airsdk / apm

AIR Package Manager
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Conflict with ironsource and adverts #193

Closed yvant closed 10 months ago

yvant commented 10 months ago


I'm trying to add IronSource and use mediation, and when I try to get the AdMob mediator, I get an issue: apm install com.distriqt.ironsource.AdMob => ⣾ Finding package : com.distriqt.ironsource.AdMob@latest ✓ Found package: com.distriqt.ironsource.AdMob@2.0.3 ⣽ Finding package : ✓ Found package: ⣻ Finding package : com.distriqt.playservices.Base@18.1.x ✓ Found package: com.distriqt.playservices.Base@18.1.1 ⢿ Finding package : com.distriqt.playservices.Ads@21.0.x ✓ Found package: com.distriqt.playservices.Ads@21.0.0 ⡿ Finding package : com.distriqt.IronSource@3.7.x ✓ Found package: com.distriqt.IronSource@3.7.4 ⣟ Finding package : androidx.core@1.9.x ✓ Found package: androidx.core@1.9.3 CONFLICT :: fatal error : found [1] conflicting packages CONFLICT :: com.distriqt.playservices.Ads CONFLICT :: ├── 22.2.1 required by: com.distriqt.Adverts@14.3.0 CONFLICT :: └── 21.0.0 required by: com.distriqt.ironsource.AdMob@2.0.3 install ::

What can I do?

marchbold commented 10 months ago

We don't normally keep Adverts and Ironsource compatible, we suggest you use one or the other.

yvant commented 10 months ago

Ah thanks I didn't know I had to remove it. How do I remove it and its dependencies using APM? Do I need to remove too?

marchbold commented 10 months ago
apm uninstall com.distriqt.Adverts 

If you are using any admob mediators make sure you uninstall them first.