airtailor / react-express-fe

react app for portal
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Edit Password update #65

Open jaredmurphy opened 6 years ago

jaredmurphy commented 6 years ago

Have a field that requires the customer's current password before they are able to change that password.

jaredmurphy commented 6 years ago

Waiting on exact flow from morgan and josh

jaredmurphy commented 6 years ago

(current password and new password fields visible from start)

  1. enter current password
  2. enter new password
  3. confirm new password If current password matches, update with new password
jaredmurphy commented 6 years ago

from devise_token_auth.rb

By default sending current password is not needed for the password update. Uncomment to enforce current_password param to be checked before all attribute updates. Set it to :password if you want it to be checked only if password is updated. config.check_current_password_before_update = :attributes