airsdk / Adobe-Runtime-Support

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stage.preloadComplete() not working ( #2207

Closed cleverbeapps closed 1 year ago

cleverbeapps commented 1 year ago

Hi @ajwfrost! I am trying to take advantage of new API stage.preloadComplete(), but with no luck. I have preloader class ( has been defined as the default class for a SWF, and, that is intended to be loaded by stage.preloadComplete(). So hierarchy is simple:

This throws error: ReferenceError: Error #1014: Class Main could not be found. public class ApplicationPreloader extends MovieClip { public function ApplicationPreloader() { stage.preloadComplete("Main"); } }

No error thrown, but Main class does not instantiated: public class ApplicationPreloader extends MovieClip { public function ApplicationPreloader() { Main.callSomeStaticMethod(); stage.preloadComplete("Main"); } }

Please, can you help or share more details on this? Thanks.

ajwfrost commented 1 year ago

Yes we've just been looking at this (see also Not sure what's happening but we do appear to fail to construct the second class! It was working earlier, seems like something has gone wrong in a merge...

ajwfrost commented 1 year ago

Okay it seems like there's a requirement for a frame script to reference the new class which is what triggers the constructor. We do have a workaround we can add in code, if we detect that this hasn't happened already.

I'll try to get more information about how to set up the SWF so that this is automatically triggered....

dampgnat commented 1 year ago

Hi @ajwfrost do you have that information on automatically triggering the above?

ajwfrost commented 1 year ago

Sorry @dampgnat - I thought I'd already responded on this one, it must have been in my imagination :-( My recollection is that the SWF needs to have the second frame which contains the definition of your main class (in an 'ExportAssets' tag) and also to have a frame label that has the same name as the class. So this I think is something that Animate may be setting up automatically..

FYI the fix for this issue though (i.e. to ensure the class is properly constructed on the stage) should come out hopefully the end of this week.


cleverbeapps commented 1 year ago

Hi @ajwfrost Issue still there in also. Please, could you attach project, how to use this feature, how you is able to get it work. It is not obvious.

dampgnat commented 1 year ago

I've just tested today's (not that it looks any different from as it's a minor patch) and the preloader now works for me!!

@cleverbeapps Have you added [Frame(factoryClass = "Preloader")] into your main class? In my I use the command stage.preloadComplete("Main") when stage.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded >= stage.loaderInfo.bytesTotal

@ajwfrost thanks getting this sorted! I'll update you with my findings on the loading times on that issue page.

dampgnat commented 1 year ago

Actually @ajwfrost I'm finding this is only working in Debug mode (testing desktop & mobile projects). In Release mode it just presents a black screen and doesn't appear to fire any code. Am I missing an extra step required for Release?

@cleverbeapps I've found that my above example only works for mobile projects. On desktop [Frame(factoryClass = "Preloader")] is being ignored. So for desktop projects you'll need to assign the as the document class, and add -frame start Main to your Additional Compiler Options.

ajwfrost commented 1 year ago

Hi - I'm not sure what's happening there, it seems to work for me in debug and release modes - at least, in terms of the preloader creating the second stage. The only thing I'm not getting currently is a screen update for the preloader app whilst it's still loading in the swf, not sure why - which means, it may not be possible to have an animation within the preloader? I'm sure I had this working previously though so I will go back and check...

But just as a demo for how to get this working:

Main (preloader) class which is the 'root' class for the SWF, I'm using FlashDevelop with the latest AIR SDK (not Flex) here:

    import flash.display.Sprite;

    public class Main extends Sprite 
        public function Main() 
            trace("Main - preloader starting up");
            this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress);
            this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
  , 0, 420, 120);

        private function displayProgress(percent : uint) : void
      , 10, percent * 4, 100);

        private function onProgress(e : ProgressEvent) : void
            trace("Loaded " + e.bytesLoaded + " of " + e.bytesTotal);
            displayProgress((100 * e.bytesLoaded) / e.bytesTotal);

        private function onComplete(e : Event) : void
            trace("Main - preloader is complete, starting SecondFrame");

with the other class (which would be the 'main' class of the actual app I guess..):

    import flash.display.Sprite;

    public class SecondFrame extends Sprite 
        // adding files to make the swf bigger
        [Embed(source = "photo1.jpg", mimeType="application/octet-stream")] private static const MyPhoto1 : Class;
        [Embed(source = "photo2.jpg", mimeType="application/octet-stream")] private static const MyPhoto2 : Class;
        [Embed(source = "photo3.jpg", mimeType="application/octet-stream")] private static const MyPhoto3 : Class;

        public function SecondFrame() 
            trace("SecondFrame - created");
  , 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight);

Extra compiler arguments are

-frame start SecondFrame 

I thought earlier, it would only have worked with -frame SecondFrame SecondFrame i.e. the frame label has to be the same as the class name. But it may actually have been that the SWF was exporting the SecondFrame class somehow (may have been using Animate for that?)

Worth also then checking the resulting SWF within something like SWFInvestigator to check that it looks right: image

So you can see the initial DoABC2 with SymbolClass with the preloader class at 0 and then "ShowFrame" to make that all appear; then the next DoABC2 with SecondFrame, the bulk of the SWF assets, and a final "ShowFrame" which is how we're moving over to the next step - essentially doing this a bit like you'd do it in Animate. The extra magic being, there's no SymbolClass reference for our SecondFrame class, we basically replace the initial (preloader) entry in slot 0 and re-trigger the creation of the root object... so SecondFrame is created, already placed on the stage object, which is the same stage object that's been set up/used in the preloader (our Main class).

Hope that helps...



dampgnat commented 1 year ago

Oh what a plonker. My preloadComplete function call was inside a trace(), which are naturally omitted in Release mode. Your working class examples proved the problem was in my code. I can't comment on your screen update issue during preload as my preloader is blank anyway.

