airsdk / Adobe-Runtime-Support

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problems with macOS Monterey #1555

Open ozster123 opened 2 years ago

ozster123 commented 2 years ago

Having issues with the latest available runtime (AIR runtime - version on macOS Monterey 12.1 using our AIR application.

I think some other issues have already been resolved. Will there be a runtime release when the issues have been resolved?

ajwfrost commented 2 years ago

Yes we've got a few things on Monterey that are causing problems, had hoped to get a fix in for a critical Android bug at the same time but that is taking a bit longer. So we will push ahead with an update to fix these macOS problems and get this uploaded as a shared AIR runtime as well...

Should be available at the start of next week I would expect.


leossmith commented 2 years ago

Hi @ajwfrost I am not sure if this is the same issue. I am trying to compile on a mac mini m1 with monterey and get this error:

Screenshot 2022-01-13 at 3 12 04 PM

ajwfrost commented 2 years ago

@leossmith that looks like something new: presumably you're trying to build for the simulator target here...? are you able to confirm what settings it's using (are you packaging via Moonshine? or another IDE?) - or can you set the lib/adt.cfg file to have "DebugOut=true" and then check what the full linker command is from the ~/adt.log file?


leossmith commented 2 years ago

I am trying to build for running debug on simulator target. Using: IDE: Intellij 2021.3.1 Flex 4.16.1 with AIR (Downloaded from Moonshine sdk installer) Java SE 17.0.1 (arm 64)

Debug is:

