemand.addEventListener(PlayAssetDeliveryEvent.PLAY_ASSET_UPDATE, playAssetDeliveryStatusHandler); trace("!!!PlayAssetDelivery initialised"); trace("!!!PlayAssetDelivery initialised2", assetsOnDemand.fetchAssetPack("audioAssetPack")); trace("!!!PlayAssetDelivery initialised3", assetsOnDemand.getAssetPackStatus("audioAssetPack")); trace("!!!PlayAssetDelivery initialised6", assetsOnDemand.getAssetPackLocation("audioAssetPack")); }

private function playAssetDeliveryStatusHandler(event):void { trace( "asset pack name: " + event.assetPackName ); trace( "status: " + PlayAssetStatus.getStatus(event.status) ); // Value from PlayAssetStatus trace( "location: " + assetsOnDemand.getAssetPackLocation("audioAssetPack")); trace( "location2: " + assetsOnDemand.getAssetAbsolutePath("audioAssetPack", "audioAssetPack/sfx_peca_domino.mp3")); trace( "location3: " + assetsOnDemand.getAssetAbsolutePath("audioAssetPack", "audioAssetPack\sfx_peca_domino.mp3")); trace( "location4: " + assetsOnDemand.getAssetAbsolutePath("audioAssetPack", "sfx_peca_domino.mp3")); trace( "location5: " + assetsOnDemand.getAssetAbsolutePath("audioAssetPack", "audioAssetPack")); trace( "location6: " + assetsOnDemand.getAssetAbsolutePath("sfx_peca_domino.mp3", "audioAssetPack")); trace( "location7: " + assetsOnDemand.getAssetAbsolutePath("audioAssetPack/sfx_peca_domino.mp3", "audioAssetPack")); trace( "location8: " + assetsOnDemand.getAssetAbsolutePath("audioAssetPack\sfx_peca_domino.mp3", "audioAssetPack")); }`

logcat output 2023-01-09 19:31:38.306 6368-6368/ D/AppLovinAdapter: Requesting banner of size BANNER for zone: 757202f26f06f141 2023-01-09 19:31:38.363 6368-6368/ I/ asset pack name: audioAssetPack 2023-01-09 19:31:38.363 6368-6368/ I/ status: COMPLETED 2023-01-09 19:31:38.366 6368-6368/ E/PlayCore: UID: [10264] PID: [6368] AssetPackStorage : Failed to find assets directory: /data/data/ 2023-01-09 19:31:38.366 6368-6368/ I/ location: null 2023-01-09 19:31:38.370 6368-6368/ E/PlayCore: UID: [10264] PID: [6368] AssetPackStorage : Failed to find assets directory: /data/data/ 2023-01-09 19:31:38.370 6368-6368/ I/ location2: null 2023-01-09 19:31:38.373 6368-6368/ E/PlayCore: UID: [10264] PID: [6368] AssetPackStorage : Failed to find assets directory: /data/data/ 2023-01-09 19:31:38.374 6368-6368/ I/ location3: null 2023-01-09 19:31:38.377 6368-6368/ E/PlayCore: UID: [10264] PID: [6368] AssetPackStorage : Failed to find assets directory: /data/data/ 2023-01-09 19:31:38.378 6368-6368/ I/ location4: null 2023-01-09 19:31:38.382 6368-6368/ E/PlayCore: UID: [10264] PID: [6368] AssetPackStorage : Failed to find assets directory: /data/data/ 2023-01-09 19:31:38.383 6368-6368/ I/ location5: null 2023-01-09 19:31:38.385 6368-6368/ I/ location6: null 2023-01-09 19:31:38.387 6368-6368/ I/ location7: null 2023-01-09 19:31:38.390 6368-6368/ I/ location8: null 2023-01-09 19:31:38.417 6368-6368/ I/ asset pack name: audioAssetPack

my project structure Captura