ajanata / PretendYoureXyzzy

A web clone of the card game Cards Against Humanity.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Cant add cardcast #251

Closed MikiPoznan closed 4 years ago

MikiPoznan commented 4 years ago

www.cardcastgame.com writes GAME OVER and when i try to add New Cardcast it says Error: Cannot find Cardcast deck with given ID. If you just added this deck to Cardcast, wait a few minutes and try again.

devgianlu commented 4 years ago

Cardcast has been shutdown. See #240.

MikiPoznan commented 4 years ago

Cardcast has been shutdown. See #240.

Thanks :P Also is there a way to add a cast than ? || Would like to use F.E. deck UGJCF

devgianlu commented 4 years ago

You can play with custom deck on this server: http://pyx.gianlu.xyz/ZY/. You can also download your deck from here: https://pretendyoure.xyz/zy/metrics/deck/UGJCF (https://twitter.com/_PYX_/status/1265851677539614722). Currently, there's no way to import the CSV file into the server.

MikiPoznan commented 4 years ago

You can play with custom deck on this server: http://pyx.gianlu.xyz/ZY/. You can also download your deck from here: https://pretendyoure.xyz/zy/metrics/deck/UGJCF (https://twitter.com/_PYX_/status/1265851677539614722). Currently, there's no way to import the CSV file into the server.

Im little confused... how should i use it? i tried /addcustomdeckurl and it returns Error: Invalid command._

devgianlu commented 4 years ago


You should use the upload JSON button and select a compatible file (see #241). The instructions are a bit lacking on this topic. The Android app makes this a bit easier.

MikiPoznan commented 4 years ago


You should use the upload JSON button and select a compatible file (see #241). The instructions are a bit lacking on this topic. The Android app makes this a bit easier.

;-; where should i get the json if im on https://pretendyoure.xyz/zy/metrics/deck/UGJCF ???

devgianlu commented 4 years ago

There is no way ATM, but I'll create a little website/script to do so tomorrow. Stay tuned.

MikiPoznan commented 4 years ago

so tom

thanks <3 would love to play it with frainds tysm for help

devgianlu commented 4 years ago

@ajanata Could you allow CORS on https://pretendyoure.xyz/zy/metrics/deck/CODE5? I'd like to make it all client side logic, but it's not possible ATM.

I've converted the deck for you so that you can add it via upload JSON (download it first): https://gist.github.com/devgianlu/929798ea6fb35e95d4520be3ca67d50f

MikiPoznan commented 4 years ago

@ajanata Could you allow CORS on https://pretendyoure.xyz/zy/metrics/deck/CODE5? I'd like to make it all client side logic, but it's not possible ATM.

I've converted the deck for you so that you can add it via upload JSON (download it first): https://gist.github.com/devgianlu/929798ea6fb35e95d4520be3ca67d50f

thanks :P