nhanes catalog entry 306 of 1016 stored at 'R:/National Health and Nutrition Exa
mination Survey//2009-2010/dtq_f.rds'
Downloading from URL
to file
lodown is now exiting unexpectedly.
websites that host publicly-downloadable microdata change often and sometimes th
ose changes cause this software to break.
if the error call stack below appears to be a hiccup in your internet connection
, then please verify your connectivity and retry the download.
otherwise, please open a new issue at https://github.com/ajdamico/lodown/issues with the contents of this error call stack and also the output of your sessio nInfo().
lodown::lodown("nhanes", output_dir = "R:/National Health and Nutrition Examinat
ion Survey/")
withCallingHandlers(catalog <- load_fun(data_name = data_name,
catalog, ...), error = function(e) {
if (grepl("cannot allocate vector of size", e))
else if (grepl("parameter must be specified", e))
else if (grepl("to install", e))
else {
nhanes catalog entry 306 of 1016 stored at 'R:/National Health and Nutrition Exa mination Survey//2009-2010/dtq_f.rds'
Downloading from URL 'https://wwwn.cdc.gov#' to file 'C:\Users\AnthonyD\AppData\Local\Temp\4\RtmpyYHyXW\file88870c017ac'
lodown is now exiting unexpectedly. websites that host publicly-downloadable microdata change often and sometimes th ose changes cause this software to break. if the error call stack below appears to be a hiccup in your internet connection , then please verify your connectivity and retry the download. otherwise, please open a new issue at
with the contents of this error call stack and also the output of yoursessio nInfo()
.[[1]] lodown::lodown("nhanes", output_dir = "R:/National Health and Nutrition Examinat ion Survey/")
[[2]] withCallingHandlers(catalog <- load_fun(data_name = data_name, catalog, ...), error = function(e) { if (grepl("cannot allocate vector of size", e)) message(memory_note) else if (grepl("parameter must be specified", e)) message(parameter_note) else if (grepl("to install", e)) message(installation_note) else { message(unknown_error_note) print(sys.calls()) } })
[[3]] load_fun(data_name = data_name, catalog, ...)
[[4]] cachaca(catalog[i, "full_url"], tf, mode = "wb")
[[5]] rcurl_filesize(this_url)
[[6]] RCurl::getURL(url, nobody = 1L, header = 1L)
[[7]] curlPerform(curl = curl, .opts = opts, .encoding = .encoding)
[[8]] function (type, msg, asError = TRUE) { if (!is.character(type)) { i = match(type, CURLcodeValues) typeName = if (is.na(i)) character() else names(CURLcodeValues)[i] } typeName = gsub("^CURLE_", "", typeName) fun = (if (asError) stop else warning) fun(structure(list(message = msg, call = sys.call()), class = c(typeName, "GenericCurlError", "error", "condition"))) }(6L, "Could not resolve host: wwwn.cdc.gov#", TRUE)
[[9]] fun(structure(list(message = msg, call = sys.call()), class = c(typeName, "GenericCurlError", "error", "condition")))
[[10]] (function (e) { if (grepl("cannot allocate vector of size", e)) message(memory_note) else if (grepl("parameter must be specified", e)) message(parameter_note) else if (grepl("to install", e)) message(installation_note) else { message(unknown_errornote) print(sys.calls()) } })(list(message = "Could not resolve host: wwwn.cdc.gov#", call = function (type , msg, asError = TRUE) { if (!is.character(type)) { i = match(type, CURLcodeValues) typeName = if (is.na(i)) character() else names(CURLcodeValues)[i] } typeName = gsub("^CURLE", "", typeName) fun = (if (asError) stop else warning) fun(structure(list(message = msg, call = sys.call()), class = c(typeName, "GenericCurlError", "error", "condition"))) }(6L, "Could not resolve host: wwwn.cdc.gov#", TRUE)))
Error in function (type, msg, asError = TRUE) : Could not resolve host: wwwn.cdc.gov#