ajitesh123 / Perf-Review-AI

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Feat/fastapi #19

Closed ajitesh123 closed 1 week ago

ajitesh123 commented 1 week ago

PR Type

Enhancement, Documentation


Changes walkthrough 📝

Relevant files
Add performance review generation with multiple LLMs and Streamlit UI.

  • Added functionality to generate performance reviews using different
  • Implemented Streamlit UI for user inputs and review generation.
  • Included options for LLM type, model size, and API key input.
  • +88/-0   
    Implement FastAPI endpoints for review generation.             

  • Created FastAPI endpoints for generating performance reviews.
  • Implemented CORS middleware for cross-origin requests.
  • Added endpoints for both review and self-review generation.
  • +52/-0   
    Add LLM classes for various providers with text generation methods.

  • Defined abstract base class for LLMs.
  • Implemented specific classes for OpenAI, Google, Anthropic, and Groq
  • Included methods for text generation and streaming.
  • +156/-0 
    Add review request model and review generation functions.

  • Created Pydantic model for review request.
  • Implemented functions to generate and parse performance review
  • Integrated LLM instances for review generation.
  • +95/-0   
    Add self-review request model and self-review generation functions.

  • Created Pydantic model for self-review request.
  • Implemented functions to generate and parse self-review prompts.
  • Integrated LLM instances for self-review generation.
  • +81/-0   
    Remove old performance review generation implementation. 

  • Removed old implementation of performance review generation.
  • Deprecated single LLM (OpenAI) usage in favor of multiple LLMs.
  • +0/-77   
    Update project title formatting in README.                             

    README.md - Updated project title formatting.
    Configuration changes
    Add Vercel configuration for deployment.                                 

    perf-ui/vercel.json - Added Vercel configuration for deployment.

    💡 PR-Agent usage: Comment /help on the PR to get a list of all available PR-Agent tools and their descriptions

    Summary by CodeRabbit

    coderabbitai[bot] commented 1 week ago


    Review failed

    The pull request is closed.


    The update introduces functionality for generating performance reviews and self-reviews using multiple language models (LLMs) through two main interfaces: a Streamlit app (app.py) and a FastAPI-based API (app_fastapi.py). Additional supporting files (llm.py, review.py, self_review.py) handle the core logic for interacting with LLMs and generating reviews. Configuration for deployment on Vercel is also included.


    File Summary
    README.md Updated header level for the "Performance Review AI" title.
    app.py Introduced Streamlit UI functionality for generating performance reviews using LLMs.
    app_fastapi.py Introduced FastAPI-based API for generating performance and self-reviews.
    llm.py Defined multiple classes for handling different LLM providers (OpenAI, Google, etc.).
    review.py Added functions and classes for generating and parsing performance reviews.
    self_review.py Added functions and classes for generating and parsing self-reviews.
    perf-ui/vercel.json Added Vercel configuration for the deployment of the performance review UI.

    Sequence Diagrams

    Performance Review Generation via the Streamlit UI

        participant User
        participant StreamlitApp as Streamlit App
        participant LLM as Language Model
        participant ReviewModule as Review Module
        User->>StreamlitApp: Input roles, questions, and review
        StreamlitApp->>ReviewModule: Generate review prompt
        ReviewModule->>LLM: Get completion from LLM
        LLM-->>ReviewModule: Return generated review
        ReviewModule-->>StreamlitApp: Display review result
        StreamlitApp-->>User: Show generated review

    Performance Review Generation via FastAPI

        participant Client
        participant FastAPI as FastAPI
        participant LLM as Language Model
        participant ReviewModule as Review Module
        Client->>FastAPI: POST /generate_review with request body
        FastAPI->>ReviewModule: Process request
        ReviewModule->>LLM: Get completion from LLM
        LLM-->>ReviewModule: Return generated review
        ReviewModule-->>FastAPI: Send review response
        FastAPI-->>Client: Return generated review


    In the land of code and AI's song,
    We weave the tales, where reviews belong.
    From Streamlit’s touch to FastAPI's might,
    In Vercel’s cloud, they take their flight.
    Oh, what a world where bytes do dance,
    To code’s own rhythm, not by chance. ✨🐇

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    Tips ### Chat There are 3 ways to chat with [CodeRabbit](https://coderabbit.ai): - Review comments: Directly reply to a review comment made by CodeRabbit. Example: - `I pushed a fix in commit .` - `Generate unit testing code for this file.` - `Open a follow-up GitHub issue for this discussion.` - Files and specific lines of code (under the "Files changed" tab): Tag `@coderabbitai` in a new review comment at the desired location with your query. Examples: - `@coderabbitai generate unit testing code for this file.` - `@coderabbitai modularize this function.` - PR comments: Tag `@coderabbitai` in a new PR comment to ask questions about the PR branch. For the best results, please provide a very specific query, as very limited context is provided in this mode. Examples: - `@coderabbitai generate interesting stats about this repository and render them as a table.` - `@coderabbitai show all the console.log statements in this repository.` - `@coderabbitai read src/utils.ts and generate unit testing code.` - `@coderabbitai read the files in the src/scheduler package and generate a class diagram using mermaid and a README in the markdown format.` - `@coderabbitai help me debug CodeRabbit configuration file.` Note: Be mindful of the bot's finite context window. It's strongly recommended to break down tasks such as reading entire modules into smaller chunks. For a focused discussion, use review comments to chat about specific files and their changes, instead of using the PR comments. ### CodeRabbit Commands (invoked as PR comments) - `@coderabbitai pause` to pause the reviews on a PR. - `@coderabbitai resume` to resume the paused reviews. - `@coderabbitai review` to trigger an incremental review. This is useful when automatic reviews are disabled for the repository. - `@coderabbitai full review` to do a full review from scratch and review all the files again. - `@coderabbitai summary` to regenerate the summary of the PR. - `@coderabbitai resolve` resolve all the CodeRabbit review comments. - `@coderabbitai configuration` to show the current CodeRabbit configuration for the repository. - `@coderabbitai help` to get help. Additionally, you can add `@coderabbitai ignore` anywhere in the PR description to prevent this PR from being reviewed. ### CodeRabbit Configration File (`.coderabbit.yaml`) - You can programmatically configure CodeRabbit by adding a `.coderabbit.yaml` file to the root of your repository. - Please see the [configuration documentation](https://docs.coderabbit.ai/guides/configure-coderabbit) for more information. - If your editor has YAML language server enabled, you can add the path at the top of this file to enable auto-completion and validation: `# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://coderabbit.ai/integrations/schema.v2.json` ### Documentation and Community - Visit our [Documentation](https://coderabbit.ai/docs) for detailed information on how to use CodeRabbit. - Join our [Discord Community](https://discord.com/invite/GsXnASn26c) to get help, request features, and share feedback. - Follow us on [X/Twitter](https://twitter.com/coderabbitai) for updates and announcements.
    codiumai-pr-agent-pro[bot] commented 1 week ago

