ajithvemasani / gamma

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Input a board #5

Closed Drucephus closed 1 week ago

Drucephus commented 2 weeks ago

Take user input for a board

This task is DONE when there is a function that returns a board object or an error.

Drucephus commented 1 week ago
Drucephus commented 1 week ago
flowchart TD
    A[Sudoku] -->  B{have a puzzle?}
    B --> |Yes| D[Input puzzle]
    D --> J{Validate puzzle}
    J --> |Invalid|D
    J -->|Valid| F[Display Grid]
    B -->|No| E{difficulty level?}
    E -->G[Easy]
    E -->H[Medium]
    E -->I[Expert]
    G -->F
    H -->F
    I -->F
Drucephus commented 1 week ago

Definition of done: an array of arrays is input as a puzzle

ajithvemasani commented 1 week ago
Sudoku <|-- EasyPuzzle
Sudoku <|-- MediumPuzzle
Sudoku <|-- ExpertPuzzle
Sudoku : +bool have_puzzle
Sudoku : +String difficuly_level
Sudoku : +input_puzzle()
Sudoku : +validate_puzzle()
Sudoku : +generate_puzzle()

class EasyPuzzle{
