ajayyy / DeArrow

Crowdsourcing better titles and thumbnails on YouTube
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.27k stars 33 forks source link

Thumbnails not getting replaced #224

Closed silentJET85 closed 6 months ago

silentJET85 commented 6 months ago

The option to "Show a thumbnail auto-generated by Youtube" instead shows the original thumbnail. This happens to me in Ungoogled Chromium and Brave. It works properly in Firefox and Librewolf.

ajayyy commented 6 months ago

Can you go to options, misc, copy debug info?

silentJET85 commented 6 months ago

{ "debug": { "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36", "platform": "Linux x86_64", "language": "en-US", "extensionVersion": "1.5" }, "config": { "activated": true, "allowExpirements": true, "alreadyActivated": true, "alwaysShowShowOriginalButton": true, "channelOverrides": {}, "countReplacements": true, "customConfigurations": {}, "darkMode": false, "defaultToCustom": true, "donateClicked": 0, "extensionEnabled": true, "fetchTimeout": 7000, "firefoxOldContentScriptRegistration": false, "ignoreAbThumbnails": true, "importedConfig": true, "invidiousInstances": 0, "keepUnsubmitted": true, "keepUnsubmittedInPrivate": false, "lastIncognitoStatus": false, "onlyTitleCaseInEnglish": false, "renderTimeout": 25000, "replaceThumbnails": true, "replaceTitles": true, "serverAddress": "Default server address", "shouldCleanEmojis": true, "showActivatedMessage": false, "showDonationLink": true, "showGuidelineHelp": true, "showIconForFormattedTitles": true, "showInfoAboutRandomThumbnails": false, "showLiveCover": false, "showOriginalOnHover": false, "showUpsells": true, "startLocalRenderTimeout": 2000, "thumbnailCacheUse": 2, "thumbnailFallback": 3, "thumbnailFallbackAutogenerated": 1, "thumbnailReplacements": 41532, "thumbnailServerAddress": "https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app", "titleFormatting": 1, "titleMaxLines": 3, "titleReplacements": 4529, "useCrowdsourcedTitles": true, "vip": false, "freeAccessWaitingPeriod": 259200000 } }

ajayyy commented 6 months ago

What videos does this issue occur on?

silentJET85 commented 6 months ago

Seems to be all videos.

ajayyy commented 6 months ago

Can you send a screenshot

silentJET85 commented 6 months ago


ajayyy commented 6 months ago

Can you try disabling your other extensions?

silentJET85 commented 6 months ago

Okay, I tried disabling them, but it didn't make any difference.

nosam555 commented 6 months ago

I'm having this same issue. Here's my debug info:

{ "debug": { "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36", "platform": "Win32", "language": "en-US", "extensionVersion": "1.5" }, "config": { "activated": true, "allowExpirements": true, "alreadyActivated": true, "channelOverrides": { "UCwpHKudUkP5tNgmMdexB3ow": "Fu5DV3AyC4rV9ytOsE7b4XaCxtO775p5trPA" }, "customConfigurations": { "Fu5DV3AyC4rV9ytOsE7b4XaCxtO775p5trPA": { "defaultToCustom": null, "name": "Allow Titles", "replaceThumbnails": null, "replaceTitles": false, "shouldCleanEmojis": null, "thumbnailFallback": null, "thumbnailFallbackAutogenerated": null, "titleFormatting": null, "useCrowdsourcedTitles": null } }, "darkMode": true, "firefoxOldContentScriptRegistration": false, "freeAccessWaitingPeriod": 43200000, "importedConfig": true, "lastIncognitoStatus": false, "shouldCleanEmojis": false, "showActivatedMessage": true, "showDonationLink": true, "showInfoAboutRandomThumbnails": false, "showUpsells": true, "thumbnailFallback": 3, "thumbnailFallbackAutogenerated": 1, "thumbnailReplacements": 246767, "titleFormatting": 1, "titleReplacements": 34713, "vip": false, "donateClicked": 0, "invidiousInstances": 0, "keepUnsubmitted": true, "keepUnsubmittedInPrivate": false, "onlyTitleCaseInEnglish": false, "serverAddress": "Default server address", "thumbnailServerAddress": "https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app", "fetchTimeout": 7000, "startLocalRenderTimeout": 2000, "renderTimeout": 25000, "thumbnailCacheUse": 2, "showGuidelineHelp": true, "showLiveCover": true, "extensionEnabled": true, "defaultToCustom": true, "alwaysShowShowOriginalButton": false, "showOriginalOnHover": false, "replaceTitles": true, "replaceThumbnails": true, "useCrowdsourcedTitles": true, "titleMaxLines": 3, "showIconForFormattedTitles": true, "countReplacements": true, "ignoreAbThumbnails": true } }

SirAbhi13 commented 6 months ago

Facing the same issue on Brave Browser, works fine on Librewolf. Experiencing this on Windows 11. I haven't added any new extension that I didn't have before, everything is same (Librewolf has the same extensions if it makes any difference)

{ "debug": { "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36", "platform": "Win32", "language": "en-GB", "extensionVersion": "1.5" }, "config": { "activated": true, "allowExpirements": true, "alreadyActivated": true, "channelOverrides": {}, "customConfigurations": {}, "darkMode": true, "firefoxOldContentScriptRegistration": false, "freeAccessWaitingPeriod": 43200000, "importedConfig": true, "lastIncognitoStatus": true, "showActivatedMessage": true, "showDonationLink": true, "showInfoAboutRandomThumbnails": false, "showUpsells": true, "thumbnailFallback": 3, "thumbnailReplacements": 160885, "titleReplacements": 3133, "vip": false, "donateClicked": 0, "invidiousInstances": 0, "keepUnsubmitted": true, "keepUnsubmittedInPrivate": false, "titleFormatting": 1, "shouldCleanEmojis": true, "onlyTitleCaseInEnglish": false, "serverAddress": "Default server address", "thumbnailServerAddress": "https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app", "fetchTimeout": 7000, "startLocalRenderTimeout": 2000, "renderTimeout": 25000, "thumbnailCacheUse": 2, "showGuidelineHelp": true, "thumbnailFallbackAutogenerated": 0, "showLiveCover": true, "extensionEnabled": true, "defaultToCustom": true, "alwaysShowShowOriginalButton": false, "showOriginalOnHover": false, "replaceTitles": true, "replaceThumbnails": true, "useCrowdsourcedTitles": true, "titleMaxLines": 3, "showIconForFormattedTitles": true, "countReplacements": true, "ignoreAbThumbnails": true } }