airsdk / Adobe-Runtime-Support

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problem installing Adobe Air on MacBook Pro #2202

Open alexubonick opened 1 year ago

alexubonick commented 1 year ago

Hello, I have a laptop that I use Adobe Air to run medical simulation programs such as DartSIM. Recently we wiped and reset this Macbook Pro, so we are starting from scratch - there is no Adobe Air to uninstall. The Mac has Mac OSX (Lion) 10.7.5.

I have the Adobe Air installer, and have downloaded both files ("Adobe Air for MacOS" and "Adobe Air for MacOS build") from

The problem is when I try to run any of these, I get an error message stating "The application requires a version of Adobe Air which cannot be found. Please download the latest version of the runtime from, or contact the application author for an updated version." But... I just did that. So, endless loop of "install this" which I already did.

I have looked in the discussion forums and issue database, to no avail.

Help!!! We have used Air without problem in the past...

ajwfrost commented 1 year ago


MacOS 10.7 wouldn't be able to cope with the code signatures that Apple now require for distribution of applications outside of the app store. We've had problems getting binaries to load on anything less than 10.12 (although the documentation suggests they should work on 10.10 still).

Are you able to try removing the code signatures? If you mount the .dmg file then you'd see the .app bundle which is the installer; if you then go into a terminal window can you please try:

% mkdir ~/air_tmp
% cd /Volumes/Adobe\ AIR
% cp -R Adobe\ AIR\ ~/air_tmp/
% cd ~/air_tmp/
% codesign --remove-signature Adobe\ AIR\\ AIR.framework/Versions/1.0/Resources/
% codesign --remove-signature Adobe\ AIR\\ AIR.framework/Versions/1.0/Adobe\ AIR\ Application\
% codesign --remove-signature Adobe\ AIR\\ AIR.framework
% codesign --remove-signature Adobe\ AIR\

And then in Finder, navigate to your home folder (Documents/Downloads and then to the enclosing folder?) and go into this "air_tmp" folder, and it should then work if you double-click the installer icon there.
