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Native MIDI API in AIR #2841

Open ciacob opened 1 year ago

ciacob commented 1 year ago

Native MIDI API in AIR

AIR is very appealing to music application authors, like myself, through its abilities to generate sound. However, building a DAW or a score notation application in AIR implies access to local MIDI devices, and currently this involves using a third-party native extension, which adds another layer of complexity to an existing codebase, not to mention, a dependency.

If at all possible, I would very much love to have a native MIDI API available in AIR, similar to the one that allows me to list and directly access the available sound interfaces on my local machine.

The API would need to produce very low-latency events when each MIDI message is issued on a connected MIDI interface (e.g., note on, note off, etc.) and should support both MIDI IN (i.e., hooking up a MIDI keyboard and sending events about the keys pressed into the AIR application) and MIDI OUT (i.e., allowing the AIR application to play through the MIDI synthesizer of a connected digital piano, by sending it MIDI instructions).

Please contact me at (or reply here, of course).

Thank you, Claudius

teotigraphix commented 1 year ago

I have written a MIDI ANE for Windows and Android, it's possible and possible to have your own DSP audio engine running with no pops and cracks/latency issues.

Just letting you know it's not that hard once you figure out the APIs for the desktop and mobile sides.

ciacob commented 1 year ago

I thank you for that and appreciate your effort and outcome (does it also work on macOS, btw?) but I still believe that AS3 was used so many times for music-related applications that a native MIDI API solution pretty much justifies itself.