ajayyy / DeArrow

Crowdsourcing better titles and thumbnails on YouTube
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.27k stars 33 forks source link

2nd row of thumbnails not displaying Safari MacOS #206

Closed jdogskizzle closed 4 months ago

jdogskizzle commented 7 months ago
Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 12 02 53 PM

As shown in the image, thumbnails will not properly load. This is fixed by refreshing the page, but on initial load this will happen.

ajayyy commented 7 months ago

What version of safari and DeArrow, and what other extensions do you have installed?

ajayyy commented 7 months ago

Can you try uninstalling and reinstalling?

jdogskizzle commented 7 months ago

Safari 17.1.2, DeArrow 1.2.24,

Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 1 58 14 PM

Here's the extensions I currently have (All of the Adguard ones are checked)

ajayyy commented 7 months ago

Looks similar to https://github.com/ajayyy/DeArrow/issues/137#issuecomment-1704390085

ajayyy commented 7 months ago

Can you try uninstalling and reinstalling? And what happens if you disable the SponsorBlock extension?

jdogskizzle commented 7 months ago

Neither of those worked

ajayyy commented 7 months ago

Do you have any channel overrides?

jdogskizzle commented 7 months ago


ajayyy commented 7 months ago

Can you go to options -> misc -> copy debug information

jdogskizzle commented 7 months ago

{ "debug": { "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.1.2 Safari/605.1.15", "platform": "MacIntel", "language": "en-US", "extensionVersion": "1.2.24" }, "config": { "titleReplacements": 599, "channelOverrides": {}, "vip": false, "alreadyActivated": true, "titleFormatting": 2, "darkMode": true, "thumbnailReplacements": 2568, "customConfigurations": {}, "showInfoAboutRandomThumbnails": true, "alwaysShowShowOriginalButton": true, "allowExpirements": true, "showDonationLink": true, "showUpsells": true, "donateClicked": 0, "invidiousInstances": 0, "keepUnsubmitted": true, "keepUnsubmittedInPrivate": false, "shouldCleanEmojis": true, "serverAddress": "Default server address", "thumbnailServerAddress": "https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app", "fetchTimeout": 7000, "startLocalRenderTimeout": 2000, "renderTimeout": 25000, "thumbnailCacheUse": 2, "showGuidelineHelp": true, "thumbnailFallback": 0, "thumbnailFallbackAutogenerated": 0, "extensionEnabled": true, "defaultToCustom": true, "showOriginalOnHover": false, "importedConfig": false, "replaceTitles": true, "replaceThumbnails": true, "useCrowdsourcedTitles": true, "titleMaxLines": 3, "showIconForFormattedTitles": true, "countReplacements": true, "ignoreAbThumbnails": true, "activated": true, "freeAccessWaitingPeriod": 259200000, "firefoxOldContentScriptRegistration": false, "lastIncognitoStatus": false, "showActivatedMessage": false } }

ajayyy commented 7 months ago

Are you using the Safari version through the app store or your own build?

jdogskizzle commented 7 months ago

I am using stock safari

ajayyy commented 7 months ago

I mean the DeArrow extension, is it from https://apps.apple.com/us/app/dearrow-for-youtube/id6451469297

jdogskizzle commented 7 months ago

Yes the one from the App Store

ajayyy commented 7 months ago

Has this issue always occurred, or did it start occurring later after installing?

ajayyy commented 7 months ago

Can you send a screen recording of opening youtube.com, waiting a few seconds, then clicking a video, waiting a few seconds, then clicking the back button then scroll down until more thumbnails load on the right

jdogskizzle commented 7 months ago

2023-12-24 14-23-43.mkv.zip

ajayyy commented 7 months ago

thanks a lot! Could you open youtube.com, then open inspect element by right clicking and clicking inspect element. Then clickt the console tab and type the following into the console and send the response?

console.log(window.location.host, window, window?.customElements, window?.customElements?.define, window.customElements?.define?.toString());
console.log(window["versionCB"], document.querySelector("#sponsorblock-document-script"), document.querySelectorAll("#sponsorblock-document-script"))
ajayyy commented 7 months ago

Also, could you tell me what userscripts you have installed with your userscript manager?

jdogskizzle commented 7 months ago
Screenshot 2023-12-24 at 11 35 39 PM Screenshot 2023-12-24 at 11 36 04 PM
ajayyy commented 7 months ago

Could you run the following commands in the console:

window.addEventListener("message", console.log)
console.log("finished setup")

Then open youtube.com, wait a few seconds, then click a video, wait a few seconds, then click the back button then scroll down until more thumbnails load on the right

Then send the result from the console.

Could you also try disabling all Safari extensions except for DeArrow and see if the issue still occurs?


caveman1973 commented 6 months ago

I had the same problem. Enabling the extensions in Private Mode fixed the problem. Unfortunately you have to (sometimes) refresh the page to load covers.

mchungy commented 5 months ago

I have the same problem too here, it seems like the banners are not loading with Sponsorship Block.

MRuy commented 5 months ago

I have the same problem but disabling the extension BlockTube fixed it

ajayyy commented 5 months ago

Issue with BlockTube fixed in 1.5.3