Thanks for fixing the secondFrame thing in @ajwfrost !

cleverbeapps commented 1 year ago

@dampgnat @ajwfrost Thanks, guys. It's working now. Just to summarize: 1) both mobile and desktop targets needs adding "-frame start SecondFrameClass" to Additional Compiler Options 2) only mobile needs [Frame(factoryClass = "FirstFrameClass")] 3) after first frame loaded - call stage.preloadComplete("SecondFrameClass");

cleverbeapps commented 1 year ago

@ajwfrost @dampgnat but honestly I didn't see benefits from this, because in first frame we can't call second frame stuff to load, for example initialization of Starling or loading resources, that takes couple secs, and only after this - remove first frame. First frame need to show splash screen image, or loader, but nothing to load for him, because first frame knows nothing about second frame. First frame being removed after stage.preloadComplete("SecondFrameClass"), and our splash screen disappears, and we still observe gap for loading second frame.

ajwfrost commented 1 year ago

So I had also encountered this sort of thing when putting together a dummy app to test with, where my second frame class was calling a synchronous decode of a big bitmap. Synchronous functions are not something that can be worked around at all, if they take a long time then there will be a pause in animation, but hopefully you would have a suitable screen up to assure the user that something is still happening.

But for the starling initialisation and loading of resources, I think that's all asynchronous anyway so you don't need to have this separate preloader?

One thing we'd looked at initially was a way for a loaded class to report its progress back to the initial object so e.g. if you had a second frame that had a class Resources, we could perhaps set up a way to execute the static initialiser on that class and for it to report progress back to the 'preloader' object without doing that preloadComplete thing..? Would that be useful?


cleverbeapps commented 1 year ago

@ajwfrost please, correct me, if I'm wrong. The purpose of preloadComplete() is to give fast app response at start time, to show some content (splash screen of app or preloader animation) immediately after user opens app. To mock this, runtime creates one swf for first frame, and since this swf is small sized (because contains only small logic of, it can be loaded by runtime and be showed fast. Hence good UX. But... for second frame runtime creates another swf, that is large sized, and that also needed to be loaded by runtime after stage.preloadComplete() call at first frame (plus it needs to initialize Starling and load resources). So, first swf is destroyed, and runtime begins to load second swf, black screen showed, and that process takes some time, so ugly gap appears, until second swf become alive and showed. So problem for UX still remains - gap between first and second frames (swfs). Is it possible to create mechanism for bridging between these two frames? I mean, something like: 1) showing fast first frame for splash screen (or preloader animation) 2) in that first frame make asynchronous call to load second frame and also have access to some methods in this second swf, for example, to tell second swf to initialize: SecondFrameClass.initStarlingAndLoadResourcesMethod(onCompleteCallback:Function) - so when onCompleteCallback will fired - first frame will do stage.preloadComplete() that kills first frame swf and reveals nice and shiny second swf with already initialized and added to stage content. 3) if it possible, have opportunity to get second swf loading+initializing status (onProgressCallback): SecondFrameClass.initStarlingAndLoadResourcesMethod(onCompleteCallback:Function, onProgressCallback:Function)

dampgnat commented 1 year ago

Hi @cleverbeapps, I'm not sure why or how you are dealing with two SWFs. My AIR project generates just the one SWF from a bunch of classes and SWC files. They include the firstFrameClass and the secondFrameClass. We're yet to put our build through a thorough QA test process but on the two devices we have it's already showing a massive improvement in total loading time on Android.

ajwfrost commented 1 year ago

I think the terminology may be a little confusing but I think we're talking about the same thing here. Ultimately, with the approach where you use the "frame" instruction, we end up with two frames in a single SWF, although conceptually you can kind of see them as different SWFs as we've got the scenario (currently) where the first frame is displayed as if it's a single SWF, then the second frame is created/added as if it was the main class for a SWF too. Basically the reason for doing this is to ensure we can keep the same Stage settings and all those capabilities, scaling, alignment and event handling etc, rather than trying to add a 'main' SWF as a child of a preloader as there are all sorts of issues with addChild and subsequent resizing/scaling/etc....

Anyway: the speed-up I suspect will depend upon the architecture and what you're doing when. With a normal runtime, and a SWF split across multiple frames, what you get is: 1) SWF starts to load (no rendering yet so e.g. in Android you should see the activity background) 2) Runtime finds the first "ShowFrame" tag in the frame, looks for a symbol class definition with ID 0, and creates the stage with this class having a new instance pre-added to the stage. 3) Runtime keeps processing the rest of the frames 4) It can have other ABC blocks, symbol definitions, frames, etc etc. But data isn't really parsed/actioned at this point, just read in... 5) Once that's all done, the contentLoader complete event is dispatched

What we're doing is, when you get that complete event, it means we know that all the AS3 definitions will be present, and so we can process the next frame - which initializes all of the classes that may be defined in it - then we replace the earlier root object with the requested class (pre-adding it to the stage like before, using the same stage object).

What we could equally do is to add a function so that the frame advances - initializing any AS3 classes - and then it's possible to use getDefinitionByName to get a class and instantiate an object, call something like initStarlingAndLoadResources etc... although, if you're using Starling, I don't see why you'd need to use the preloadComplete method at that point, Starling would sit quite happily on top of the preloader object..? But here, the key would be that the "preloader" logic is kicked off in the first frame, and that there's then some mechanism to ensure that other initialization can be kicked off once the rest of the SWF is available, and all the rest of the initialisation can be done asynchronously whilst the preloader logic is still running.

