ajinasokan / flutter_curl

Flutter plugin to use libcurl for HTTP calls
MIT License
51 stars 9 forks source link

Support for standalone dart #9

Open Zekfad opened 7 months ago

Zekfad commented 7 months ago

It seems that bindings are pretty useful out of flutter context, and I cant find any usage of package:flutter outside of tests and example.

Would it be possible to distribute underlying bindings as separate package without flutter dependency to allow using it in dart server apps?

ajinasokan commented 6 months ago

@Zekfad This should be doable. IIRC there are no Flutter specific dependency.

Could you tell me what is the use case for this? Because usually server apps will stick to HTTP 1.1 for compatibility as HTTP 2 and 3 are really only useful for clients/browsers.

Zekfad commented 6 months ago

@ajinasokan Thank you for the answer, my main use case is to use custom libcurl with patched SSL lib.

ajinasokan commented 6 months ago

Alright I will see how difficult it will be. And for this I would also want to make this a single repository, two packages setup. I will do some experiments.