ajayyy / DeArrow

Crowdsourcing better titles and thumbnails on YouTube
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.27k stars 33 forks source link

Video stuttering in Firefox / v1.3 #209

Closed xrstf closed 6 months ago

xrstf commented 7 months ago

For roughly a week or so (so maybe related to v1.3) I am experiencing issues when opening/reloading a YouTube video tab. During the first like 10 seconds, the video would freeze and only audio would keep playing. It seems that once the page has "settled", skipping around in the video works just fine.

I noticed that disabling DeArrow makes the problem go away. While the video is stuttering, I also cannot open the DeArrow extension popup from the Firefox menu bar.

Configuration (not sure why it says last_version=1.2.10, the UI shows v1.3):

   "firefoxOldContentScriptRegistration": false,
   "showActivatedMessage": true,
   "freeActivation": false,
   "alreadyActivated": true,
   "titleReplacements": 9410,
   "userID": "...",
   "allowExpirements": true,
   "showDonationLink": false,
   "showUpsells": true,
   "darkMode": true,
   "licenseKey": "...",
   "extensionEnabled": false,
   "lastVersion": "1.2.10",
   "shouldCleanEmojis": true,
   "importedConfig": true,
   "showInfoAboutRandomThumbnails": false,
   "activated": true,
   "thumbnailReplacements": 121932,
   "vip": false,
   "donateClicked": 0,
   "invidiousInstances": [],
   "keepUnsubmitted": true,
   "keepUnsubmittedInPrivate": false,
   "titleFormatting": -1,
   "onlyTitleCaseInEnglish": false,
   "serverAddress": "https://sponsor.ajay.app",
   "thumbnailServerAddress": "https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app",
   "fetchTimeout": 7000,
   "startLocalRenderTimeout": 2000,
   "renderTimeout": 25000,
   "thumbnailCacheUse": 2,
   "showGuidelineHelp": true,
   "thumbnailFallback": 0,
   "thumbnailFallbackAutogenerated": 0,
   "defaultToCustom": true,
   "alwaysShowShowOriginalButton": false,
   "showOriginalOnHover": false,
   "replaceTitles": true,
   "replaceThumbnails": true,
   "useCrowdsourcedTitles": true,
   "titleMaxLines": 3,
   "channelOverrides": {},
   "customConfigurations": {},
   "showIconForFormattedTitles": true,
   "countReplacements": true,
   "ignoreAbThumbnails": true,
   "freeTrialStart": null,
   "freeTrialEnded": false,
   "freeAccessRequestStart": null,
   "freeAccessWaitingPeriod": 259200000,
   "lastIncognitoStatus": false
ObscenityIB commented 7 months ago

This is also an issue for me, except the video doesn't come back, the whole YouTube tab is frozen even after DeArrow is disabled, and the browser needs to be restarted.

The browser displays "DeArrow" is slowing down Nightly. To speed up your browser, stop that extention. Learn More [Stop]

DeArrow v1.3 Firefox v123.0a1 (2023-12-31)

ajayyy commented 6 months ago

Try on 1.4