Might be easier to create a demo of what I mean...! but ultimately, yes @cleverbeapps I think it would work to do that sort of thing..

megajogos commented 1 year ago

@ajwfrost could you share a complete demo in a fla file? I'm very confusing how to configure these two frames inside Animate.

megajogos commented 1 year ago

Inside animate what I have to configure here:


ajwfrost commented 1 year ago

I wasn't using Animate because with that you can already split things into multiple frames.. so you don't need the 'frame' directive, but the best approach I found is: 1) set up your document class like in your picture, "" is then your preloader. Add whatever display logic etc that you want into that class to present whilst the remainder of the SWF is loading 2) set the "export classes in frame" value to 2 (I'm not 100% sure but you'd probably need to add a second keyframe to your main scene) 3) then define another symbol in your library which is your main application, give it the AS3 linkage and confirm you want to export it in frame 2.

So then, your first AS3 class will be created when the SWF is first opened, but it can be replaced by the second one once the SWF has finished being processed.

See attached for an example, my version of "Main" is called "" and just displays a noddy progress bar. Once it's done, it's replaced by an instance of "MainApp" which is the main application and in this case it just adds an image that was loaded in during frame 2 processing.

Hope that helps...

ajwfrost commented 1 year ago Upload failed, hopefully it works this time...

megajogos commented 1 year ago

@ajwfrost Thank you!!!!!

megajogos commented 1 year ago

@ajwfrost we implemented the preloader as in your sample and it worked really well on Animate. But testing on Android it never ends the loading it seens to explode in some facebook native code:


