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[PD] Do a mock interview with an AI #234

Open aishaathmanlali opened 4 months ago

aishaathmanlali commented 4 months ago

From Module-Servers created by LaraHuzjan: CodeYourFuture/Module-Servers#131

Coursework content

Build up on the knowledge and practice you gained with the previous Interview coursework.

  1. Have a proper Mock interview using ChatGPT or another AI tool.

  2. Make sure you use the STAR Method when answering questions during an interview.

  3. Open ChatGPT and write this prompt:

Please act as an interviewer for a junior web development role. I will be the candidate and you will ask questions for an entry-level web developer position at a large UK consultancy. Please do not write out the whole conversation. I want to do the interview as a dialogue. Ask me a question and then wait for my answer. Do not write explanations. If I ask you to translate your question into another language, please do so. Please continue to ask the next question in English. At the end of the interview, I will ask for feedback. Please be candid and fair. My first sentence is “Good morning”.

Estimated time in hours


What is the purpose of this assignment?

Practice for future job interviews whilst also practising the STAR Method.

How to submit

Copy your mock interview dialogue from ChatGPT to a document and add it under your ticket for review. Make sure the document is open for comments.

Anything else?

aishaathmanlali commented 4 months ago

kfklein15 commented 2 months ago

Excellent exercise. I agree with ChatGPT: "One area for potential improvement could be providing more specific examples or anecdotes to illustrate your experiences and skills. This can help to provide a clearer picture of your capabilities to the interviewer."

The theory phrase as a start is good, but then you have to use the STAR method. Most people don't pass interviews because they don't answer the persons question correctly. This can be lack of theory or lack of example. You have the first. Now get the second right :)

You can close this and move it to done.