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AIR Flash Builder doesn't build iOS #291

Closed sjabberwocky closed 4 years ago

sjabberwocky commented 4 years ago

Problem Description

We have a game on iOS and Android. Historically we have three projects for iphone, ipad and android. iphone project contains whole game, but ipad and android projects have only startup class and it's own descriptors and project configurations, those projects include other sources like on this image:

Flash Builder works fine with latest AIR SDK and Android platform. Our build is stable and already on Google Play.

Unfortunately, something terribly wrong with iOS platform. When Flash Builder build iphone project it copy descriptor from project_folder/src/descriptor.xml to project_folder/descriptor.xml. When I try to run it on AIR simulator it show me this type of error:

When I try to run ipad project it works fine, but when I try to build it just freeze after some operation and never complete build. In bin-release-temp folder there are some AOTBuildOutput2715444447132017904.tmp and AOTBuildOutput4295652293819239832.tmp folders with a lot of *.a files. OBJFilesList.txt

So AIR for iOS is broken. One of the beta of AIR 31.1 worked fine.

Our project use set of latest ANEs from distriqt (Android X update).

List of ANEs:

ajwfrost commented 4 years ago


The 'initial content not found' typically means that it can't find the actual SWF file referenced in the XML descriptor file! So it's opening e:\git\mlm\TowerDefence2\iphone\Startup-app.xml and this will contain your SWF filename.. can you check that this SWF has been correctly generated and is sat at e:\git\mlm\TowerDefence2\iphone[filename.swf]?

The issue with building an iPad project is an odd one, lots of .o files there though so it may just be taking a while..? how long did you leave it?! If you're able to confirm that it works with a simple project without ANEs, and then perhaps start adding in some ANEs or other complexities, we can see what may trigger the problem; the only other thing I'd suggest checking is that you have a folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 (64 Bit)\eclipse\plugins\com.adobe.flash.compiler_4.7.0.349722\AIRSDK\lib\aot\lib\MainWindow-iPad.nib with a couple of files in it - this should be a folder, rather than a file, with the latest SDKs..



sjabberwocky commented 4 years ago

Removed all ANEs and build started to work. Currently I'm figuring out what of the extension broke build for me.

sjabberwocky commented 4 years ago

It was my stupid mistake - I forgot add new to iOS build.