aitgon / vtam

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taxassign qcov_hsp_perc #10

Open meglecz opened 3 years ago

meglecz commented 3 years ago

When tryig to modify the qcov_hsp_perc parameter using a --params option in taxassign, vtam does not seem to take into account the modified value.

When taxassign is woking, I have the exact same output with the default 80 percent value and with 40 I am trying to use. When taxassign fails, I see from the error message, that it uses 80, even if I have used the param file to modify it to 40:

"Bio.Application.ApplicationError: Non-zero return code 2 from 'blastn -out /tmp/tmpu_83znlc/ -outfmt "6 qseqid sacc pident evalue qcovhsp staxids" -query /tmp/tmpu_83znlc/ -db nt -evalue 1e-05 -qcov_hsp_perc 80 -num_threads 8 -dust yes'"