ajatkj / scriptable

Scriptable scripts for iOS
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Sunrise & Sunset Hide Glitch #9

Open bighoopla1 opened 3 years ago

bighoopla1 commented 3 years ago

Hi. Thanks for sharing your talent. I love it. Let me know if you already fixed the following issue with the latest update.

The problem I'm having is when wanting to display the sunrise OR sunset symbol & time depending on the time of day by using the "Hide: 2" attribute on both, mine shows the same one of them 24/7(I think it's stuck on sunset time) instead of switching between the two every 12 hours depending on the time of day. For example, from 9:01PM - 9:00AM I want to see sunrise info, and from 9:01AM - 9:00PM I want to see sunset info. Instead, it's displaying the same one all 24 hours of the day without switching. Thanks

ajatkj commented 3 years ago

Hi.. Can you show me the screen shot of your lock screen? Is all other data correct on the screen?

bighoopla1 commented 3 years ago

Hi.. Can you show me the screen shot of your lock screen? Is all other data correct on the screen?

Everything else is accurate. Here are the photos of my lock screen, a small section of my "custom" script, and part of your script that maybe I screwed up.

Here's my lock screen: https://share.icloud.com/photos/0LuqPx7D5DdjyTtI6F4UqNnfg

Here's the sunrise/sunset section from "custom": https://share.icloud.com/photos/0N2wtv8O5yujG7a6jLDoHrxQA

Here's the sunrise/sunset section from further down LSWeather.js that I may have messed with: https://share.icloud.com/photos/0scYjEWFsaHcU4mvi4ZD4ImfA

Thanks for helping.

ajatkj commented 3 years ago

Hi @bighoopla1 Thanks for this. I was able to find the bug. It is not in the code that you have highlighted but long before that. isNight variable is not getting set properly. I have pushed a small update to fix this issue along with colored SF symbols.

Btw I loved what you have done with the layout!