ajaydeepsingh / ShelterSeek

Android Application to aid in finding available shelters
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M8 - Report Vacancy taken and Persistence #8

Open ajaydeepsingh opened 6 years ago

ajaydeepsingh commented 6 years ago

After a user has selected a shelter, they must be able to claim a bed at that shelter. Once the user has done so, that shelter’s number of vacancies (originally the same as its capacity) should decrease by however many spots the user has claimed (perhaps for a friend or family member). Logically, no user should be able to claim more beds than the shelter has vacancies. After the user has claimed a bed, they may not claim any for another shelter before releasing the one(s) their account currently holds. This option should be available to users. Your team may decide if they must release all of their beds at once or specify a number; either way, the number of vacancies for a shelter should accurately reflect how many have been claimed or released by the user. In addition to vacancies and claims, you must now be able to persist (save and load) data for the application. This includes the registered users, shelter data, and reported vacancies/claims. Your team will need to decide how you handle the new data in addition to the .csv loaded earlier (for example, just persist the new data and always read and parse the file or read and parse the file once, and afterwards just load and save everything).

NOTE: If you are doing the database extra credit, you are already persisting the information. You do not have to have both a database AND read/write to the phone.