Called by: /Users/admin/Downloads/MoonshineSDKs/Flex_SDK/Flex_4.16.1_AIR_33.1/lib/adt.jar
ADT called with: -version
*** ADT Logging at 2022/01/13 15:43:26 ***
Called by: /Users/admin/Downloads/MoonshineSDKs/Flex_SDK/Flex_4.16.1_AIR_33.1/lib/adt.jar
ADT called with: -version
*** ADT Logging at 2022/01/13 15:43:26 ***
Called by: /Users/admin/Downloads/MoonshineSDKs/Flex_SDK/Flex_4.16.1_AIR_33.1/lib/adt.jar
ADT called with: -package -target ipa-debug-interpreter-simulator -storetype PKCS12 -keystore /Users/admin/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2021.3/plugins/flex/lib/temp_keystore.p12 -storepass xxxxxx /Users/admin/Documents/development/bitbucket/trekrecord-flex/bin-debug/trek_3.4.ipa /Users/admin/Documents/development/bitbucket/trekrecord-flex/bin-debug/Main-app-ios.xml -platformsdk /Applications/ -extdir /Users/admin/Documents/GitHub/ANE-Core/lib -extdir /Users/admin/Documents/GitHub/ANE-Firebase/lib -extdir /Users/admin/Documents/GitHub/ANE-IDFA/lib -extdir /Users/admin/Documents/GitHub/ANE-PushNotifications/lib/OneSignal -extdir /Users/admin/Documents/GitHub/ANE-AndroidSupport/lib -extdir /Users/admin/Documents/GitHub/ANE-GooglePlayServices/lib -extdir /Users/admin/Documents/GitHub/ANE-CameraRollExtended/lib -extdir /Users/admin/Documents/GitHub/ANE-Application/lib -extdir /Users/admin/Documents/GitHub/ANE-SquareLibs/lib -C /Users/admin/Documents/development/bitbucket/trekrecord-flex/bin-debug Main.swf -C /Users/admin/Documents/development/bitbucket/trekrecord-flex/src assets -C /Users/admin/Documents/development/bitbucket/trekrecord-flex/src -C /Users/admin/Documents/development/bitbucket/trekrecord-flex/src GoogleService-Info.plist -C /Users/admin/Documents/development/bitbucket/trekrecord-flex/src Default-375w-667h@2x~iphone.png -C /Users/admin/Documents/development/bitbucket/trekrecord-flex/src Default-414w-736h@3x~iphone.png -C /Users/admin/Documents/development/bitbucket/trekrecord-flex/src Default-568h@2x~iphone.png -C /Users/admin/Documents/development/bitbucket/trekrecord-flex/src Default-812h@3x~iphone.png -C /Users/admin/Documents/development/bitbucket/trekrecord-flex/src Default-896h@2x~iphone.png -C /Users/admin/Documents/development/bitbucket/trekrecord-flex/src Default-1242h@3x~iphone.png
*** ADT Logging at 2022/01/13 15:43:26 ***
Called by: /Users/admin/Downloads/MoonshineSDKs/Flex_SDK/Flex_4.16.1_AIR_33.1/lib/adt.jar
ADT called with: -package -target ipa-debug-interpreter-simulator -storetype PKCS12 -keystore /Users/admin/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2021.3/plugins/flex/lib/temp_keystore.p12 -storepass xxxxxx /Users/admin/Documents/development/bitbucket/trekrecord-flex/bin-debug/trek_3.4.ipa /Users/admin/Documents/development/bitbucket/trekrecord-flex/bin-debug/Main-app-ios.xml -platformsdk /Applications/ -extdir /Users/admin/Documents/GitHub/ANE-Core/lib -extdir /Users/admin/Documents/GitHub/ANE-Firebase/lib -extdir /Users/admin/Documents/GitHub/ANE-IDFA/lib -extdir /Users/admin/Documents/GitHub/ANE-PushNotifications/lib/OneSignal -extdir /Users/admin/Documents/GitHub/ANE-AndroidSupport/lib -extdir /Users/admin/Documents/GitHub/ANE-GooglePlayServices/lib -extdir /Users/admin/Documents/GitHub/ANE-CameraRollExtended/lib -extdir /Users/admin/Documents/GitHub/ANE-Application/lib -extdir /Users/admin/Documents/GitHub/ANE-SquareLibs/lib -C /Users/admin/Documents/development/bitbucket/trekrecord-flex/bin-debug Main.swf -C /Users/admin/Documents/development/bitbucket/trekrecord-flex/src assets -C /Users/admin/Documents/development/bitbucket/trekrecord-flex/src -C /Users/admin/Documents/development/bitbucket/trekrecord-flex/src GoogleService-Info.plist -C /Users/admin/Documents/development/bitbucket/trekrecord-flex/src Default-375w-667h@2x~iphone.png -C /Users/admin/Documents/development/bitbucket/trekrecord-flex/src Default-414w-736h@3x~iphone.png -C /Users/admin/Documents/development/bitbucket/trekrecord-flex/src Default-568h@2x~iphone.png -C /Users/admin/Documents/development/bitbucket/trekrecord-flex/src Default-812h@3x~iphone.png -C /Users/admin/Documents/development/bitbucket/trekrecord-flex/src Default-896h@2x~iphone.png -C /Users/admin/Documents/development/bitbucket/trekrecord-flex/src Default-1242h@3x~iphone.png
Warning: Using default implementation for native extension ''
Warning: Using default implementation for native extension ''
Warning: Using default implementation for native extension 'androidx.cardview'
Warning: Using default implementation for native extension 'com.distriqt.playservices.CloudMessaging'
Warning: Using default implementation for native extension 'com.distriqt.PushNotifications'
Warning: Using default implementation for native extension 'androidx.appcompat'
Warning: Using default implementation for native extension ''
Warning: Using default implementation for native extension 'androidx.recyclerview'
Warning: Using default implementation for native extension 'androidx.core'
Warning: Using default implementation for native extension 'androidx.browser'
Warning: Using default implementation for native extension ''
Warning: Using default implementation for native extension 'com.jetbrains.kotlin'
Warning: Using default implementation for native extension ''
Warning: Using default implementation for native extension 'androidx.vectordrawable'
Warning: Using default implementation for native extension 'com.distriqt.playservices.Base'
Warning: Using default implementation for native extension 'com.distriqt.playservices.AdsIdentifier'
Warning: Using default implementation for native extension ''
compile-abc command line: /Users/admin/Downloads/MoonshineSDKs/Flex_SDK/Flex_4.16.1_AIR_33.1/lib/aot/bin/compile-abc/compile-abc-64 -mtriple=x86_64-apple-ios12.2 -emit-ane-map -ane-symbol=IDFAExtInitializer -ane-symbol=IDFAExtFinalizer -ane-symbol=firebasecoreExtInitializer -ane-symbol=firebasecoreExtFinalizer -ane-symbol=CoreExtInitializer -ane-symbol=CoreExtFinalizer -ane-symbol=ApplicationExtInitializer -ane-symbol=ApplicationExtFinalizer -ane-symbol=FirebaseExtInitializer -ane-symbol=FirebaseExtFinalizer

