aitoralmeida / twitter_tests

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Build the influence graph #16

Closed aitoralmeida closed 9 years ago

aitoralmeida commented 9 years ago

G = (N, E, W) where nodes are uses who tweeted at least 3 URLs and an the edge(i, j) exists if user j retweeted a URL posted by i at least once. The weight of the edge is w = Sij/Qi, where Qi is the number of URLs that i mentioned and Sij is the number of URLs that i mentioned and where retweeted by j.

See "Influence and Passivity in Social Media"

aitoralmeida commented 9 years ago

Should it be generalized for all the memes and not only the URLs?

aitoralmeida commented 9 years ago

Reference : Romero, Daniel M., et al. "Influence and passivity in social media." Machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011. 18-33.