11-24 19:36:56.317  1538  1587 I audio_hw_primary: choose pcmC0D0p for 0
11-24 19:36:56.375  1538  1587 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0xea603300) throttle end: throttle time(30)
11-24 19:36:56.478  1756  3570 I HCALL   : hcallIsAppLaunchAllowedRpc(, 0)
11-24 19:36:56.478  1756  3570 I VMSG    : void *VmsgGuestClient::getHostBoundBuffer(uint32_t):94 called for hcal
11-24 19:36:56.478  1756  3570 I VMSG    : void *VmsgGuestClient::processRequest(void *, uint32_t):104 called for hcal
11-24 19:36:56.478  1756  3570 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000} from uid 10042 on display 0
11-24 19:36:56.479  1756  3570 D ActivityManager: TopActivityInfo, pkgName: activityName: callingPackage: com.bluestacks.launcher  bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
11-24 19:36:56.488  1756  3570 D ActivityManager: TopActivityInfo, pkgName: activityName: callingPackage:   bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
11-24 19:36:56.493 13863 13863 I page-fusion: Init page sharing service.
11-24 19:36:56.493 13863 13863 I page-fusion: Couldn't open /dev/vboxguest file, error No such file or directory
11-24 19:36:56.493 13863 13863 E page-fusion: Failed to init page sharing service!
11-24 19:36:56.500  1756  3570 I ActivityManager: Start proc for activity
11-24 19:36:56.512 13864 13864 I art     : Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
11-24 19:36:56.535 13864 13864 D houdini : [13864] Initialize library(version: 6.1.2d_x.48748 RELEASE)... successfully.
11-24 19:36:56.537 13864 13864 W art     : Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
11-24 19:36:56.545  1756  3570 D WindowManager: in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true  mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
11-24 19:36:56.547  1756  3570 V WindowManager: isVisibleLw false for win : Window{b18e771 u0 com.bluestacks.launcher/com.bluestacks.launcher.activity.HomeActivity}
11-24 19:36:56.587 13864 13864 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
11-24 19:36:56.587 13864 13864 I MultiDex: Installing application
11-24 19:36:56.587 13864 13864 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled.
11-24 19:36:56.596 13864 13864 I FirebaseApp: Device unlocked: initializing all Firebase APIs for app [DEFAULT]
11-24 19:36:56.602 13864 13864 I FirebaseCrashlytics: Initializing Firebase Crashlytics 18.2.7 for
11-24 19:36:56.645 13864 13893 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
11-24 19:36:56.645 13864 13893 I DynamiteModule: Selected local version of
11-24 19:36:56.651  9609  9609 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { }
11-24 19:36:56.651  9609  9609 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { }
11-24 19:36:56.677 13864 13896 I FA      : App measurement initialized, version: 61000
11-24 19:36:56.677 13864 13896 I FA      : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
11-24 19:36:56.677 13864 13896 I FA      : To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
11-24 19:36:56.677 13864 13896 I FA      :   adb shell setprop
11-24 19:36:56.692 13864 13864 W Glide   : Failed to find GeneratedAppGlideModule. You should include an annotationProcessor compile dependency on com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler in your application and a @GlideModule annotated AppGlideModule implementation or LibraryGlideModules will be silently ignored
11-24 19:36:56.705 13864 13864 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful
11-24 19:36:56.727 13864 13916 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
11-24 19:36:56.744 13864 13913 D ApplicationLoaders: ignored Vulkan layer search path /data/priv-downloads/!/lib/x86:/data/priv-downloads/!/lib/x86:/data/priv-downloads/!/lib/x86:/data/priv-downloads/!/lib/x86:/data/priv-downloads/!/lib/x86:/data/priv-downloads/!/lib/x86:/data/priv-downloads/!/lib/x86:/data/priv-downloads/!/lib/x86:/data/priv-downloads/!/lib/x86:/data/priv-downloads/!/lib/x86:/data/priv-downloads/!/lib/x86:/data/priv-downloads/!/lib/x86:/data/priv-downloads/!/lib/x8
11-24 19:36:56.745 13864 13913 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 75, previously 77
11-24 19:36:56.745 13864 13913 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 75, previously 77
11-24 19:36:56.745 13864 13913 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 75, previously 77
11-24 19:36:56.745 13864 13913 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 75, previously 77
11-24 19:36:56.745 13864 13913 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 75, previously 77
11-24 19:36:56.745 13864 13913 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 2928, previously 2949
11-24 19:36:56.745 13864 13913 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 492, previously 3946
11-24 19:36:56.745 13864 13913 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 75, previously 77
11-24 19:36:56.745 13864 13913 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 75, previously 77
11-24 19:36:56.745 13864 13913 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 75, previously 77
11-24 19:36:56.745 13864 13913 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 75, previously 77
11-24 19:36:56.745 13864 13913 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 75, previously 77
11-24 19:36:56.745 13864 13913 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 75, previously 77
11-24 19:36:56.745 13864 13913 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 75, previously 77
11-24 19:36:56.745 13864 13913 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 75, previously 77
11-24 19:36:56.745 13864 13913 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 75, previously 77
11-24 19:36:56.745 13864 13913 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 75, previously 77
11-24 19:36:56.745 13864 13913 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 75, previously 77
11-24 19:36:56.758 13864 13916 E com.facebook.GraphResponse: GraphRequest can't be used when Facebook SDK isn't fully initialized
11-24 19:36:56.768 13864 13864 I StartupTime1: :1669329416768
11-24 19:36:56.768 13864 13864 I AIR VERSION: :
11-24 19:36:56.768 13864 13864 I DEVICE ARCH: :x86_64
11-24 19:36:56.806 13864 13864 D houdini : [13864] Added shared library /data/app/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
11-24 19:36:56.809 13864 13919 E com.facebook.GraphResponse: GraphRequest can't be used when Facebook SDK isn't fully initialized
11-24 19:36:56.814 13864 13864 D houdini : [13864] Added shared library /data/app/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
11-24 19:36:56.815  1756  3570 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=service.ScoutConnection pkg=com.harman.air.scout.companion } U=0: not found
11-24 19:36:56.816 13864 13864 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-24 19:36:56.816 13864 13864 D ApplicationLoaders: ignored Vulkan layer search path /data/app/!/lib/armeabi-v7a for namespace 0xea7c50d0
11-24 19:36:56.828 13864 13916 E com.facebook.GraphResponse: GraphRequest can't be used when Facebook SDK isn't fully initialized
11-24 19:36:56.828 13864 13916 E com.facebook.GraphResponse: GraphRequest can't be used when Facebook SDK isn't fully initialized
11-24 19:36:56.835 13864 13919 W com.facebook.internal.NativeProtocol: Apps that target Android API 30+ (Android 11+) cannot call Facebook native apps unless the package visibility needs are declared. Please follow to make the declaration.
11-24 19:36:56.861 13864 13913 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
11-24 19:36:56.861 13864 13913 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 214106404
11-24 19:36:56.861 13864 13913 V DynamiteModule: Dynamite loader version >= 2, using loadModule2NoCrashUtils
11-24 19:36:56.870 13864 13916 E com.facebook.GraphResponse: GraphRequest can't be used when Facebook SDK isn't fully initialized
11-24 19:36:57.081  1756  3570 D WindowManager: in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true  mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
11-24 19:36:57.088 13864 13864 W Activity: MegaJogos: Detected problems with app native libraries
11-24 19:36:57.088 13864 13864 W Activity: (please consult log for detail):
11-24 19:36:57.088 13864 13864 W Activity: text relocations
11-24 19:36:57.088 13864 13864 W Activity: text relocations
11-24 19:36:57.088 13864 13864 W Activity: text relocations
11-24 19:36:57.089 13864 13864 I FIAM.Headless: went foreground
11-24 19:36:57.090 13864 13910 I FIAM.Headless: Forcing fetch from service rather than cache. Test Device: false | App Fresh Install: true
11-24 19:36:57.094 13864 13864 I FIAM.Display: Binding to activity: AIRAppEntry
11-24 19:36:57.094 13864 13864 I FIAM.Headless: Setting display event component
11-24 19:36:57.096  1756  3570 D Sensor  : bstsensor_activate, handle 0 enabled 1
11-24 19:36:57.096  1756  3570 D Sensor  : bstsensor_setDelay, handle 0, delay ms 200
11-24 19:36:57.107 13864 13864 I FIAM.Headless: Starting InAppMessaging runtime with Installation ID fib91MWfQfGBKFyE8djz1N
11-24 19:36:57.108 13864 13916 E com.facebook.GraphResponse: GraphRequest can't be used when Facebook SDK isn't fully initialized
11-24 19:36:57.109 13864 13916 E com.facebook.GraphResponse: GraphRequest can't be used when Facebook SDK isn't fully initialized
11-24 19:36:57.109 13864 13916 E com.facebook.GraphResponse: GraphRequest can't be used when Facebook SDK isn't fully initialized
11-24 19:36:57.111 13864 13916 E com.facebook.GraphResponse: GraphRequest can't be used when Facebook SDK isn't fully initialized
11-24 19:36:57.115 13864 13928 D TelephonyManager: creating subscriptionInfo Record, context : androidx.multidex.MultiDexApplication@82e4b5d
11-24 19:36:57.116 13864 13916 E com.facebook.GraphResponse: GraphRequest can't be used when Facebook SDK isn't fully initialized
11-24 19:36:57.121  1756  3570 D WindowManager: calling BstHostCallManagerService onActivityDisplayed method, packageName:, activityName:
11-24 19:36:57.122  1756  1833 I HCALL   : hcallOnActivityDisplayedRpc(,, com.bluestacks.launcher)
11-24 19:36:57.122  1756  1833 I VMSG    : void *VmsgGuestClient::getHostBoundBuffer(uint32_t):94 called for hcal
11-24 19:36:57.122  1756  1833 I VMSG    : void *VmsgGuestClient::processRequest(void *, uint32_t):104 called for hcal
11-24 19:36:57.122  1756  3570 D WindowManager: BstHostCallManagerService onActivityDisplayed method returned: 0
11-24 19:36:57.124  1756  3570 D WindowManager: calling BstHostCallManagerService setAppConfigDbParams method, packageName:, macrosDisabled: false, showFeedbackPopup: false, mouseCursorStyle: , nativeGamepad:false
11-24 19:36:57.124  1756  1833 I HCALL   : hcallSetAppConfigDbParamsRpc(, 0, 0, , 0)
11-24 19:36:57.124  1756  1833 I VMSG    : void *VmsgGuestClient::getHostBoundBuffer(uint32_t):94 called for hcal
11-24 19:36:57.124  1756  1833 I VMSG    : void *VmsgGuestClient::processRequest(void *, uint32_t):104 called for hcal
11-24 19:36:57.125  1756  3570 D WindowManager: BstHostCallManagerService setAppConfigDbParams method returned: 0
11-24 19:36:57.125  1756  3570 D WindowManager: bstSendTopDisplayedOnFocusChange packageName :  activityName :  mouseAction  :   lastSentMouseAction :
11-24 19:36:57.128 13864 13933 I FIAM.Headless: Fetching campaigns from service.
11-24 19:36:57.132 13864 13916 E com.facebook.GraphResponse: GraphRequest can't be used when Facebook SDK isn't fully initialized
11-24 19:36:57.137 13864 13864 V VideoSurfaceView: surfaceCreated
11-24 19:36:57.137 13864 13864 V VideoSurfaceView: surfaceChanged format=842094169, width=1600, height=900
11-24 19:36:57.144 13864 13864 I AIR RUNTIME: Version 50,1,1,1 - platform Android-ARM
11-24 19:36:57.146 13864 13931 I PGA     : hstInit: opened /dev/bstpgaipc: fd = 77
11-24 19:36:57.146 13864 13931 I PGA     : Attempting to create new SOCKET connection pid = 13864, tid = 13931
11-24 19:36:57.147 13864 13931 I PGA     : hstInitClientPgaIpc: Attempting to get GROUP2 cid
11-24 19:36:57.151 13864 13931 I PGA     : hstInitClientPgaIpc: data mapped to 0xbb980000 with size 4194304
