ajayyy / DeArrow

Crowdsourcing better titles and thumbnails on YouTube
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guidelines for handling sensationalist videos #165

Open EmeraldSnorlax opened 10 months ago

EmeraldSnorlax commented 10 months ago

conversation originally started here in discord, and this issue is just a summary of that to be stored in a more central and permanent place

some videos are sensationalist by nature of the content, not just the title. the current consensus seems to be that you should just assume the author's view is correct, but rephrase the title to be less sensational, so it may be a good idea to formalise this in the wiki.

also, perhaps add a little summary of this during onboarding, that re-titles are neither true nor false, they simply forward the original viewpoint, as i feel like that is useful for users to know.

finally, me and another person wonder if de-sensationalising the titles of sensational videos is even the correct approach. a neutral title confers a sense of nuance to a video im considering watching, whereas a sensational title is its own signal to whether or not i want to watch the video. to use the example in the discord conversation, a title like "doing X is child abuse" is a sign that this is not something i want to watch, but a more neutral title like "criticisms of X" is something i would be more willing to watch, as it comes across as an interesting evidence based essay, rather than emotion based misinformation.