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Splash Screen and fullscreen applications for desktop targets #257

Open Dimensionscape opened 4 years ago

Dimensionscape commented 4 years ago

This isn't actually a bug but I wanted to bring it to Andrew/HARMAN's attention. If you're developing a fullscreen app for windows or ios you have to invoke fullscreen at runtime. (Unless this has changed and I'm simply unaware). Normally this allows you to enter full screen immediately, except that the harman splash screen loads first with the defined stage properties.

Need an implementation of option to boot the application with fullscreen splash for windows and mac.

Vivian584 commented 4 years ago

Hi Dimensionscape!! In the past I made my app run fullscreen on iOS by simply checking the “fullscreen” box in the Air for iOS settings in Animate. This does not seem to be working now, my app is no longer running full screen!! Can you please give me a more detailed description of how you invoke fullscreen at runtime in Air33? My app is a children’s book app for iPad, if I can no longer get the app to run fullscreen at startup I fear I may have to abandon my project!! Many Thanks!!

Dimensionscape commented 4 years ago

Hi Dimensionscape!! In the past I made my app run fullscreen on iOS by simply checking the “fullscreen” box in the Air for iOS settings in Animate. This does not seem to be working now, my app is no longer running full screen!! Can you please give me a more detailed description of how you invoke fullscreen at runtime in Air33? My app is a children’s book app for iPad, if I can no longer get the app to run fullscreen at startup I fear I may have to abandon my project!! Many Thanks!!

This is totally unrelated to my issue, for the record....try not to hijack the issue...

For all platforms you can invoke fullscreen with the following:

                        stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
            stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
            stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE;
ajwfrost commented 4 years ago

@Dimensionscape we’re going to need to adjust how we do the splash screen thing.. can I ask what your preference would be though, if you’ve got an app that should be running full screen: would you want a full screen splash display too? Or just a smaller window in the centre of the screen like you get with Word, Animate, etc?


Vivian584 commented 4 years ago

Dimensionscape, my apologies. I didn’t deliberately hijack your thread, I just don’t know enough to know this wasn’t related to your issue! Under the circumstances I very much appreciate your response! Many thanks,

Dimensionscape commented 4 years ago

@ajwfrost ideally we'd like able to customize the splash behavior to some degree to choose whether it is displayed in fullscreen or not (depending on the individual or clients needs). Height, width, x, y, (with min and max restrictions to prevent malevolent developers from deliberately hiding the splash off screen) horizontalAlign, and verticalAlign, theme(light or dark) would be helpful. Would it be possible to create some kind of inline compiler flags or config document(or even something in META-INF that we can edit, post captive compilation) with a default fallback to allow some limited control?

We are eager to deploy apps with the splash, believe it or not, so we can give the sdk some consumer visibility and increase community support numbers for the health of the technology. Hopefully Harman is heading quickly down the roadmap toward a production-use SDK. Obviously this is not an urgent issue as AIR32 is a viable option for desktop, I simply wanted to make sure you guys were aware of the situation...although, keep in mind that how well we are able to present our software reflects on the names in that splash screen. ;) Developer retention and acquisition is imperative at this point IMO and we'd like to do our part to help, given the right tools.

Keep up the good work....and please let me know how you plan on handling the splash issue when possible if you could. Thanks.

ajwfrost commented 4 years ago

Thanks for this! Really useful (and encouraging) feedback :-)

So the manipulation like that is something that may come later; I had been thinking a light/dark customisation would be the first/most important thing. The splash screen we tried putting in 33.1 was a SWF that adapted its background based on the background of the main/initial SWF file from the XML file, but there are enough issues with this approach that we are planning to switch to a non-SWF implementation which will likely be platform-specific; this will then mean we don't actually know the details of the initial SWF file to be able to work out size, colour, etc..

I would think this is something we could add to the XML descriptor file though, alongside "initialWindow" we could define a "splashScreen" block..