ld64 command line: /usr/bin/ld -pie -ObjC -dead_strip -Z -arch x86_64 -syslibroot "/Applications/" -L/usr/lib -F"/System/Library/Frameworks" -L"/Users/admin/Downloads/MoonshineSDKs/Flex_SDK/Flex_4.16.1_AIR_33.1/lib/aot/lib" -o "../aot7458074054328992586.tmp" -exported_symbol _main -exported_symbol __mh_execute_header -non_global_symbols_no_strip_list "/Users/admin/Downloads/MoonshineSDKs/Flex_SDK/Flex_4.16.1_AIR_33.1/lib/aot/lib/local_nostrip.x86-simulator-air.txt" "/Users/admin/Downloads/MoonshineSDKs/Flex_SDK/Flex_4.16.1_AIR_33.1/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.x86-simulator-air.a" "/Users/admin/Downloads/MoonshineSDKs/Flex_SDK/Flex_4.16.1_AIR_33.1/lib/aot/lib/libNotification.x86-simulator-air.a" -lc++ -lSystem -U ___darwin_check_fd_set_overflow -lz -lobjc -framework CoreFoundation -framework UIKit -framework MobileCoreServices -framework CoreGraphics -framework Foundation -framework SystemConfiguration -framework AudioToolbox -framework CFNetwork -framework QuartzCore -framework OpenGLES -framework CoreLocation -framework CoreMedia -framework CoreVideo -framework AVFoundation -framework Security -framework GameController -framework CoreMotion -framework AssetsLibrary -framework WebKit -ios_version_min 9.0 -w -framework AdSupport -weak_framework AppTrackingTransparency -lclang_rt.ios -exported_symbol _IDFAExtInitializer -exported_symbol _IDFAExtFinalizer -framework CoreData -framework CoreTelephony -framework Security -framework StoreKit -framework SystemConfiguration -lz -lsqlite3 "-F/var/folders/g4/9_vn8dl14sb5kj15qprqfty00000gn/T/063bf69f-1c78-4d33-a06d-c10fdf9474bd" -framework "FirebaseCore" "-F/var/folders/g4/9_vn8dl14sb5kj15qprqfty00000gn/T/063bf69f-1c78-4d33-a06d-c10fdf9474bd" -framework "FirebaseCoreDiagnostics" "-F/var/folders/g4/9_vn8dl14sb5kj15qprqfty00000gn/T/063bf69f-1c78-4d33-a06d-c10fdf9474bd" -framework "FirebaseInstallations" "-F/var/folders/g4/9_vn8dl14sb5kj15qprqfty00000gn/T/063bf69f-1c78-4d33-a06d-c10fdf9474bd" -framework "GoogleAppMeasurement" "-F/var/folders/g4/9_vn8dl14sb5kj15qprqfty00000gn/T/063bf69f-1c78-4d33-a06d-c10fdf9474bd" -framework "GoogleDataTransport" "-F/var/folders/g4/9_vn8dl14sb5kj15qprqfty00000gn/T/063bf69f-1c78-4d33-a06d-c10fdf9474bd" -framework "GoogleUtilities" "-F/var/folders/g4/9_vn8dl14sb5kj15qprqfty00000gn/T/063bf69f-1c78-4d33-a06d-c10fdf9474bd" -framework "nanopb" "-F/var/folders/g4/9_vn8dl14sb5kj15qprqfty00000gn/T/063bf69f-1c78-4d33-a06d-c10fdf9474bd" -framework "PromisesObjC" -exported_symbol _firebasecoreExtInitializer -exported_symbol _firebasecoreExtFinalizer -w -weak_framework UserNotifications -ObjC -lclang_rt.ios "-F/var/folders/g4/9_vn8dl14sb5kj15qprqfty00000gn/T/184e8ab9-d1f3-49c4-b132-83a10e1740e6" -framework "CoreNativeExtension" -exported_symbol _CoreExtInitializer -exported_symbol _CoreExtFinalizer -w -exported_symbol _ApplicationExtInitializer -exported_symbol _ApplicationExtFinalizer "-F/var/folders/g4/9_vn8dl14sb5kj15qprqfty00000gn/T/f5ae121f-4007-42f6-a4a5-11cf9aa1b030" -framework "FirebaseAnalytics" -exported_symbol _FirebaseExtInitializer -exported_symbol _FirebaseExtFinalizer -force_load "/Applications/" -filelist "/Users/admin/Documents/development/bitbucket/trekrecord-flex/bin-debug/AOTBuildOutput17770134285518682510.tmp/OBJFilesList.txt" -platform_version ios-simulator 12.2 15.0
ld: in /Users/admin/Downloads/MoonshineSDKs/Flex_SDK/Flex_4.16.1_AIR_33.1/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.x86-simulator-air.a(CTGameInput.o), building for iOS/iOS Simulator, but linking in object file built for iOS Simulator, file '/Users/admin/Downloads/MoonshineSDKs/Flex_SDK/Flex_4.16.1_AIR_33.1/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.x86-simulator-air.a' for architecture x86_64<init>($100($$
Stack trace:<init>($CompileTask.throwAppropriateException(
Stack trace:
Invalid input: Compilation failed while executing : ld64
ajwfrost commented 2 years ago

@leossmith so I think the issue is here that your linker command is including a request -ios_version_min 9.0 which is why the linker then says building for iOS/iOS Simulator...

