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Crashes reports in Developer Console on Android X with latest HARMAN #432

Open Faketa opened 4 years ago

Faketa commented 4 years ago

Hello guys, we've a game on Google Play since 2019. After upgrade to the latest AIR HARMAN SDK we've started to receiving many crashes on Android X devices. All our ANE`s is from DISTRIQT and up to date. There wasn't any changes in the game mechanics or code.

Below is a log from the console: signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 2 (SEGV_ACCERR)

  #00  pc 0000000000cf0000  /data/app/game.package-sbRorYP5EoyYBpJgEatiGQ==/lib/arm/! (offset 0xcec000)
yrozijn commented 4 years ago

I get the same crash reports, mainly for Galaxy Tab A. And only in the 32-bit build, no crashes for the 64-bit build. Previous version of my app that was built with SDK worked fine. Strange thing is, that I rebuild and publish my app with SDK, and start getting the same crash reports for it too (albeit with a different address, as to be expected). I did change android:targetSdkVersion from 28 to 29, the only explanation I have is that the crash is related to that change.

Faketa commented 4 years ago

We've also change targetSdkVersion from 28 to 29

nyuntaka commented 4 years ago

Me too. I am in trouble because the number of crashes has increased rapidly. I haven't tried it yet, can it happen with SDK too?

FliplineStudios commented 4 years ago

If you tried manually switching targetSdkVersion to 29, there was a known issue with trying to do that with previous versions of the AIR SDK causing crashes, since it wasn't fully compatible with 29 especially for 32-bit builds:

The release notes for the newest version of mention a fix for an issue with targeting 29 (regarding NEON/SELinux). I haven't tried it yet myself, but it may be worth checking out if you've already tried targeting 29 and have problems!

nyuntaka commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much. I'm sorry that I couldn't find #372 that time. I saw it now.

rewb0rn commented 4 years ago

Can you clarify, did all of you build with an older SDK, or is someone here also seeing these crashes in Air We are also in the process of updating our apps.


Faketa commented 4 years ago

Hi, it seems that after upgrade to the latest version 33_1_1_217 mentioned issues have been fixed.

yrozijn commented 4 years ago

I'm not seeing these crashes any more in I thought I tried with build 217 before, but I suppose I had mixed up the SDK versions. It seems to work fine now.

nyuntaka commented 4 years ago

I used The error is now starting to occur on 64-bit builds.

ajwfrost commented 4 years ago

Hi @nyuntaka - can you please share a crash log for this? The backtrace shared at the start of this issue report is a problem specific to ARMv7 applications running with targetSdkVersion set to 29, and is fixed in, so if you are seeing a crash on 64-bit builds and on 217 it will then be a different error. So, more details on this new one would be needed..


nyuntaka commented 4 years ago

00 pc 0000000000935d30 /system/vendor/lib64/

01 pc 0000000000936358 /system/vendor/lib64/

02 pc 00000000008b0c50 /system/vendor/lib64/

03 pc 00000000009466e0 /system/vendor/lib64/ (QGLCLoadProgramBinary+64)

04 pc 0000000000177270 /system/vendor/lib64/egl/ (EsxShaderCompiler::LoadProgramBinaryBlob(EsxContext, EsxProgram, void const, unsigned long, EsxInfoLog)+208)

05 pc 000000000015e584 /system/vendor/lib64/egl/ (EsxProgram::LoadProgramBinary(EsxContext, unsigned int, void const, int)+164)

06 pc 00000000000fc368 /system/vendor/lib64/egl/ (EsxContext::GlProgramBinary(unsigned int, unsigned int, void const*, int)+136)

07 pc 00000000000e1624 /system/vendor/lib64/egl/ (glProgramBinary+68)

08 pc 00000000008372b4 /system/app/WebViewGoogle/lib/arm64/