aitjcize / PyTox

Python binding for Project-Tox the skype replacement.
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save_to_file with passphrase #8

Closed hersche closed 10 years ago

hersche commented 10 years ago

Ahoi, save_to_file seems to be broken, when save with password in version 0.0.16 . It tells me, it allows just one argument. Key arrives well and it works withouth problems withouth key.

self.save_to_file('toxData', self.passPhrase) TypeError: function takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)

maybe it's broken in tox-core, but i tried it with the encrypted working version too and it also fails (while it was working before update), so i assume, it's not a bug by my project..


hersche commented 10 years ago

ehm, load_to_file seems also affected.. change in structure?

aitjcize commented 10 years ago

Hi, the encrypted functions are removed from core recently. That is why load/save load_from_file/save_to_file does not support passphrases anymore

hersche commented 10 years ago

ok, then the only bug is in doc.. :)

How is this possible to do in future? Do i have to encrypt the whole toxData-file at all?

aitjcize commented 10 years ago

on IRC other devs suggest to use libtoxdata, but there is no Python binding for that yet... They also say that the encryption feature maybe add back to the core in the future.

P.S. I've updated the document :)

hersche commented 10 years ago

what does that mean? the core does save a toxdata-file successfully.. should this be a abstraction/separation of saving data at all? cause with my system, i could also store the whole data in sqlite, it's also no deal to crypt them then. But i need to be able to set the whole data in beginning (like new tox(publicKey, friendlist[publicKey, currentName,foo], statusmessage,....) ). the tox-data-functions wouldn't be used at all in core then and could be clearly separated via that lib.

on the other site, i think, tox-core use a such mighty lib for encryption with all kinds of encryption (as i understand it), why not use simple symmetric encryption too, then (at least when general data-stuff stays in core)?

not that clear to me how to solve this (except trying to do a encrypted file-container or something, what would be cool to explore, but getting the advances to truecrypt, what's too much for this simple task)

edit: this is may for the irc-chatters too.. the direction there doesn't seems to be clear in that point.

edit2: THX A LOT for updating! (i forgot, im a little tired :)). Someone could close it now, but this may descripe the "bug" as best.. i assume, bug-reports couldn't be merged (to core)? ;)

aitjcize commented 10 years ago

The reason that the encryption function are remove from core is because the core-devs think that the current encryption is weak and easily brute forced. I think they removed it to prevent giving use a false sense of security (I think). I think you should ask irungentoo about this problem.