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[feature request] install AIR SDK through Homebrew #425

Open myflashlab opened 4 years ago

myflashlab commented 4 years ago

It would be super cool if we could install the AIR SDK through Homebrew on Mac at least (officially supported by Harman). It would help doing some magics with GitHub Actions to maybe automate some ANE developments on the fly.

And even some more magics to compile ipa and apk through GitHub Actions...

If this could happen, maybe it would be even nicer if the license file for the AIR SDK can be set through the -adt command instead of actually placing it inside the SDK folders. I’m not sure how possible it would be, I’m just thinking out loud ^_^

zwetan commented 4 years ago

some comments

Ideally just distributing a .zip or .dmg etc. would be enough but those do not enforce license usage which I guess can be an issue with the distribution of the AIR SDK, so then the comments above.

Distributing an SDK cross-platform can be complicated, depending how far you want to go ^_^

Validating the license via a command-line option like suggest @myflashlab could help imho but not sure how practicable this is

marchbold commented 4 years ago

Agreed, there are too many installation managers to support them all.

I have suggested the command line input for the license to Andrew in the past, definitely think this is a good idea. Will separate that out into a separate issue request.

ajwfrost commented 4 years ago

We had a request very early on to provide the SDK via HomeBrew .. the issue is that our legal team want to ensure people have read and agreed to the license agreement, especially relevant for people who might be in countries that the US have on their export control lists (Syria, Libya I think, North Korea etc) where the software is not allowed. There was a challenge I believe to being able to ensure that this is accepted by the user prior to download...

My preference would be to have an 'SDK Manager' which is a simple/free app without restrictions, that would then (a) ask the user to confirm the license agreement and then (b) download or update the SDK and take care of any installation and merging of files etc (avoiding the issues we get when Xcode formats change from files to folders like the recent .xib fiasco..). I even started trying to put together a quick Flex-based AIR app for this, back in the day when I had a bit of spare time.. a command-line version would be fine, and there's no real reason for this to be driven by us..! Community-driven and/or open source would be better...