Closed guidezpl closed 3 weeks ago
Can you go to options > misc > copy debug info
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I've had a similar problem, and i think it may be caused by a UI experiment dearrow works on pages where the upload button on the masthead is just the icon, but doesn't when it's the button marked "create"
okay upon further inspection, the experiment is having the masthead and chipbar be translucent, like ambient mode. using inspect element the experiment consists of 2 parts, backdrop-filter-experiment and button-shape-next
Facing the same issue. It's not replacing on the front page (except for the "Tell us what you like" section). However, it works when a video is opened.
Can you go to options > misc > copy debug info
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Can you save the web page with Ctrl s and email it to dev @
@ajayyy sent.
Hello @ajayyy, apologies for the ping, but just wanted to confirm if you received the mail. I have been a victim of email spoofing, so most of my mails get sent to junk/spam by mail providers.
I'm having an issue where the front page isn't loading any of the updated thumbnails. If I disable DeArrow from its own menu, the original thumbnails partially load. If I disable the extension period, the original thumbnails load immediately. { "debug": { "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/ (Edition std-1)", "platform": "Win32", "language": "en-US", "extensionVersion": "1.8" }, "config": { "activated": true, "alreadyActivated": true, "extensionEnabled": true, "firefoxOldContentScriptRegistration": false, "firstThumbnailSubmitted": true, "lastIncognitoStatus": false, "showActivatedMessage": true, "showInfoAboutRandomThumbnails": false, "thumbnailReplacements": 92914, "titleReplacements": 16575, "vip": false, "allowExpirements": true, "showDonationLink": true, "showUpsells": true, "donateClicked": 0, "darkMode": true, "invidiousInstances": 0, "keepUnsubmitted": true, "keepUnsubmittedInPrivate": false, "thumbnailSaturationLevel": 100, "titleFormatting": 1, "shouldCleanEmojis": true, "onlyTitleCaseInEnglish": false, "serverAddress": "Default server address", "thumbnailServerAddress": "", "fetchTimeout": 7000, "startLocalRenderTimeout": 2000, "renderTimeout": 25000, "thumbnailCacheUse": 2, "showGuidelineHelp": true, "thumbnailFallback": 0, "thumbnailFallbackAutogenerated": 0, "showLiveCover": true, "defaultToCustom": true, "alwaysShowShowOriginalButton": false, "showOriginalOnHover": false, "importedConfig": false, "replaceTitles": true, "replaceThumbnails": true, "useCrowdsourcedTitles": true, "titleMaxLines": 3, "channelOverrides": {}, "customConfigurations": {}, "showIconForFormattedTitles": true, "countReplacements": true, "ignoreAbThumbnails": true, "hideDetailsWhileFetching": true, "freeTrialDuration": 21600000, "freeAccessWaitingPeriod": 259200000, "openMenuKey": { "key": "d", "shift": true }, "enableExtensionKey": { "key": "e", "ctrl": true, "shift": true, "alt": true } } }
Looks like they've changed how the entire page is rendered, all the elements are changed
Could someone email me the HTML for the watch page of a video if that is broken as well?
dev @
Fixed it for the homepage, will need the related videos to make sure it works there too
Managed to get a session with the related pages acting up and a fix will be in 1.9.1
I've activated the extension, and even tried it in an incognito window with no other extensions enabled, and no replacement is happening.
Any troubleshooting steps?