11-24 19:36:57.151 13864 13931 I PGA     : New SOCKET connection: (pid 13864, tid 13931)
11-24 19:36:57.153 13864 13931 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
11-24 19:36:57.153 13864 13931 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
11-24 19:36:57.155 13864 13933 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for not found.
11-24 19:36:57.220 13864 13933 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
11-24 19:36:57.224 13864 13933 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote version is 0.
11-24 19:36:57.273 13864 13933 W art     : Failed to determine odex file name: Dex location /data/user_de/0/ has no extension.
11-24 19:36:57.273 13864 13933 W art     : Failed to determine odex file name: Dex location /data/user_de/0/ has no extension.
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  : Unable to open zip file: /data/user_de/0/
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  : File too short to be a zip file: 0
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at<init>(
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at<init>(
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at<init>(
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at dalvik.system.DexPathList$Element.maybeInit(
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at dalvik.system.DexPathList$Element.findNativeLibrary(
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at dalvik.system.DexPathList.findLibrary(
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findLibrary(
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at yfd.a( (040800-433619428):6)
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at yfd.g( (040800-433619428):4)
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at yfd.f( (040800-433619428):2)
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at (040800-433619428):6)
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at (040800-433619428):5)
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at (040800-433619428):2)
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at$createFirebaseInAppMessageStream$16$InAppMessageStreamManager(
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at$$ExternalSyntheticLambda13.apply(Unknown Source)
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at io.reactivex.internal.operators.maybe.MaybeMap$MapMaybeObserver.onSuccess(
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at io.reactivex.internal.operators.maybe.MaybeFilter$FilterMaybeObserver.onSuccess(
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at io.reactivex.internal.operators.maybe.MaybeObserveOn$
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at io.reactivex.Scheduler$
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
11-24 19:36:57.274 13864 13933 E System  :      at
11-24 19:36:57.275 13864 13933 V NativeCrypto: Registering com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 294 native methods...
11-24 19:36:57.351 13864 13875 I art     : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 235071(8MB) AllocSpace objects, 13(452KB) LOS objects, 0% free, 12MB/12MB, paused 987us total 230.847ms
11-24 19:36:57.385 13864 13919 E com.facebook.GraphResponse: GraphRequest can't be used when Facebook SDK isn't fully initialized
11-24 19:36:57.396 13864 13928 E com.facebook.GraphResponse: GraphRequest can't be used when Facebook SDK isn't fully initialized
11-24 19:36:57.457 13864 13916 E com.facebook.GraphResponse: GraphRequest can't be used when Facebook SDK isn't fully initialized
11-24 19:36:57.546 13864 13920 D FBAudienceNetwork: SDK dex loading time: 744
11-24 19:36:57.575 13864 13933 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
11-24 19:36:57.645 13864 13913 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/user_de/0/
11-24 19:36:57.645 13864 13913 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/user_de/0/
11-24 19:36:57.645 13864 13913 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/user_de/0/
11-24 19:36:57.662 13864 13933 W art     : Before Android 4.1, method double java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.internalNextDouble(double, double) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in java.util.Random
11-24 19:36:57.662 13864 13933 W art     : Before Android 4.1, method int java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.internalNextInt(int, int) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in java.util.Random
11-24 19:36:57.662 13864 13933 W art     : Before Android 4.1, method long java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.internalNextLong(long, long) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in java.util.Random
11-24 19:36:57.757 13864 13875 I art     : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 503500(17MB) AllocSpace objects, 7(140KB) LOS objects, 40% free, 10MB/17MB, paused 1.524ms total 308.472ms
11-24 19:36:57.817 13864 13869 I art     : Do partial code cache collection, code=30KB, data=24KB
11-24 19:36:57.820 13864 13869 I art     : After code cache collection, code=26KB, data=23KB
11-24 19:36:57.820 13864 13869 I art     : Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB
11-24 19:36:58.134 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension androidx.appcompat on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.139 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension androidx.browser on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.140 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension androidx.cardview on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.142 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension androidx.constraintlayout on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.144 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension androidx.core on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.145 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension androidx.emoji2 on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.146 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension androidx.exifinterface on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.148 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension androidx.multidex on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.149 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.151 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension androidx.vectordrawable on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.153 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.154 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafb1000
11-24 19:36:58.156 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.bumptech.glide on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.158 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.Adverts on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbaf12080
11-24 19:36:58.165 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.Application on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xc30677c0
11-24 19:36:58.174 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.ApplicationRater on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xc307c000
11-24 19:36:58.182 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.Bolts on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbb106f00
11-24 19:36:58.184 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.Core on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbb106f00
11-24 19:36:58.187 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.facebook.Core on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbaedf800
11-24 19:36:58.191 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.facebook.GamingServices on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbdc1f800
11-24 19:36:58.194 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.facebook.Login on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xc307d800
11-24 19:36:58.198 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.facebook.Share on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbae9c400
11-24 19:36:58.201 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.Firebase on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xc2fb3c00
11-24 19:36:58.204 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.firebase.Crashlytics on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbaf1d800
11-24 19:36:58.207 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.firebase.DynamicLinks on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xc307d800
11-24 19:36:58.211 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.firebase.RemoteConfig on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbae8bc00
11-24 19:36:58.214 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.GameServices on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xb95a5a00
11-24 19:36:58.224 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.GoogleIdentity on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xb95b4000
11-24 19:36:58.226 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.IDFA on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xc2c92000
11-24 19:36:58.229 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.InAppBilling on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xc3062d80
11-24 19:36:58.242 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.playservices.Ads on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.245 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.playservices.AdsIdentifier on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.250 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.playservices.Auth on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.254 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.playservices.Base on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xc2c92000
11-24 19:36:58.258 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.playservices.CloudMessaging on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.261 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.playservices.Drive on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.266 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.playservices.Games on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.269 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.playservices.Identity on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.272 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.PushNotifications on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbb0c8000
11-24 19:36:58.282 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.Share on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbb0b5000
11-24 19:36:58.290 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.square.okhttp on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.294 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.square.okhttp3 on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.297 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.Vibration on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbae9c400
11-24 19:36:58.302 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.306 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.310 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.313 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.317 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.328 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.333 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.337 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.jetbrains.kotlin on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.341 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension io.grpc on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.346 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension io.reactivex on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.349 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.admob.FacebookAudience on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.352 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.admob.AppLovin on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.354 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.admob.IronSource on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.357 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.admob.UnityAds on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbd600
