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rclone upload #49

Open memnos opened 6 years ago

memnos commented 6 years ago

Hello, do you know if is there the possibility to add in logs also the name of the file it has been uploaded in this line? echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") RCLONE UPLOAD FINISHED IN $(($(date +'%s') - $start)) SECONDS" | tee -a $LOGFILE


ajkis commented 6 years ago

In this line no, but rclone log does have all upload files listed.

memnos commented 6 years ago

Can you tell me what should i add to the command line to have also file names?

ajkis commented 6 years ago

You could just read the folder before rclone start eg FileList=$(find "/my upload path/" -type f -mmin +15) and then after rclone finish just print it out in same log echo "$FileList" | tee -a "$LogFile"