ajayyy / SponsorBlock

Skip YouTube video sponsors (browser extension)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Autoskipping and keyboard shortcuts stopped working. #2062

Open z-Tau opened 1 month ago

z-Tau commented 1 month ago

Sometime in the last couple of days Sponsorblock has stopped autoskipping segments, and the window that normally pops up offering for you to skip a segment manually no longer appears. In addition, the shortcuts (Enter) to skip a segment as well as the one to skip to the highlight (Ctrl-Enter) do nothing.

The segments are still showing up in the timeline, and the interface to create new segments or open the info popup work as before. Other shortcuts, such as to start/stop a segment, and to open the submission menu also still work. But currently the only way to skip a segment is to select the segment in the list (from the Sponsorblock info popup) and click the "skip segment" icon (double right arrows).

It's worth nothing that a Stylus script written to modify thumbnails on the Youtube homepage stopped working around the same time, so it's possible that YouTube made changes to their HTML that have affected both. I've tried disabling all extensions that modify YouTube specifically (as well as Stylus and uBlock Origin), but I'm still having the same issue. I have yet to try disabling all other extensions but I don't have any reason to believe they would be suddenly be causing the issue.

I am currently running the latest version of Microsoft Edge, on Windows 10, and I'm using the Edge version of Sponsorblock, rather than the Chrome one. If you need more info or anything else from me, just let me know.

z-Tau commented 1 month ago

Ok, nevermind! I just re-enabled all my extensions, and reloaded the page, and now Sponsorblock is working perfectly. Not quite sure what happened there, but disabling and re-enabling those extensions seems to have fixed it. Maybe that could help someone else with the same issue.

z-Tau commented 1 month ago

Well it turns out I spoke too soon. I'm not sure exactly what made it decide to start working again, but it lasted for all of 10 seconds and now it's back to being broken again. This time I tried completely disabling Ublock Origin, but to no avail. It's also worth noting that the segments don't appear on the timeline immediately for some reason, I either have to open the Sponsorblock popup or switch to fullscreen to make them appear.

z-Tau commented 1 month ago

It seems I'm now at the point where sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I have the most consistent results of it working if I click a video to open in a new tab, then go to the tab, wait for the page to load, then go fullscreen and press space to play; everything works fine.

However if I reload the page and do the same thing, then the segments do not appear in the timeline and no skip shortcuts work. If I exit fullscreen then the segments appear, but again the skip shortcuts and auto-skipping remain non-functional. If I open a new tab, paste the video URL, and load it that way, it doesn't work. Also, if I click on a video in the recommendations, to open in the same tab, it doesn't work.

I have no idea why opening a linked video in a new tab would work where other methods don't but that's the best I've been able to get to narrowing down the cause of the issue. Hopefully that helps at least a little.

thequantumcog commented 1 month ago

Same problem Here