This value is likely being provided by one of the ANEs in their linker options. So it may be that it's possible to edit the ANE platform options and remove this manually ... or, we made a change in the latest release ( relating to this, under #1497, so now if any ANEs (or info additions) specify a minimum iOS version, they will automatically be rolled up into one maximum value and this is then used at the end of the linker command - and for a simulator build, it would then be something like you have there: -platform_version ios-simulator 12.2 15.0

So - please check with the latest SDK release.. thanks

pmichel-J2S commented 2 years ago

Can reproduce the file open dialog problem 100% since we upgraded to Monterey with the latest Harman SDK (

ajwfrost commented 2 years ago

@pmichel-J2S are you able to set up your adt.cfg file with the DebugOut=true setting and then check what the full linker command is (in ~/adt.log) please? I wouldn't have expected there to be any ios_version_min values being used from


ajwfrost commented 2 years ago

Hold on, sorry @pmichel-J2S I just read that again ... "reproduce the file open dialog problem" ...? With we should have all the fixes in there for Monterey (well, 12.1 at least I think it was) - are you able to confirm with a SWF that displays the Capabilities.version number and let us know the exact Monterey version number? And if you can clarify what behaviour you're seeing it would be good, there were a few different issues around file dialogs...


pmichel-J2S commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the answer @ajwfrost !

Soooo I feel silly... I just double-checked after you mentioned it was fixed, and it seems my toolchain still had a symlink pointing to an older SDK... just re-checked with the newest and the bug is fixed ! Works like a charm, thanks a lot, and sorry for wasting your time. 😅

ajwfrost commented 2 years ago

:-) no worries, good to know. Management of different SDK installations can be a pain ...!

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 2 years ago

This bug is still showing as open. Does that mean the bug has yet to be fixed or is there a workaround ?

We're getting reports that our Mac App has problems with the 'D' and 'E' characters being entered, (possibly also 'd' and 'e')

ajwfrost commented 2 years ago

The behaviour of the dictionary/emoji dialogs appearing when you're typing a 'd' or 'e' character should be fixed in the releases.. if you're still seeing this, can you please double-check the runtime version being used?

We've got a "to do" still which is to add the function key as a key code so that you can actually get/use these shortcuts (currently we're just swallowing/blocking actual "Fn+x" key combinations -- the original issue was that we didn't know about the 'Fn' accelerator so when a menu had "Fn+D" as a shortcut code, we treated it as if it was just "D" ...)

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 2 years ago

Thanks. I was hoping for a work-around that did not involve republishing again, becasue the QA is non-trivial for us every time there is a change to the SDK, and also getting users to install the update is also non-trivial.

ajwfrost commented 2 years ago

If you're bundling the runtime with your app then the fix was in there from, but if folk are using the shared runtime then it's as we don't issue a new shared runtime every time the SDK updates. Sorry, a bit confusing with the disparity in version numbers.

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 2 years ago

In case anyone needs to do this. I have been sent a workaround for both the 'e' and 'd' keys

The 'e' key assignemnt is as suggested by someone in another issue in this repo (sorry I can't remember their name/handle)

The 'd' key can be fixed by assigning Command D to "Start Dictation..."

This information may have originally come from here

I've also been told that if the 'f' key does not work (in my case it does work), That Command F needs to be assigned to "Enter Full Screen"

But since the problem does not exist on 'f' I've not bothered re-assigning that shortcut

Screen Shot 2022-02-15 at 2 00 01 pm
aarontheman commented 1 year ago

The workarounds are helpful; thanks -- but Adobe can you please update the app to work properly?

aarontheman commented 1 year ago

I am on Air Can anyone point me to a newer Air install for Mac? This link appears broken:

ajwfrost commented 1 year ago

If you use https it takes you to their "state of AIR" page, not sure why it doesn't automatically do that from an http request..

But for the latest AIR runtimes, please use


aarontheman commented 1 year ago

@ajwfrost , thank you so much! Typing issues fixed with latest version on my Mac Mini M1.