11-24 19:36:58.359 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.CustomResources on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbdc30100
11-24 19:36:58.362 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.playservices.AppSet on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbaf1d800
11-24 19:36:58.365 13864 13864 I AdobeAIR: Loading extension com.distriqt.admob.Pangle on Android-ARM - SWF data 0xbafbdc00
11-24 19:36:58.384 13864 13864 I Main - preloader
11-24 19:36:58.386 13864 13864 I Initialising preloader
11-24 19:36:58.395 13864 13864 I Progress = 4096 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.396 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.396 13864 13864 I Progress = 8192 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.397 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.398 13864 13864 I Progress = 12288 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.398 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.398 13864 13864 I Progress = 16384 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.398 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.398 13864 13864 I Progress = 20480 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.398 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.398 13864 13864 I Progress = 24576 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.398 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.398 13864 13864 I Progress = 28672 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.398 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.399 13864 13864 I Progress = 32768 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.399 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.399 13864 13864 I Progress = 36864 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.399 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.399 13864 13864 I Progress = 40960 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.399 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.399 13864 13864 I Progress = 45056 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.399 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.399 13864 13864 I Progress = 49152 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.399 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.399 13864 13864 I Progress = 53248 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.399 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.399 13864 13864 I Progress = 57344 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.400 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.400 13864 13864 I Progress = 61440 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.400 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.400 13864 13864 I Progress = 65536 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.401 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.401 13864 13864 I Progress = 69632 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.402 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.402 13864 13864 I Progress = 73728 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.402 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.402 13864 13864 I Progress = 77824 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.402 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.402 13864 13864 I Progress = 81920 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.402 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.403 13864 13864 I Progress = 86016 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.403 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.403 13864 13864 I Progress = 90112 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.403 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.403 13864 13864 I Progress = 94208 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.403 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.403 13864 13864 I Progress = 98304 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.403 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.404 13864 13864 I Progress = 102400 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.404 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.404 13864 13864 I Progress = 106496 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.404 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.404 13864 13864 I Progress = 110592 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.404 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.404 13864 13864 I Progress = 114688 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.404 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.404 13864 13864 I Progress = 118784 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.404 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.404 13864 13864 I Progress = 122880 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.404 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.404 13864 13864 I Progress = 126976 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.404 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.404 13864 13864 I Progress = 131072 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.404 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.404 13864 13864 I Progress = 135168 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.404 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.404 13864 13864 I Progress = 139264 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.405 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.405 13864 13864 I Progress = 143360 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.405 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.405 13864 13864 I Progress = 147456 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.405 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.405 13864 13864 I Progress = 151552 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.405 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.405 13864 13864 I Progress = 155648 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.405 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.406 13864 13864 I Progress = 159744 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.406 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.406 13864 13864 I Progress = 163840 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.406 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.407 13864 13864 I Progress = 167936 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.407 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.407 13864 13864 I Progress = 172032 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.407 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.408 13864 13864 I Progress = 176128 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.408 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.408 13864 13864 I Progress = 180224 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.408 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.408 13864 13864 I Progress = 184320 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.408 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.408 13864 13864 I Progress = 188416 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.408 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.408 13864 13864 I Progress = 192512 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.408 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.408 13864 13864 I Progress = 196608 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.409 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.409 13864 13864 I Progress = 200704 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.409 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.409 13864 13864 I Progress = 204800 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.409 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.409 13864 13864 I Progress = 208896 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.409 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.409 13864 13864 I Progress = 212992 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.409 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.409 13864 13864 I Progress = 217088 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.409 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.410 13864 13864 I Progress = 221184 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.410 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.410 13864 13864 I Progress = 225280 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.410 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.410 13864 13864 I Progress = 229376 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.410 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.411 13864 13864 I Progress = 233472 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.412 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.413 13864 13864 I Progress = 237568 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.413 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.413 13864 13864 I Progress = 241664 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.413 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.413 13864 13864 I Progress = 245760 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.413 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.413 13864 13864 I Progress = 249856 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.413 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.413 13864 13864 I Progress = 253952 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.413 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.413 13864 13864 I Progress = 258048 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.413 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.413 13864 13864 I Progress = 262144 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.413 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.413 13864 13864 I Progress = 266240 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.413 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 270336 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 274432 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 278528 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 282624 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 286720 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 290816 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 294912 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 299008 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 0
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 303104 / 30256628 0
