Adds a --order ASC/DESC option to sort peekingduck nodes output in either ascending or descending alphabetical order.
Omit order argument in docstring to avoid duplication in CLI help message
Invoking 'peekingduck nodes --help'...
Usage: cli nodes [OPTIONS] [TYPE_NAME]
Lists available nodes in PeekingDuck. When no argument is given, all
available nodes will be listed. When the node type is given as an argument,
all available nodes in the specified node type will be listed.
Args: type_name (str): input, augment, model, draw, dabble, or output.
--order [ASC|DESC] Sorts the node names by either ascending (ASC) or
descending (DESC) alphabetical order.
--help Show this message and exit.
--order ASC/DESC
option to sortpeekingduck nodes
output in either ascending or descending alphabetical order.order
argument in docstring to avoid duplication in CLI help message