ajayyy / DeArrow

Crowdsourcing better titles and thumbnails on YouTube
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.47k stars 40 forks source link

Extension not replacing anything #299

Closed guidezpl closed 3 weeks ago

guidezpl commented 1 month ago

I've activated the extension, and even tried it in an incognito window with no other extensions enabled, and no replacement is happening.

0 titles and 0 thumbnails have been replaced since you installed this extension

Any troubleshooting steps?

ajayyy commented 1 month ago

Can you go to options > misc > copy debug info

guidezpl commented 1 month ago
    "debug": {
        "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
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        "extensionVersion": "1.8"
    "config": {
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        "darkMode": true,
        "firefoxOldContentScriptRegistration": false,
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        "showUpsells": true,
        "thumbnailReplacements": 2,
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        "keepUnsubmitted": true,
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        "thumbnailSaturationLevel": 100,
        "titleFormatting": 1,
        "shouldCleanEmojis": true,
        "onlyTitleCaseInEnglish": false,
        "serverAddress": "Default server address",
        "thumbnailServerAddress": "https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app",
        "fetchTimeout": 7000,
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        "renderTimeout": 25000,
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        "replaceTitles": true,
        "replaceThumbnails": true,
        "useCrowdsourcedTitles": true,
        "titleMaxLines": 3,
        "channelOverrides": {},
        "customConfigurations": {},
        "showIconForFormattedTitles": true,
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            "shift": true,
            "alt": true
koiz-koiz commented 1 month ago

I've had a similar problem, and i think it may be caused by a UI experiment image image dearrow works on pages where the upload button on the masthead is just the icon, but doesn't when it's the button marked "create"

koiz-koiz commented 1 month ago

okay upon further inspection, the experiment is having the masthead and chipbar be translucent, like ambient mode. using inspect element the experiment consists of 2 parts, backdrop-filter-experiment and button-shape-next image

mrinmaydhar commented 1 month ago

Facing the same issue. It's not replacing on the front page (except for the "Tell us what you like" section). However, it works when a video is opened.

Can you go to options > misc > copy debug info

    "debug": {
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        "extensionVersion": "1.8"
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        "thumbnailReplacements": 360843,
        "titleReplacements": 55140,
        "vip": false,
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        "invidiousInstances": 0,
        "keepUnsubmitted": true,
        "keepUnsubmittedInPrivate": false,
        "thumbnailSaturationLevel": 100,
        "titleFormatting": 1,
        "shouldCleanEmojis": true,
        "onlyTitleCaseInEnglish": false,
        "serverAddress": "Default server address",
        "thumbnailServerAddress": "https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app",
        "fetchTimeout": 7000,
        "startLocalRenderTimeout": 2000,
        "renderTimeout": 25000,
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        "useCrowdsourcedTitles": true,
        "titleMaxLines": 3,
        "channelOverrides": {},
        "customConfigurations": {},
        "showInfoAboutRandomThumbnails": false,
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        "countReplacements": true,
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        "hideDetailsWhileFetching": true,
        "firstThumbnailSubmitted": false,
        "activated": true,
        "freeTrialDuration": 21600000,
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        "showActivatedMessage": false,
        "openMenuKey": {
            "key": "d",
            "shift": true
        "enableExtensionKey": {
            "key": "e",
            "ctrl": true,
            "shift": true,
            "alt": true
ajayyy commented 1 month ago

Can you save the web page with Ctrl s and email it to dev @ ajay.app

mrinmaydhar commented 1 month ago

@ajayyy sent.

mrinmaydhar commented 4 weeks ago

Hello @ajayyy, apologies for the ping, but just wanted to confirm if you received the mail. I have been a victim of email spoofing, so most of my mails get sent to junk/spam by mail providers.

RandomAnimeGamer commented 4 weeks ago

I'm having an issue where the front page isn't loading any of the updated thumbnails. If I disable DeArrow from its own menu, the original thumbnails partially load. If I disable the extension period, the original thumbnails load immediately. { "debug": { "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/ (Edition std-1)", "platform": "Win32", "language": "en-US", "extensionVersion": "1.8" }, "config": { "activated": true, "alreadyActivated": true, "extensionEnabled": true, "firefoxOldContentScriptRegistration": false, "firstThumbnailSubmitted": true, "lastIncognitoStatus": false, "showActivatedMessage": true, "showInfoAboutRandomThumbnails": false, "thumbnailReplacements": 92914, "titleReplacements": 16575, "vip": false, "allowExpirements": true, "showDonationLink": true, "showUpsells": true, "donateClicked": 0, "darkMode": true, "invidiousInstances": 0, "keepUnsubmitted": true, "keepUnsubmittedInPrivate": false, "thumbnailSaturationLevel": 100, "titleFormatting": 1, "shouldCleanEmojis": true, "onlyTitleCaseInEnglish": false, "serverAddress": "Default server address", "thumbnailServerAddress": "https://dearrow-thumb.ajay.app", "fetchTimeout": 7000, "startLocalRenderTimeout": 2000, "renderTimeout": 25000, "thumbnailCacheUse": 2, "showGuidelineHelp": true, "thumbnailFallback": 0, "thumbnailFallbackAutogenerated": 0, "showLiveCover": true, "defaultToCustom": true, "alwaysShowShowOriginalButton": false, "showOriginalOnHover": false, "importedConfig": false, "replaceTitles": true, "replaceThumbnails": true, "useCrowdsourcedTitles": true, "titleMaxLines": 3, "channelOverrides": {}, "customConfigurations": {}, "showIconForFormattedTitles": true, "countReplacements": true, "ignoreAbThumbnails": true, "hideDetailsWhileFetching": true, "freeTrialDuration": 21600000, "freeAccessWaitingPeriod": 259200000, "openMenuKey": { "key": "d", "shift": true }, "enableExtensionKey": { "key": "e", "ctrl": true, "shift": true, "alt": true } } }

ajayyy commented 3 weeks ago

Looks like they've changed how the entire page is rendered, all the elements are changed

ajayyy commented 3 weeks ago

Could someone email me the HTML for the watch page of a video if that is broken as well?

dev @ ajay.app

ajayyy commented 3 weeks ago

Fixed it for the homepage, will need the related videos to make sure it works there too

ajayyy commented 3 weeks ago

Managed to get a session with the related pages acting up and a fix will be in 1.9.1 release