ajavamind / Multi-NX-Camera-Control

Control multiple Samsung NX cameras with telnet commands
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Update for Multi-NX apk #2

Open sithil94 opened 1 year ago

sithil94 commented 1 year ago

Hello, Thank you for the awesome app. Is it possible to get an update for the Multi-NX app? I used it with my NX2000 as a remote shutter and it works fine on old devices. But the app has problems loading config on newer phones as android has updated the file reading permissions. I think it would be better if there was an option to just add the IP and connect. Furthermore, it would be amazing to have a live preview on the screen, instead of a black screen and the focus square. I found a web interface project with a live feed which worked with my nx2000, I think it would be a great addition. I'm not very familiar with coding so I am unable to compile it myself. Thank you for the project to bring some life to these cameras.

ajavamind commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for your comment. You might be using an older app posted here earlier that used simple text lines for configuration. The current app changed its configuration to use JSON files. With that change and update, I fixed some permissions needed to access the configuration file on newer Android versions. On my newest phone with android version 12, I am able to load json files from a folder I set up specifically for MultiNX.

Unfortunately I made the configuration more complicated with JSON, but JSON is needed to describe new options and support for future options that could be added. Simple text configuration string lines became inadequate.

I suppose more GUI could be added to enter IP address of phone, etc.

Live preview would be nice. I did not see a way to implement this for NX2000. The link you gave https://github.com/mewlips/nx-remote-controller-mod is for NX300, NX500. For this project I did not want to add C code that runs on camera, because I did not want to modify the camera firmwares operation, rather only use telnet commands exclusively. With telnet I have not found a way to start live view stream. It is possible to take screen shots of last photo taken when entering playback mode.

Unfortunately at this point I lack time to extend this project due to other commitments and projects.

sithil94 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your reply. I was able to resolve the issue by enabling access to all files, as it was previously set to media only. Yes, the project I added has code that runs when the camera connects to a network, but I don't think it modifies the firmware because it is removed when the sd card is changed (I think it works in a similar way). It would be great to have an update when you have time,

I do have a couple of suggestions for improvement.

I am interested in using your app as an intervalometer, and I noticed that the JSON file has a "repeat" section. Would it be possible for you to provide some explanation of how to use that feature?

ajavamind commented 1 year ago

I tested a single NX2000 configuraton connection and confirmed there is a problem with getting the screenshot. It caused both app and camera to freeze requiring a battery pull out to recover. There was also a problem removing the screen shot from the display.

I recommend avoid pressing Screen button as a work around until I have a chance to debug the code further. I added a sample JSON file showing the configuration I used.

The repeat section in JSON file configuration is not implemented, just a reminder of future intentions TODO. The printer section will not be supported at all, it has been removed.

sithil94 commented 1 year ago

Thank you!

ajavamind commented 1 year ago

I fixed the screen shot display problem with new version 1.7 in BuildPackage folder Please try single NX2000 MultiNX again. thanks

ajavamind commented 1 year ago

Hi sithil94, I also found out why NX2000 froze. When soft OK button pressed and NX2000 does not have OK button hardware (except for EV double function), a hang in firmware could occur. I eliminated the soft OK button and made other minor changes. Please try version 1.8 from buildPackage folder.

sithil94 commented 1 year ago

Yes sure !

sithil94 commented 1 year ago

Everything works fine except for the "Show button - display the last photo taken on the connected cameras (up to four images)". It crashes the app when pressed while connected to a camera.

ajavamind commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your help testing the app sithil94! I fixed the problem with show caused by no images found in the camera. Note that to get WiFi started using email, you need to have at least one picture stored on the sd card. I made some other improvements and uploaded new version 1.9 in buildPackage folder. I added a horizontal menu selection key alt/alt1 in prep for more features and adding sync key so that the screenshot is not obscured continually.

sithil94 commented 1 year ago

You are welcome, Andy! I am grateful that someone made something that works with NX2000. I could hardly find any projects with my camera. I do have images, but they are all in raw format. I think that is what probably caused the problem as I read that the app only saves jpegs.

ajavamind commented 1 year ago

You could use a minimal photo size 2M 3:2 aspect ratio,1728x1152, and save as JPG in addition to RAW. That way photo transfers are fast and matches the RAW in aspect ratio.

ajavamind commented 1 year ago

New version 2.0 adds repeat sequence function.

sithil94 commented 1 year ago

Hello Andy, I installed the latest version and everything seems to be in order. The alt menu makes things cleaner and the repeat function works fine. Do you have any plans for further updates?

ajavamind commented 1 year ago

I don't plan any enhancements for NX cameras, only bug fixes and minor improvements. I am investigating adding UVC cameras (webcams) connected by wired USB and enhancements for Multi Remote Camera app.