ajeetdsouza / zoxide

A smarter cd command. Supports all major shells.
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Arch 'MANJARO' with ZSH and Powerlevel10k PROBLEMS #796

Closed iceMongus closed 2 months ago

iceMongus commented 2 months ago

installing zoxide from AUR without problems... adding in .zshrc at bottom of the file: eval "S(zoxide init --cmd cd zsh)" saving and.. on . ~/.zshrc Im receive (eval):1: unknown file attribute: z

here is my .zshrc file

`#Enable Powerlevel10k instant prompt. Should stay close to the top of ~/.zshrc. Initialization code that may require console input (password prompts, [y/n] confirmations, etc.) must go above this block; everything else may go below.

if [[ -r "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/p10k-instant-prompt-${(%):-%n}.zsh" ]]; then source "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/p10k-instant-prompt-${(%):-%n}.zsh"; fi

Use powerline


Has weird character width Example:  is not a diamond


Source manjaro-zsh-configuration

if [[ -e /usr/share/zsh/manjaro-zsh-config ]]; then source /usr/share/zsh/manjaro-zsh-config; fi

Use manjaro zsh prompt

if [[ -e /usr/share/zsh/manjaro-zsh-prompt ]]; then source /usr/share/zsh/manjaro-zsh-prompt; fi

To customize prompt, run p10k configure or edit ~/.p10k.zsh.

[[ ! -f ~/.p10k.zsh ]] || source ~/.p10k.zsh

Setting for the new UTF-8 terminal support

export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8

export DOTNET_ROOT=$HOME/.dotnet export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/stl/prefix:$HOME/.apps:$HOME/.scripts:/mnt/gaming/gaming/TooLs/PC/Cheat.Engine/ceserver75:$DOTNET_ROOT:$DOTNET_ROOT/tools:$HOME/.DEV/SamRewritten/bin/

if [ -f $HOME/.zsh_aliases ]; then source $HOME/.zsh_aliases; fi if [ -e $HOME/.zsh_functions ]; then source $HOME/.zsh_functions; fi

eval "S(zoxide init --cmd cd zsh)"`

and Z and Zi doesnt work at all anyone can help? thank you in advance

iceMongus commented 2 months ago

On shell restart I'm getting this

`[WARNING]: Console output during zsh initialization detected.

When using Powerlevel10k with instant prompt, console output during zsh initialization may indicate issues.

You can:

For details, see: https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k/blob/master/README.md#instant-prompt

-- console output produced during zsh initialization follows --

(eval):1: unknown file attribute: z `