ajayyy / SponsorBlock

Skip YouTube video sponsors (browser extension)
GNU General Public License v3.0
9.25k stars 299 forks source link

error code 504 #1998

Closed rtzon59 closed 2 months ago

rtzon59 commented 2 months ago

getting this error just in the recent hours from youtube

lucassilvas1 commented 2 months ago

I'm getting 502 instead: image

Edit: here's the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69dCWRvIzyo

SanariSan commented 2 months ago

same here, for example this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPeCNrNTr3k

drexxx16 commented 2 months ago

main server is currently down https://status.sponsor.ajay.app/

Timmyfox commented 2 months ago

Still down for me. Been mostly getting 504 errors throughout the day but also the occasional 503.

DannyDarth commented 2 months ago

Been down for the 2nd day now for me same error code 504.

qawasx commented 2 months ago

Its down as usual. Its always down weekends. and most weekdays too.

iripu commented 2 months ago

I am also getting this constantly day and night. Thinking about not submitting anymore and hide the buttons.

Trolann commented 2 months ago

From discord: image

qawasx commented 2 months ago

what a lazy ass dev lol

iolqc commented 2 months ago


magizhchi99 commented 2 months ago

what a lazy ass dev lol

Something you're using for free BTW. Beggars can't be choosers.

Timmyfox commented 2 months ago

what a lazy ass dev lol

what a lazy ass comment lol

StateofDisarray commented 2 months ago

what a lazy ass dev lol

entitlement issues aside, this comment gives me an idea. the dev could introduce a premium tier that runs on a separate instance with more reliability and higher bandwith etc, which could cost a some dollars a month, alongside the free tier. and then the people who submit reliable sponsorship info could get access to the premium tier for a duration or whatever. the only difference would be that you'd just have faster dev support if something goes wrong, and you'd contribute something for the value youre getting.

not only would they get some monetary compensation for their work, but we would also avoid issues like the servers going down for a day

Idk about y'all, but this extension is definitely worth contributing more to for me (and yes i already donated) based on the amount of time it saves on youtube.

loopeey commented 2 months ago

Thats troll, he works for a vpn marketing.

Anyway 502-503 is on a video for an hour now.

NicoTheCinderace commented 2 months ago

what a lazy ass dev lol

Alright then, let's see you try and maintain a similar sort of app for days on end.

pijcab commented 2 months ago

Error 502 here too, saw the discord update from ajay tho.

It's all good we will wait like adults 👍

ajayyy commented 2 months ago

finally, peace


thanks for your patience :)

there are still some intermittent issues I'll look into soon