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About plexgeneratefolderlist and plexrefreshfolderlist #7

Open memnos opened 7 years ago

memnos commented 7 years ago

Hi, i have some questions about script in object. I have to run first plexgeneratefolderlist and second plexrefreshfolderlist. This should tell plex to scan only new folder. Right? But what if i add a file in a folder that already exists? I think about SerieTv Folder, when i add an episode in Season Folder. Tnx

ajkis commented 7 years ago

Basically first script checks what new folders are being uploaded and 2nd script preforms plex scan. It does not matter if folder already exist it will be rescanned.

For series it will again scan for example Season 03 since there was new file that was uploaded in it.

memnos commented 7 years ago

I think i made all modifcations to plexgeneratefolderlist, i run it with no errors, but it seems it made nothing. How can i know if it worked. I see no log and no files in .cache

ajkis commented 7 years ago

The easiest was is to run 2nd script manually you will see GUI msgs from plex scanner

memnos commented 7 years ago

Mmmh, i don't understand whan is folder REPLACEDPATH in plexgeneratefolderlist.

I have my remote mount folder that i put in PATHACD The folder where i put my new files to be uploaded in PATHREPLACE


ajkis commented 7 years ago

no the REPLACEDPATH is meant when source from where you rclone upload files dont match the location where plex is keeping library ie using unionfs.

Just check the generated plex.list and is the path to folders correct ?

memnos commented 7 years ago

i don't know why but when i run script plexgeneratefolderlist nothing happens. No log file. No .list file. It seems it is doing nothing.

i post the script here, can you see anything wrong?


ajkis commented 7 years ago

Where is your Plex Library stored ? I see you are replacing same path for same path ?

Is it possible something is wrong with your permissions, can you test touch /root/.cache/TimeStamp-plex.list under same user you run the script.

memnos commented 7 years ago

With command touch /root/.cache/TimeStamp-plex.list the file is created. My plex library is: /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library

What do you mean with: I see you are replacing same path for same path ?


ajkis commented 7 years ago

Where do you keep your movies / series ?

memnos commented 7 years ago

My gdrive movie and Serie_Tv is mounted in /media/google_crypt/crypt/ So i have /media/google_crypt/crypt/Movies and /media/google_crypt/crypt/Serie_Tv While after downloads i copy files in /home/fabio/upload in their own folder as i want to be moved to gdrive white your script: rclone-upload.cron

ajkis commented 7 years ago

The 2nd script is already upload script you cant use both.

Use this one that i changed to use proper paths: http://pastebin.com/KLqt0Z9E

memnos commented 7 years ago

There must be something wrong. I used your script http://pastebin.com/KLqt0Z9E, but nothing happens.

Here is what i see: bash -x ./plexgeneratefolderlist

ajkis commented 7 years ago

what OS are you using ?

did you chmod a+x scriptname

memnos commented 7 years ago


Yes, file is executable.