ajnart / homarr

Customizable browser's home page to interact with your homeserver's Docker containers (e.g. Sonarr/Radarr)
MIT License
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Pings unreliable after initial page load #2021

Closed Tyri0n closed 2 months ago

Tyri0n commented 2 months ago





Describe the problem

The ping state (coloured dot or tick/cross) will not change even if the reachabilty of the app subsequently changes.

Tested in Firefox under Windows 10, with 'Disable HTTP Cache (when toolbox is open)' enabled.

Here I opened a test board containing just a Readarr app, then closed Readarr after the 4th ping trace:

14:42:48.032 GET https://umami.homarr.dev/script.js [HTTP/2 200 490ms] 14:42:48.572 info Ping of app "readarr" ( returned 200 (Accepted) _app-fafa809412bbfece.js:192:75 14:42:48.577 info Ping of app "readarr" ( returned 200 (Accepted) _app-fafa809412bbfece.js:192:75 14:42:48.778 GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 161ms] 14:42:50.871 info Ping of app "readarr" ( returned 200 (Accepted) _app-fafa809412bbfece.js:192:75 14:43:09.365 info Ping of app "readarr" ( returned 200 (Accepted) _app-fafa809412bbfece.js:192:75

14:47:20.963 info Ping of app "readarr" ( returned 200 (Accepted) 2 _app-fafa809412bbfece.js:192:75 14:47:55.874 info Ping of app "readarr" ( returned 200 (Accepted) 14:54:53.443 info Ping of app "readarr" ( returned 200 (Accepted) _app-fafa809412bbfece.js:192:75 14:58:23.180 info Ping of app "readarr" ( returned 200 (Accepted) _app-fafa809412bbfece.js:192:75 15:05:11.619 info Ping of app "readarr" ( returned 200 (Accepted)

Double checked it was unreachable in dos prompt:

time The current time is: 14:50:20.26 curl -vvv

  • Trying
  • connect to port 8787 failed: Connection refused
  • Failed to connect to port 8787 after 2038 ms: Couldn't connect to server
  • Closing connection curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 8787 after 2038 ms: Couldn't connect to server

If the app is unreachable before the board web page is opened/refreshed, then it doesn't seem to ping going forwards, unless I'm not waiting long enough:

15:12:49.828 XHRGET{"0":{"json":{"id":"8ab2f4ca-54d7-4378-acce-6a5e9669785b","configName":"test"}}} [HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity 878ms] 15:12:49.838 GET https://umami.homarr.dev/script.js [HTTP/2 200 579ms] 15:12:50.724 GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 96ms] 15:12:50.736 << query #3 app.ping
Object { input: {…}, result: TRPCClientError, elapsedMs: 992, context: {} } _app-fafa809412bbfece.js:32:409 sn850 ReferenceError: sn850 is not defined

time The current time is: 15:17:59.42 curl -vvv

  • Trying
  • Connected to ( port 8787 GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: curl/8.4.0 Accept: /


No response


No response

Please tick the boxes

github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

Hi 👋. Thank you for submitting your first issue to Homarr. Please ensure that you've provided all nessesary information. You can use the three dots > Edit button to update your post with additional images and information. Depending on the current volume of requests, the team should get in conact with you shortly.

manuel-rw commented 2 months ago

Duplicate of #1837