aizenar / PS4_db_Rebuilder_EXT

Ps4 built-in database rebuilder has the tendency to remove fpkg from the database. This will repopulate the database with them!
GNU General Public License v3.0
38 stars 5 forks source link

SQlite3.OperationalError: too many terms in compound SELECT #11

Open Pharaoh2k opened 2 years ago

Pharaoh2k commented 2 years ago

Getting this error when there are more than 500 games. Here are the technical details of why this occurs:

Pharaoh2k commented 2 years ago

I have very minimal knowledge of Python, so the only workaround I found, for a list of up to 1,000 games, is: In find:

files_joined = "SELECT %s AS titleid " % ' AS titleid UNION SELECT '.join(files)

And add the following 2 lines ABOVE it (read the comments as well):

files = files[:500] #Pharaoh2k - adding a max limit of the FIRST 500 files/games. Comment this and uncomment the next line to run, and vice versa # files = files[:-500] #Pharaoh2k - adding a max limit of the LAST 500 files/games. Uncomment this line and comment the previous line to run.

Pharaoh2k commented 2 years ago

This is an improved version which handles over 500 games without issues, courtesy of ctn123:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function
from ftplib import FTP
import sqlite3
import appinfo
import io
import os
import re
from sfo.sfo import SfoFile as SfoFile
import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("PS4_IP", help="PS4 ftp ip address")
parser.add_argument('--fw', default="6.72", help='currently support 5.05, 6.72')
parser.add_argument('--port', default="2121", help='PS4 FTP Port Number')
args = parser.parse_args()
app_db = "tmp/app.db"
PS4_IP = args.PS4_IP

port = 2121
port = int(args.port)

value_format = ""
if(args.fw == "5.05"):
        value_format = """("%s", "%s", "%s", "/user/appmeta/%s", "2018-07-27 15:06:46.822", "0", "0", "5", "1", "100", "0", "151", "5", "1", "gd", "0", "0", "0", "0", NULL, NULL, NULL, "%d", "2018-07-27 15:06:46.802", "0", "game", NULL, "0", "0", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "0", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "0", "0", NULL, "2018-07-27 15:06:46.757")"""
elif(args.fw == "6.72"):
        value_format = """("%s", "%s", "%s", "/user/appmeta/%s", "2018-07-27 15:06:46.822", "0", "0", "5", "1", "100", "0", "151","5", "1", "gd", "0", "0", "0", "0",NULL, NULL, NULL, "%d", "2018-07-27 15:06:46.802", "0", "game", NULL, "0", "0", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "0", NULL,NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "0", "0", NULL, "2018-07-27 15:06:46.757","0","0","0","0","0",NULL)"""
        value_format = """("%s", "%s", "%s", "/user/appmeta/%s", "2018-07-27 15:06:46.822", "0", "0", "5", "1", "100", "0", "151","5", "1", "gd", "0", "0", "0", "0",NULL, NULL, NULL, "%d", "2018-07-27 15:06:46.802", "0", "game", NULL, "0", "0", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "0", NULL,NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "0", "0", NULL, "2018-07-27 15:06:46.757","0","0","0","0","0",NULL)"""

if not os.path.exists('tmp'):

class CUSA :
        sfo = None
        size = 10000000
        is_usable = False

info = {}
files = []

def sort_files(file) :
        if"^[A-Z]", file[-9]):
                files.append("'%s'" % file[-9:])

def get_game_info_by_id(GameID) :
        if(GameID not in info) :
                info[GameID] = CUSA()

                        buffer = io.BytesIO()
                        ftp.cwd('/system_data/priv/appmeta/%s/' % GameID)
                        ftp.retrbinary("RETR param.sfo" , buffer.write)
                        sfo = SfoFile.from_reader(buffer)
                        info[GameID].sfo = sfo
                        info[GameID].size = ftp.size("/user/app/%s/app.pkg" % GameID)
                        info[GameID].is_usable = True
                except Exception as e:
                        print("Error processing %s, ignorining..." % GameID)
                        print("type error: " + str(e))

        return info[GameID]

def bin(input, bin_size):
    for i in range(0, len(input), bin_size):
        yield input[i:i + bin_size]

ftp = FTP()
ftp.connect(PS4_IP, port, timeout=30)
ftp.login(user='username', passwd = 'password')
if(len(files) == 0) :

lf = open(app_db, "wb")
ftp.retrbinary("RETR app.db" , lf.write)

conn = sqlite3.connect(app_db)

cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name LIKE 'tbl_appbrowse_%%';")
tables = cursor.fetchall()

for files_subset in bin(files, 500):
        files_joined = "SELECT %s AS titleid " % ' AS titleid UNION SELECT '.join(files_subset)
        tbl_appbrowse = []
        for tbl in tables :
                print("Processing table: %s" % tbl[0])
                cursor.execute("SELECT T.titleid FROM (%s) T WHERE T.titleid NOT IN (SELECT titleid FROM %s);" % (files_joined, tbl[0]))
                list_id = cursor.fetchall()
                sql_list = []
                for tmp_GameID in list_id :
                        GameID = tmp_GameID[0].replace("'", "")
                        print(" Processing GameID: %s... " % GameID, end='')
                        cusa = get_game_info_by_id(GameID)
                        if(cusa.is_usable == True) :
                                        % (cusa.sfo['TITLE_ID'], cusa.sfo['CONTENT_ID'], cusa.sfo['TITLE'], cusa.sfo['TITLE_ID'], cusa.size))
                                print("Completed %d" % cusa.size)
                        else :

                if(len(sql_list) > 0) :
                        cursor.execute("INSERT INTO %s VALUES %s;" % (tbl[0], ', '.join(sql_list)))


print("Processing table: tbl_appinfo")

cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT T.titleid FROM (SELECT titleid FROM %s) T WHERE T.titleid NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT titleid FROM tbl_appinfo);" % (" UNION SELECT titleid FROM ".join(tbl_appbrowse)))
missing_appinfo_cusa_id = cursor.fetchall()
for tmp_cusa_id in missing_appinfo_cusa_id :
        game_id = tmp_cusa_id[0]
        print(" Processing GameID: %s... " % game_id, end='')
        cusa = get_game_info_by_id(game_id)
        if(cusa.is_usable == True) :
                sql_items = appinfo.get_pseudo_appinfo(cusa.sfo, cusa.size)
                for key, value in sql_items.items():
                        cursor.execute("INSERT INTO tbl_appinfo (titleid, key, val) VALUES (?, ?, ?);", [game_id, key, value])
        else :



file = open(app_db,'rb')
ftp.storbinary('STOR app.db', file)
Pharaoh2k commented 1 year ago Latest revision.

I also highly recommend you first uninstall all traces of python, restart and then install python 3.11.0 for your OS (enable all boxes, including the PATH option and all users) and try again.

Pharaoh2k commented 1 year ago

Use Itemzflow, which works better than any script: