ajayyy / DeArrow

Crowdsourcing better titles and thumbnails on YouTube
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.27k stars 33 forks source link

Channel Whitelist is not respected when show a thumbnail autogenerated by YT option is used #199

Open abuturabofficial opened 7 months ago

abuturabofficial commented 7 months ago

First, hats off to you for this amazing work.

Issue: I have whitelisted few channel with these options:


Also using these global settings:


But channel white list is only respected (especially for thumbnails) when I'm using show screenshot from a random time for When No Submitted Thumbnail Exists option on global settings page.

This option doesn't always work for me and shows the original thumbnails here and there, so I resorted to Show a thumbnail autogenerated by YT option, which effectively replaces all thumbnails. But a big caveat is, it don't respect the channel whitelist. Please look into it.

ajayyy commented 7 months ago

I'm not sure why the first option would sometimes show the original title, since it is supposed to fall back to the autogenerated one if it can't generate one, but maybe that's a separate bug that needs to be looked into

ajayyy commented 7 months ago

Are there specific videos where the random time option shows original thumbnails on? Does it do it consistently? If so, could you send some?

ajayyy commented 7 months ago

I cannot reproduce the main issue described in this issue about the channel whitelist not being respected. I wonder if there is some other add-on interfering with things.

abuturabofficial commented 7 months ago

Are there specific videos where the random time option shows original thumbnails on? Does it do it consistently? If so, could you send some?

It was totally random.

abuturabofficial commented 7 months ago

I cannot reproduce the main issue described in this issue about the channel whitelist not being respected. I wonder if there is some other add-on interfering with things.

The add-ons I have:

  1. Ublock
  2. Authenticator
  3. Bitwarden
  4. Sponsor Block (Kudos to you for this)
  5. Video Speed Controller
  6. enhanced-h264ify (installed after reporting the issue)
  7. LanguageTool (open source grammar checker)

I have checked with fresh installation.

ajayyy commented 7 months ago

Could you copy debug info in DeArrow settings

abuturabofficial commented 7 months ago

I think I have narrowed down the main issue, it only doesn't respect the channel whitelist when autogenerated by youtube and screenshot from middle option is selected on global settings.

Keeping it on default (start), respects the whitelist.

abuturabofficial commented 7 months ago

Though, keeping it on start doesn't always remove all the thumbnails.


In the screenshot, Shortcuit and Lex Fridman channels' thumbnails are originals, though keeping it in the middle doesn't cause this behavior at all.

Enabling and disabling the DeArrow removes the ShortCuit thumbnail for a second, but it reappears again, but other's remain the same.

abuturabofficial commented 7 months ago

Could you copy debug info in DeArrow settings

Sorry, here it's. I have removed my license, though.

    "debug": {
        "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:120.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/120.0",
        "platform": "Linux x86_64",
        "language": "en-US",
        "extensionVersion": "1.2.24"
    "config": {
        "activated": false,
        "showActivatedMessage": true,
        "allowExpirements": true,
        "showDonationLink": false,
        "showUpsells": false,
        "darkMode": true,
        "importedConfig": true,
        "showInfoAboutRandomThumbnails": true,
        "freeAccessWaitingPeriod": 43200000,
        "firefoxOldContentScriptRegistration": false,
        "titleReplacements": 6,
        "thumbnailFallback": 3,
        "thumbnailReplacements": 109,
        "customConfigurations": {
            "5vGX16NN8MLHZzBvzNbJAXrFZMM0P53RjXn5": {
                "name": "New Configuration 0",
                "replaceTitles": false,
                "replaceThumbnails": false,
                "useCrowdsourcedTitles": null,
                "defaultToCustom": false,
                "titleFormatting": null,
                "shouldCleanEmojis": null,
                "thumbnailFallback": 2,
                "thumbnailFallbackAutogenerated": null
        "showGuidelineHelp": false,
        "alwaysShowShowOriginalButton": true,
        "showIconForFormattedTitles": false,
        "vip": false,
        "thumbnailFallbackAutogenerated": 0,
        "donateClicked": 0,
        "invidiousInstances": 0,
        "keepUnsubmitted": true,
        "keepUnsubmittedInPrivate": false,
        "titleFormatting": 1,
        "shouldCleanEmojis": true,
        "serverAddress": "Default server address",
        "thumbnailServerAddress": "https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app",
        "fetchTimeout": 7000,
        "startLocalRenderTimeout": 2000,
        "renderTimeout": 25000,
        "thumbnailCacheUse": 2,
        "extensionEnabled": true,
        "defaultToCustom": true,
        "showOriginalOnHover": false,
        "replaceTitles": true,
        "replaceThumbnails": true,
        "useCrowdsourcedTitles": true,
        "titleMaxLines": 3,
        "countReplacements": true,
        "ignoreAbThumbnails": true,
        "alreadyActivated": false,
        "lastIncognitoStatus": false

I have removed channel whitelist part from the debug info due to privacy reasons.

ajayyy commented 7 months ago

Could you try visiting https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app/api/v1/getThumbnail?videoID=qGqzK-XaOG4 and screenshotting what it shows?

abuturabofficial commented 7 months ago

Could you try visiting https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app/api/v1/getThumbnail?videoID=qGqzK-XaOG4 and screenshotting what it shows?