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 307200 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 311296 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 315392 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 319488 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 323584 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 327680 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 331776 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.414 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.415 13864 13864 I Progress = 335872 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.415 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.415 13864 13864 I Progress = 339968 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.415 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.415 13864 13864 I Progress = 344064 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.415 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.415 13864 13864 I Progress = 348160 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.415 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.415 13864 13864 I Progress = 352256 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.415 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.415 13864 13864 I Progress = 356352 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.415 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.415 13864 13864 I Progress = 360448 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.415 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.415 13864 13864 I Progress = 364544 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.415 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.415 13864 13864 I Progress = 368640 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.415 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.415 13864 13864 I Progress = 372736 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.415 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.415 13864 13864 I Progress = 376832 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.415 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.415 13864 13864 I Progress = 380928 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 385024 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 389120 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 393216 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 397312 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 401408 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 405504 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 409600 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 413696 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 417792 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 421888 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 425984 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 430080 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 434176 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 438272 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 442368 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 446464 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.416 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 450560 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 454656 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 458752 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 462848 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 466944 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 471040 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 475136 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 479232 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 483328 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 487424 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 491520 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 495616 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 499712 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 503808 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 507904 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 512000 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 516096 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 520192 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 524288 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.417 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 528384 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 532480 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 536576 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 540672 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 544768 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 548864 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 552960 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 557056 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 561152 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 565248 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 569344 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 573440 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 577536 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 581632 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 585728 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 589824 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 593920 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 598016 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 602112 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 606208 / 30256628 1
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 610304 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 614400 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 618496 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 622592 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.418 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 626688 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 630784 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 634880 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 638976 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 643072 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 647168 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 651264 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 655360 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 659456 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 663552 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 667648 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 671744 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 675840 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 679936 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 684032 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 688128 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 692224 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 696320 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 700416 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 704512 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 708608 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 712704 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 716800 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.419 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 720896 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 724992 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 729088 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 733184 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 737280 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 741376 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 745472 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 749568 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 753664 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 757760 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 761856 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 765952 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 770048 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 774144 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 778240 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 782336 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 786432 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 790528 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 794624 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 798720 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 802816 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 806912 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 2
11-24 19:36:58.420 13864 13864 I Progress = 811008 / 30256628 2
11-24 19:36:58.780 13864 13933 I FIAM.Headless: Successfully fetched 1 messages from backend
11-24 19:36:58.814 13864 13916 E com.facebook.GraphResponse: GraphRequest can't be used when Facebook SDK isn't fully initialized
11-24 19:36:58.814 13864 13919 E com.facebook.GraphResponse: GraphRequest can't be used when Facebook SDK isn't fully initialized
11-24 19:36:58.815 13864 13916 E com.facebook.GraphResponse: GraphRequest can't be used when Facebook SDK isn't fully initialized
11-24 19:36:58.818 13864 13864 I Choreographer: Skipped 101 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
11-24 19:36:58.832 13864 13919 E com.facebook.GraphResponse: GraphRequest can't be used when Facebook SDK isn't fully initialized
11-24 19:36:58.833  1756  1821 D ActivityManager: windowsDrawnLocked: packageName =, name =, mCallingPackage = com.bluestacks.launcher
11-24 19:36:58.833  1756  1821 I ActivityManager: Displayed +2s344ms
11-24 19:36:58.833  1756  3570 D InputMethodManagerService:, activityName=.AIRAppEntry
11-24 19:36:58.834  1756  3570 D InputMethodManagerService: ime_enabled = false is same as last value, no change
11-24 19:36:58.836 13864 13916 E com.facebook.GraphResponse: GraphRequest can't be used when Facebook SDK isn't fully initialized
11-24 19:36:58.840 13864 13864 I PGA     : hstInit: opened /dev/bstpgaipc: fd = 91
11-24 19:36:58.840 13864 13864 I PGA     : Attempting to create new SOCKET connection pid = 13864, tid = 13864
11-24 19:36:58.840 13864 13864 I PGA     : hstInitClientPgaIpc: Attempting to get GROUP2 cid
11-24 19:36:58.844 13864 13864 I PGA     : hstInitClientPgaIpc: data mapped to 0xb5eb9000 with size 4194304
11-24 19:36:58.844 13864 13864 I PGA     : New SOCKET connection: (pid 13864, tid 13864)
11-24 19:36:58.873 13864 13864 I PGA     : tid 13864: glGetString GL_VENDOR = Qualcomm
11-24 19:36:58.941 13864 13864 I PGA     : tid 13864: glGetString GL_VENDOR = Qualcomm
11-24 19:36:58.943 13864 13864 I PGA     : tid 13864: glGetString GL_VENDOR = Qualcomm
11-24 19:36:59.122 13864 13919 E com.facebook.GraphResponse: GraphRequest can't be used when Facebook SDK isn't fully initialized
11-24 19:36:59.123 13864 13864 I AVC     : c3031c80
11-24 19:36:59.124 13864 13916 E com.facebook.GraphResponse: GraphRequest can't be used when Facebook SDK isn't fully initialized
11-24 19:36:59.128 13864 13919 E com.facebook.GraphResponse: GraphRequest can't be used when Facebook SDK isn't fully initialized
11-24 19:37:02.134 13956 13956 I page-fusion: Init page sharing service.
11-24 19:37:02.134 13956 13956 I page-fusion: Couldn't open /dev/vboxguest file, error No such file or directory
11-24 19:37:02.134 13956 13956 E page-fusion: Failed to init page sharing service!
11-24 19:37:07.154 13957 13957 I page-fusion: Init page sharing service.
11-24 19:37:07.154 13957 13957 I page-fusion: Couldn't open /dev/vboxguest file, error No such file or directory
11-24 19:37:07.154 13957 13957 E page-fusion: Failed to init page sharing service!
1175552117555211-24 19:37:32.237 13962 13962 I page-fusion: Init page sharing service.
11-24 19:37:32.237 13962 13962 I page-fusion: Couldn't open /dev/vboxguest file, error No such file or directory
11-24 19:37:32.237 13962 13962 E page-fusion: Failed to init page sharing service!
11-24 19:37:37.255 13963 13963 I page-fusion: Init page sharing service.
11-24 19:37:37.255 13963 13963 I page-fusion: Couldn't open /dev/vboxguest file, error No such file or directory
11-24 19:37:37.255 13963 13963 E page-fusion: Failed to init page sharing service!
11-24 19:37:42.274 13964 13964 I page-fusion: Init page sharing service.
11-24 19:37:42.274 13964 13964 I page-fusion: Couldn't open /dev/vboxguest file, error No such file or directory
11-24 19:37:42.274 13964 13964 E page-fusion: Failed to init page sharing service!
11-24 19:37:46.292 13965 13965 I page-fusion: Init page sharing service.
11-24 19:37:46.292 13965 13965 I page-fusion: Couldn't open /dev/vboxguest file, error No such file or directory
11-24 19:37:46.292 13965 13965 E page-fusion: Failed to init page sharing service!
11-24 19:37:51.311 13966 13966 I page-fusion: Init page sharing service.
11-24 19:37:51.311 13966 13966 I page-fusion: Couldn't open /dev/vboxguest file, error No such file or directory
11-24 19:37:51.311 13966 13966 E page-fusion: Failed to init page sharing service!
ajwfrost commented 1 year ago