    PR Reviewer Guide 🔍

    ⏱️ Estimated effort to review [1-5] 4
    🧪 Relevant tests No
    🔒 Security concerns No
    ⚡ Key issues to review Error Handling:
    The current implementation in app_fastapi.py uses a broad exception handling strategy which might obscure the underlying errors. It's recommended to handle specific exceptions to provide more detailed error messages and for better error resolution.
    Input Validation:
    There is a lack of input validation in the endpoints defined in app_fastapi.py. Proper validation of inputs is crucial to prevent injection attacks and to ensure that the inputs meet the expected format.
    Dependency Management:
    The code imports various external libraries and uses environment variables which suggests that managing dependencies and configurations might be complex. Ensure that all dependencies are properly documented and managed.
    codiumai-pr-agent-pro[bot] commented 1 week ago

    PR Code Suggestions ✨

    CategorySuggestion                                                                                                                                    Score
    Use the model_size selected by the user instead of hardcoding it to "small" ___ **The generate_review function currently hardcodes the model_size to "small" when calling
    generate_review. It would be more flexible to use the model_size selected by the user from
    the sidebar.** [app.py [86-88]](https://github.com/ajitesh123/Perf-Review-AI/pull/19/files#diff-568470d013cd12e4f388206520da39ab9a4e4c3c6b95846cbc281abc1ba3c959R86-R88) ```diff if st.button('Write Review'): - review = generate_review(your_role, candidate_role, perf_question, your_review, llm_type, user_api_key, model_size="small") + review = generate_review(your_role, candidate_role, perf_question, your_review, llm_type, user_api_key, model_size) st.markdown(review) ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 10 Why: This suggestion correctly identifies a significant improvement in the application's flexibility by using the user-selected `model_size` instead of hardcoding it. This change enhances user experience and functionality.
    Possible issue
    Add error handling for empty or invalid responses in GoogleLLM.generate_text ___ **The generate_text method in GoogleLLM should handle cases where the response might be
    empty or invalid to avoid potential runtime errors.** [llm.py [142-143]](https://github.com/ajitesh123/Perf-Review-AI/pull/19/files#diff-9bcbdcc06c0a78ea65b2055422915d52fd44cb094008cf2e3234000c34748efaR142-R143) ```diff response = model.generate_content(prompt) +if not response or not response.text: + raise ValueError("Failed to generate content from Google LLM") return response.text ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: This suggestion addresses a potential runtime error by adding error handling for empty or invalid responses from the Google LLM. This is crucial for maintaining the robustness and reliability of the application.
    Validate that perf_question is not empty before using it in the prompt ___ **The generate_prompt function should validate that perf_question is not empty before using
    it in the prompt to avoid generating an incomplete prompt.** [review.py [41-74]](https://github.com/ajitesh123/Perf-Review-AI/pull/19/files#diff-32e111aa752f95e484818ff16dedaa5bf4a768785886e9fa705b2b41764be060R41-R74) ```diff +if not perf_question: + raise ValueError("Performance question cannot be empty") prompt = f""" I'm {your_role}. You're an expert at writing performance reviews. On my behalf, help answer the question for performance reviews below. {delimiter} Instructions {delimiter}: - Use the context below to understand my perspective of working with them - Keep the role of the person I'm reviewing, {candidate_role}, in mind when writing the review - Use simple language and keep it to the point - Strictly answer the questions mentioned in "question for performance" {your_review} {perf_question} {delimiter} Output in markdown format in the following structure:{delimiter} {{Mention the first question in question for performance}} {{Your answer come here}} {{Mention the second question in question for performance}} {{Your answer for second question come here}} ... """ ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: Ensuring that `perf_question` is not empty before generating a prompt is essential to avoid creating incomplete or incorrect prompts. This suggestion correctly identifies a potential issue and provides a solution to enhance the application's reliability.
    Add logging to exception handling in FastAPI endpoints ___ **Add logging to the exception handling blocks in the FastAPI endpoints to help with
    debugging and monitoring.** [app_fastapi.py [28-29]](https://github.com/ajitesh123/Perf-Review-AI/pull/19/files#diff-12ae1733c1fe81510692dadf3ad3328d8801f864812689ff2dc412fe14fd04f0R28-R29) ```diff except Exception as e: + app.logger.error(f"Error generating review: {str(e)}") raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e)) ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: Adding logging to the exception handling in FastAPI endpoints is a good practice for better error tracking and debugging. This suggestion is relevant and improves maintainability.