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Not Fixed: AIR SDK - - HARMAN Ref AIR-157: Cannot export release build from Flash Builder 4.6 #62

Open mprabhu33 opened 5 years ago

mprabhu33 commented 5 years ago

Not able to export apk release build from Flash Builder 4.6 Standard edition

Created simple test Flex mobile project and able to compile. But not able to export android apk release build from Flash Builder 4.6 Standard edition.


Sample Project:

AIR SDK Version: IDE: Flash Builder 4.6 Standard edition OS: Windows 10 Flex SDK: 4.13.0

Known Workarounds

No Workarounds

ajwfrost commented 5 years ago


We just tried your sample project with Flash Builder 4.7 (64-bit) and it worked okay. Are you able to provide any more description of what happens when you click "finish" in the dialog box? Are there any outputs or anything in the error log?

I'm wondering whether this is to do with the Java 8 requirement; you'd need to update the JRE within the Flash Builder installation directory with a later runtime environment taken from Java 8 JDK...



mprabhu33 commented 5 years ago

Hi, Thanks for the update. Please try with Flash Builder 4.6 (32-bit) and can able to reproduce the issue.

Kindly let me know, can export android release package with Flash builder 4.6 (32-bit) with JRE 1.8.0_211 (32-bit) or not?

Update compiler settings displayed and closed. Error Log with JRE version 1.6.0_16 - 32 bit Logs_JRE_1.6.0_16.txt

Copied JRE from JDK 8 and replaced JRE version 1.8.0_211 (32-bit) in Flash builder installation directory.

Getting internal build error has occurred. Error_FB

Error log with JRE version 1.8.0_211 (32-bit) Logs_1.8.0_211.txt

Note: Don't have Flash builder 4.6/4.7 (64-bit) version exe to test.

ajwfrost commented 5 years ago


The 1.6 log doesn't give much away, but yes it needs to move up to 1.8 in order to build with the new Android SDK tools.

The issue in the 1.8 error log is something that we'd seen when the airglobal.swc file had been updated. We reverted that to the earlier one for this release but it looks like this is causing you a problem with that version of Flash Builder.

Are you able to take that file from your previous, working SDK (frameworks\libs\air\airglobal.swc) and copy it over the one from the new SDK? Then restart Flash Builder, and see if that helped?

If not then we'll have to get to the bottom of why that comparison operator is failing, it's a function within Flash Builder and I suspect it may always have had an issue but it's being exposed perhaps by the ordering of elements within the SDK's SWC files..


mprabhu33 commented 5 years ago

Replaced files from working frameworks\libs\air\airglobal.swc No luck. Getting same internal build error has occurred. Error Log: ErrorLog_1.8.0.211.txt

ajwfrost commented 5 years ago

We're trying to get an old install of FB set up; but the alternative approach we have is to fix that comparison operator - or find out why it fails with our newly build airglobal.swc file with FB 4.7, and assume that the reasons are the same.. So please bear with us!

In the meantime hopefully you are able to get at the command line equivalent of what FB is trying to do, and run it from a command line?


mprabhu33 commented 5 years ago

Able to generate apk file from a command line, but not able to install on Android phone. Getting error like "App not installed". Android Install Error Screenshot_20190708-160914

Model: Moto G5 plus Android Version: 8.1.0

Sample Project: Sample

Generated APK File through command line: APK

Command executed in Command Line: Command to generate SWF: amxmlc –load-config ../frameworks/airmobile-config.xml -output TestMobile.swf src/TestMobile.mxml

Command to generate APK: adt -package -target apk-captive-runtime -arch armv8 -storetype pkcs12 -keystore D:\Project\SUMMIT\Android_prabhu.p12 TestMobile.apk TestMobile-app.xml TestMobile.swf

Executed in command line and no error: Command Line

3x1010 commented 5 years ago

Right now it works only in debug mode: we've managed to test a 64Bit app (with a lot of native extensions from distriqt) directly exporting on our phone.

davecates commented 3 years ago

Was this ever resolved? I'm now getting the same fault using Feathers UI and latest Air SDK...can launch debug version but not export compiled versions. Most odd....this thread seemed closest to my experience so curious to hear if it ever was resolved and if so, how? Thanks!

ajwfrost commented 3 years ago

If you're seeing this in the Flash Builder error log: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract! then it's a Java issue, but there's a workaround: 1) Open up the Flash Builder ini file (with admin rights): C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 (64 Bit)\FlashBuilder.ini 2) Add an extra line to the bottom of the file: -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true 3) Restart Flash Builder

But, there do appear to be multiple reasons for Flash Builder to fail to export a release version, so it may be something different...!