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[PD] Your SDOT analysis #163

Open aishaathmanlali opened 7 months ago

aishaathmanlali commented 7 months ago

From Module-JS3 created by kfklein15: CodeYourFuture/Module-JS3#226

Coursework content

Conduct a personal SDOT analysis. By answering the following questions, consider the key areas you want to improve. Remember to refer to the development plan you have already been working on:

Write your analysis down.

Estimated time in hours (PD has max 4 per week total)


What is the purpose of this assignment?

This analysis will provide you with insights into your personal strengths and development points. It will also help you identify external support opportunities and risks.

How to submit

aishaathmanlali commented 4 months ago

kfklein15 commented 2 months ago

Very good reflection. Hope you have managed to implement some of these changes.

I can see American English bein used. That's ok by me, but I have heard a recruiter saying they automatically think it is AI - which is unfair, considering some of us learned American English.