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The application is not installed on iOS 15 #1202

Open denisgl7 opened 3 years ago

denisgl7 commented 3 years ago

After upgrading to iOS 15, I get the following error along with SDK

2021-09-27-23-14-49 2021-09-27-23-14-39

Using the latest I am getting the following error


I use Intelij macOS Big Sur MacBook Pro m1 Latest ANEs from Distriqt (updated today)

urthling commented 3 years ago

You need a version of ADT released after 620 that resolves this:

denisgl7 commented 3 years ago

Thanks, But it didn't help Some error on

urthling commented 3 years ago

You're using ADT posted here: ?

Also try manually removing everything in your bin-debug, then clean and build

I'm using iOS 15 and not seeing issues in my project.. What does your adt.log file say?

denisgl7 commented 3 years ago

I did exactly that, I clean the builds before each build

Where can I look adt.log?

urthling commented 3 years ago

In the SDKs lib folder, make sure debug=true in the adt.cfg -- you should find the adt.log in your home directory (/Users/username on Mac, or c:\Users\username on Windows)

denisgl7 commented 3 years ago

ADT Logging at 2021/09/28 19:52:42 Called by: /Users/denisgladky/Documents/ascsdk/ ADT called with: -package -target ipa-test -storetype PKCS12 -keystore /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/cert/development.p12 -storepass xxxxxx -provisioning-profile /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/cert/ElectricalEngineeringDevelopment.mobileprovision /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/out/production/ElectricaEngineering/ElectricaEngineering.ipa /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/out/production/ElectricaEngineering/Main-app_mobile.xml -extdir /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/lib -C /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/out/production/ElectricaEngineering iOS.swf -C /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/bin-assets assets -C /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/bin-assets images -C /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/bin-assets fonts -C /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/bin-assets google-services.json -C /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/bin-assets GoogleService-Info.plist -C /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/icons AppIconsForPublish -C /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/icons/SplashScreens Default-375w-667h@2x~iphone.png -C /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/icons/SplashScreens Default-414w-736h@3x~iphone.png -C /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/icons/SplashScreens Default-568h@2x~iphone.png -C /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/icons/SplashScreens Default-812h@3x~iphone.png -C /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/icons/SplashScreens Default-Landscape-1112h@2x.png -C /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/icons/SplashScreens Default-Landscape-414w-736h@3x~iphone.png -C /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/icons/SplashScreens Default-Landscape-812h@3x~iphone.png -C /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/icons/SplashScreens Default-Landscape@2x.png -C /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/icons/SplashScreens Default-Landscape@2x~ipad.png -C /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/icons/SplashScreens Default-Landscape~ipad.png -C /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/icons/SplashScreens Default-Portrait-1112h@2x.png -C /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/icons/SplashScreens Default-Portrait@2x.png -C /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/icons/SplashScreens Default-Portrait@2x~ipad.png -C /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/icons/SplashScreens Default-Portrait~ipad.png -C /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/icons/SplashScreens Default@2x~iphone.png -C /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/icons/SplashScreens Default~iphone.png -C /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/bin-assets -C /Users/denisgladky/IdeaProject/ElectricEngineering/bin-assets sounds Stack trace: Invalid input: Error: libCore.a, libInAppBilling.a, libfirebasecore.a, libFirebaseDatabase.a, libApplication.a, libFirebase.a, libFirebaseAuth.a are required to have universal iOS libraries. Please contact the ANE developer(s) to get the same.

denisgl7 commented 3 years ago

In the SDKs lib folder, make sure debug=true in the adt.cfg -- you should find the adt.log in your home directory (/Users/username on Mac, or c:\Users\username on Windows)

Do you use ane?

urthling commented 3 years ago

Yes, I'm using a bunch of Distriqt's ANEs, including InAppBilling & Firebase.. Are you using ANEs from any other provider?

ajwfrost commented 3 years ago

@denisgl7 that error:

Invalid input: Error: libCore.a, libInAppBilling.a, libfirebasecore.a, libFirebaseDatabase.a, libApplication.a, libFirebase.a, libFirebaseAuth.a are required to have universal iOS libraries. Please contact the ANE developer(s) to get the same.

will happen if ANEs contain libraries that aren't universal libraries (containing both armv7 and arm64 code), if the target iOS version is below 11. So to solve this, please add to your application descriptor in the iphone | InfoAdditions block, <key>MinimumOSVersion</key><string>11.0</string>.

See for an example.

Essentially: normally we target a minimum iOS version of 9.0 and we build both 32-bit (armv7) and 64-bit (arm64) versions of the code, which means we need both of these also to be available from any libraries that are pulled in from ANEs. But if you set a minimum iOS version of 11.0, then we just go with a 64-bit binary.

Given that we can no longer generate 32-bit code anyway (at least, we can't create the libraries that we would need to link against) then the above error doesn't actually make sense! So we should probably review all the ADT packaging code to make sure we only create arm64 binaries and only require arm64 from the ANEs too....


denisgl7 commented 3 years ago

Thanks guys for the help! everything works!

denisgl7 commented 3 years ago

Yes, I'm using a bunch of Distriqt's ANEs, including InAppBilling & Firebase.. Are you using ANEs from any other provider?

I use only Distriqt's ANEs InAppBilling Firebase and Application. Thanks!