ajmandourah / autorefresh

Plex autorefresh is a tool which can be triggered to forcefully refresh a certain content metadata.
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Https certificate miss match #1

Open izeen opened 2 years ago

izeen commented 2 years ago


Would it be possible to implement a skip hostname verification on https connections? I do not allow http/unsecure connections in the plex settings (mainly because i want to force HTTPS, some very old clients does not support encryption and allowing http will make them talk unencrypted over WAN). A lot of plex tools have implemented a way to skip hostname verification since when using https://localip there is a missmatch in the certificate used and the hostname used.

WARNING] Certificate did not match expected hostname: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX. Certificate

Example how another tool implemented this: https://github.com/meisnate12/Plex-Meta-Manager/discussions/490#discussioncomment-1927171

ajmandourah commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the very late reply. I will implement it later this week.