aj-foster / open-api-generator

Open API code generator for Elixir
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array type in body not shown in spec #33

Closed paulbalomiri closed 5 months ago

paulbalomiri commented 10 months ago

I'll use the same example as in #32, where i've added the comonent refs.

              $ref: '#/components/schemas/jsonPatchDocument'
        x-originalParamName: Body
      summary: Patch an Identity
        - identity

      description: A JSONPatch document as defined by RFC 6902
          type: string
          type: string
          type: string
      description: A JSONPatchDocument request
        $ref: '#/components/schemas/jsonPatch'
      type: array

The typespec currently is:

@spec patch_identity(String.t(), OApi.Kratos.Identity.JsonPatch.t(), keyword) ::
          {:ok, OApi.Kratos.Identity.t()} | {:error, OApi.Client.Error.t()}

I think the @spec for the second body argument should be OApi.Kratos.Identity.JsonPatch.t(), not ~OApi.Kratos.Identity.JsonPatch.t()~

paulbalomiri commented 10 months ago

Actually it could also be OApi.Kratos.Identity.JsonPatchDocument.t(), but i think arrays are not mapped by name. So in this case perhaps a @type json_patch_document:: [json_patch] would help?

The description could then be put into @typedoc

aj-foster commented 9 months ago

Hi there 👋🏼

I'm having some trouble replicating the issue; would you mind posting or linking the full example spec (something I can copy right in and generate to see the issue)?

Thanks! ❤️

paulbalomiri commented 9 months ago

something I can copy right in and generate to see the issue

still having some falloff from the last deployment. Is it a blocker for you if we postpone this for two weeks ? If yes i'll sqeeze it in tomorrow.

In any case let me give you some more context here by providing more of the the generated code, now, before i open source the whole library & client implementation.

Right now it's in our monorepo, so ejecting it from there needs a day of work (for all libs kratos, hydra & client).

So here is the full generated function. The problem exists only in the @type spec!.

jsonPatchDocument is an array type of jsonPatch:

@doc """
  Patch an Identity

  Partially updates an [identity's](https://www.ory.sh/docs/kratos/concepts/identity-user-model) field using [JSON Patch](https://jsonpatch.com/).
  The fields `id`, `stateChangedAt` and `credentials` can not be updated using this method.
 #                                                   v This is wrong according to spec 
  @spec patch_identity(String.t(), OApi.Kratos.Identity.JsonPatch.t(), keyword) ::
          {:ok, OApi.Kratos.Identity.t()} | {:error, OApi.Client.Error.t()}
  def patch_identity(id, body, opts \\ []) do
    client = opts[:client] || @default_client

      args: [id: id, body: body],
      call: {OApi.Kratos.Identity, :patch_identity},
      url: "/admin/identities/#{id}",
      body: body,
      method: :patch,
      #                                                  v this is correct! ( in a list)
      request: [{"application/json", [{OApi.Kratos.Identity.JsonPatch, :t}]}], 
      response: [
        {200, {OApi.Kratos.Identity, :t}},
        {400, {OApi.Kratos.Error.Generic, :t}},
        {404, {OApi.Kratos.Error.Generic, :t}},
        {409, {OApi.Kratos.Error.Generic, :t}},
        default: {OApi.Kratos.Error.Generic, :t}
      opts: opts

So this is not a functional problem, just a spec one.

paulbalomiri commented 9 months ago

@aj-foster I reposted with context just so you know where to look. The inconsistency is in the generated code.

I think the exact location is this one:


Util.clean_list/1 swallows the list type via List.flatten/1 in it's implementation

aj-foster commented 8 months ago

A potential fix for this is in #33. If you have a chance, please let me know if it resolves the issue for you.

aj-foster commented 5 months ago

Hello again 👋🏼

Apologies, I meant #37 above. Release 0.1.0-rc.4 has changes to help with this. If you have a chance, please try it out and let me know how it works for you.