ajleeson / research_blog

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research_blog/2023/07/31/finalizing-TRAPS #36

Open utterances-bot opened 11 months ago

utterances-bot commented 11 months ago

Finalizing TRAPS and starting model evaluation | Weekly Research Update

This week I made several improvements to the TRAPS code. I also began conversations with Parker and Jilian about model evaluation efforts. More details below. 1. Improvements to TRAPS Since we have finally debugged WWTPs, my next goal is to clean up and finalize TRAPS integration. This week I completed about half of the improvements on my to-do list. The following subsections describe this progress in more detail. I’d like to spend one more week wrapping up TRAPS integration prior to setting up a LiveOcean+TRAPS evaluation run. 1.1. Upgraded to Ecology’s latest loading files Now that WWTPs no longer blow up, I finally got around to updating TRAPS with Ecology’s latest loading files. I have not compared the old and new


parkermac commented 11 months ago

Aurora, this all looks reasonable. I think the only difficulty in opening up Agate Pass will be that it needs to be filled with water whenever we initialize a run. But for the new LO run we are also planning to recreate the initial condition from observations, so this should be taken care of. If we wanted to start from a saved history file it would be easy to write some one-off code to fill in Agate Pass.

I like the step you did of moving the point source spreadsheets to NetCDF. Much better. I encourage you to add long names and units to the data variables if you have not already done that. This metadata is a great virtue of NetCDF.