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[ISSUE] TextField (input) issue on IOS #3227

Open bobaoapae opened 4 months ago

bobaoapae commented 4 months ago

On ios i was having a problem that any letter I press the selection of texfield select all and make impossible to use the input.

_inputField = new TextField();
        _inputField.type = "input";
        _inputField.autoSize = "none";
        _inputField.multiline = false;
        _inputField.wordWrap = false;
        _inputField.maxChars = 100;
        _inputField.x = _loc1_.x;
        _inputField.y = _loc1_.y;
        _inputField.height = 20;
        _inputField.addEventListener("change", __onInputFieldChange);

private function __onInputFieldChange(param1:Event):void
        if (_inputField.text)
            _inputField.text = _inputField.text.replace(File.lineEnding, "");

I think the problem it's on the assign of text, removing the event handler __onInputFieldChange the problem stop.

ajwfrost commented 4 months ago


We're struggling to reproduce this as described - just to clarify, we are seeing the selection of a word in the text field based on the iOS settings for auto-complete and text predictions. But with that code, when we type, we don't see the whole text field being selected.

Can we check the iOS version and handset used here? and AIR SDK version(s) presumably are the latest? Which sort of build, does it fail with ipa-debug etc?
