ajnart / homarr

Customizable browser's home page to interact with your homeserver's Docker containers (e.g. Sonarr/Radarr)
MIT License
5.45k stars 252 forks source link

chore: merge version 0.15.3 #2037

Closed manuel-rw closed 1 month ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Coverage Report

Status Category Percentage Covered / Total
🔵 Lines 17.18% 5555 / 32321
🔵 Statements 17.18% 5555 / 32321
🔵 Functions 6.4% 33 / 515
🔵 Branches 37.43% 134 / 358
File Coverage
File Stmts % Branch % Funcs % Lines Uncovered Lines
Changed Files
next-i18next.config.js 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-48
src/env.js 77.47% 0% 0% 77.47% 10-12, 64-75, 80-94, 99-109
src/components/Board/Customize/Appearance/AppearanceCustomization.tsx 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-227
src/components/Board/Customize/Layout/LayoutPreview.tsx 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-125
src/components/Dashboard/Modals/EditAppModal/EditAppModal.tsx 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-250
src/components/Dashboard/Modals/EditAppModal/Tabs/AppereanceTab/AppereanceTab.tsx 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-120
src/components/Dashboard/Modals/EditAppModal/Tabs/GeneralTab/GeneralTab.tsx 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-106
src/components/Dashboard/Modals/EditAppModal/Tabs/IntegrationTab/Components/InputElements/IntegrationSelector.tsx 63.03% 100% 0% 63.03% 20-83, 93-106
src/components/Dashboard/Tiles/Apps/AppTile.tsx 20.28% 100% 0% 20.28% 18-102, 105-129
src/components/Dashboard/Tiles/Widgets/WidgetsEditModal.tsx 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-403
src/components/Dashboard/Tiles/Widgets/WidgetsMenu.tsx 26.13% 100% 0% 26.13% 24-88
src/components/Dashboard/Tiles/Widgets/Inputs/LocationSelection.tsx 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-276
src/components/Dashboard/Wrappers/Category/Category.tsx 22.91% 100% 0% 22.91% 31-136, 139-143
src/components/Manage/Board/create-board.modal.tsx 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-86
src/components/Manage/Board/delete-board.modal.tsx 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-57
src/components/Manage/Tools/Docker/docker-select-board.modal.tsx 18.7% 100% 0% 18.7% 25-130, 133-139
src/components/Manage/User/change-user-role.modal.tsx 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-58
src/components/Manage/User/delete-user.modal.tsx 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-52
src/components/Manage/User/Invite/copy-invite.modal.tsx 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-71
src/components/Manage/User/Invite/create-invite.modal.tsx 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-85
src/components/layout/Templates/BoardLayout.tsx 20.64% 100% 0% 20.64% 37-48, 51-62, 65-105, 108-119, 125-216, 219-237, 240-266, 270-275, 283-301, 305-310
src/components/layout/header/AvatarMenu.tsx 26.44% 100% 0% 26.44% 23-90, 97-100, 104-120
src/components/layout/header/Header.tsx 37.63% 100% 0% 37.63% 30-73, 80-93
src/hooks/custom-session-provider.tsx 45.45% 100% 0% 45.45% 13-30, 39-44
src/hooks/useExternalUrl.ts 17.94% 100% 0% 17.94% 6-29, 32-39
src/pages/_app.tsx 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-210
src/pages/auth/login.tsx 23.68% 75% 50% 23.68% 33-228, 246-252
src/server/auth.ts 22.15% 100% 0% 22.15% 27-128, 131-139, 147-158
src/server/api/root.ts 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-59
src/server/api/routers/media-request.ts 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-236
src/server/api/routers/tdarr.ts 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-356
src/server/api/routers/health-monitoring/openmediavault.ts 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-134
src/server/api/routers/health-monitoring/proxmox.ts 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-109
src/server/api/routers/health-monitoring/router.ts 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-77
src/server/api/routers/smart-home/entity-state.ts 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-123
src/tools/language.ts 100% 100% 100% 100%
src/tools/client/parseDuration.ts 36.73% 16.66% 50% 36.73% 8-20, 26-35, 37-38, 40-41, 43-44, 46-47
src/tools/server/translation-namespaces.ts 100% 100% 100% 100%
src/tools/server/sdk/homeassistant/HomeAssistant.ts 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-83
src/types/app.ts 100% 100% 100% 100%
src/types/api/tdarr.ts 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-60
src/utils/auth/ldap.ts 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-198
src/utils/auth/oidc.ts 47.67% 66.66% 50% 47.67% 40-84
src/widgets/index.ts 100% 100% 100% 100%
src/widgets/widgets.ts 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-159
src/widgets/health-monitoring/HealthMonitoringCpu.tsx 6.19% 100% 0% 6.19% 6-111
src/widgets/health-monitoring/HealthMonitoringFileSystem.tsx 15.15% 100% 0% 15.15% 9-64
src/widgets/health-monitoring/HealthMonitoringMemory.tsx 18% 100% 0% 18% 8-48
src/widgets/health-monitoring/HealthMonitoringTile.tsx 44.81% 100% 0% 44.81% 112-184, 187-234, 237-241, 244-253, 256-268
src/widgets/health-monitoring/cluster/HealthMonitoringClusterDetailPopover.tsx 22.84% 100% 0% 22.84% 34-85, 88-108, 111-131, 134-151, 154-171, 174-180, 183-184, 187-196, 199-210, 213-224, 227-232
src/widgets/health-monitoring/cluster/HealthMonitoringClusterResourceRow.tsx 33.92% 100% 0% 33.92% 30-34, 37-70, 78-112
src/widgets/health-monitoring/cluster/HealthMonitoringClusterTile.tsx 13.6% 100% 0% 13.6% 16-116, 125-169
src/widgets/health-monitoring/cluster/types.ts 0% 0% 0% 0% 1-30
src/widgets/media-requests/MediaRequestStatsTile.tsx 27.86% 100% 0% 27.86% 50-181
src/widgets/media-transcoding/HealthCheckStatus.tsx 24.44% 100% 0% 24.44% 22-86, 88-90
src/widgets/media-transcoding/MediaTranscodingTile.tsx 33.58% 100% 0% 33.58% 86-261
src/widgets/media-transcoding/QueuePanel.tsx 18.84% 100% 0% 18.84% 14-69
src/widgets/media-transcoding/StatisticsPanel.tsx 23.35% 100% 0% 23.35% 33-132, 134-141, 148-167
src/widgets/media-transcoding/WorkersPanel.tsx 22.34% 100% 0% 22.34% 22-94
src/widgets/smart-home/entity-state/entity-state.widget.tsx 36.58% 100% 0% 36.58% 59-162
src/widgets/torrent/TorrentTile.tsx 42.1% 95.45% 50% 42.1% 114-351, 405-410, 420-421, 424-425, 428-429, 432-434
src/widgets/weather/WeatherTile.tsx 37.75% 100% 0% 37.75% 65-156, 159, 166-194
Generated in workflow #6709