Do you know if that value is correct in terms of the size of the SWF file that it thinks it's loading? It works when we try this here, I wondered if there were incorrect values because of the loading in of ANEs but that's also fine here.

Do you know what's triggering the initialisation of the Facebook ANE? It may be that you need to delay the loading of that one and set it going instead once the loading has finished, not sure what initialisation is required though and why it wouldn't work without the 'main' class being created.. does it pick up some configuration values? Presumably it works okay if you have the same code in there but with the reference to the 'main' app class already pulled into the first frame ..? (you could add a reference to it, which would bring it in as a dependency of the preloader/start-up class, so it would ignore the 'frame' directive in that case..)


megajogos commented 1 year ago

The size seems to be correct that is around 30 mb the problem is the loading always stop before the end.

I think that facebook SDK is auto initializing itself: image

Maybe @distriqt-developer could help us with this question?

megajogos commented 1 year ago

@ajwfrost I think the swf total number of bytes is wrong!

The bytesTotal is 30253272 (30.25 mb) but the SWF is 28.6 mb as you can see in the image below:


megajogos commented 1 year ago

@ajwfrost Sorry was my fault I fortgot to define the swf version to 50. Now it is working but after some tests we realize that the screen goes black and the logcat print a lot of this:

11-25 18:54:06.705  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:06.705  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:06.706  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:06.706  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:06.822  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:06.822  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:06.823  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:06.823  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:06.923  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:06.923  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:06.925  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:06.925  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.031  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.031  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.032  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.032  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.138  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.138  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.139  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.139  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.255  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.256  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.256  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.257  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.365  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.365  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.365  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.366  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.472  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.472  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.473  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.473  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.645  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.646  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.646  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.646  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.755  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.755  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.756  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.756  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.871  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.872  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.877  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.877  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.989  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.989  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.995  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:07.995  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:08.100  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:08.100  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:08.101  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:08.101  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:08.205  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:08.209  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:08.213  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
11-25 18:54:08.213  9952 10249 E chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
megajogos commented 1 year ago

Testing on a Moto G4play we can still reproduce an ANR toching the screen a the starting of the app.

Log cat: anr.txt

Preloader code:


    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.system.Capabilities;
    import flash.utils.clearTimeout;
    import flash.utils.setTimeout;

    public class PreloaderMain extends MovieClip

        public function PreloaderMain()
            trace("Main - preloader");
            this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, function(e:ProgressEvent):void {
                _progress = e.bytesLoaded/e.bytesTotal * 100.0;
                trace("Progress = " + e.bytesLoaded + " / " + e.bytesTotal+ " "+_progress+"%");
            if (stage) init();
            else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);

        private function init(e : Event = null) : void
            if (e) removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
            trace("Initialising preloader");
            stage.color = 0x000000;

        private var _progress : uint;
        private function onEnterFrame(e : Event = null) : void
            trace("Progress = " + _progress+"%");
            if (_progress >= 100) {
            } else
      , 10, stage.stageWidth * _progress / 100.0, 20);

        private function finishedPreloader() : void
            //removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
            if (stage.preloadComplete("MainApp"))
                trace("MainApp was constructed");
            trace("finishedPreloader has completed");

megajogos commented 1 year ago

@ajwfrost I tested puting the enterFrame event and it was only called once after the loading 100% so the app is not responsive during the load :(

megajogos commented 1 year ago

@ajwfrost could you check this?