ajollymarlier / Zork

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Write here what y'all doing right now. #8

Open Aliqyan opened 7 years ago

Aliqyan commented 7 years ago

Yo am working on Game.java and Enemy/grunt.java and rooms.dat file rn. Be careful github is trippy

Aliqyan commented 7 years ago

@drossos @ajollymarlier @cstrahle BRH LOOK

ajollymarlier commented 7 years ago

@Aliqyan @drossos is anybody touching the enemy class? I need to add some stuff to work with the weapons and it's subclasses

drossos commented 7 years ago

Go ahead @ajollymarlier I probably am I going to work on the room internalizer as well as probably messing around with some consumables

Aliqyan commented 7 years ago

@drossos have u committed ur new code? Cuz im done waiting to pull ur changes

drossos commented 7 years ago

@Aliqyan you push I merge then will pus. Will take your code then fit into mine

Aliqyan commented 7 years ago

ok lets try

Aliqyan commented 7 years ago


ajollymarlier commented 7 years ago

@Aliqyan @drossos Tell me when you're done

Aliqyan commented 7 years ago

@ajollymarlier @drossos Ok im done for now So basically i added the enemies in to rooms. If you check in the rooms.dat file you'll see i added a new line called room enemies. currently if you want to see what enemies are in a room you just need to say check. This isn't final but just for now.

ajollymarlier commented 7 years ago

@drossos @Aliqyan i added the boolean inRange to the enemy class so we can differentiate between what can be attacked with ranged and melee. There is an error in the game class as the constructors for enemies are now wrong but that should be a quick fix. I also fixed the sub-classes of enemy so they would match the original constructor.

Aliqyan commented 7 years ago

@ajollymarlier @drossos Ok yo I think i can fix that i pulled the stuff so i'll find away to add the in range part

Aliqyan commented 7 years ago

@ajollymarlier @drossos So to fix the issue, i added -C or -F to the name of the enemy in the rooms.dat file

ajollymarlier commented 7 years ago

@drossos The only error right now is the addRoomItems() method needing to take items instead of Strings. Might have to change some stuff in the file depending on how it reads it. The stuff right now might just be the description.

ajollymarlier commented 7 years ago

@Aliqyan @drossos Im working on the consumables class and all it's subclasses

drossos commented 7 years ago

@ajollymarlier You are working on every Item?

drossos commented 7 years ago

@ajollymarlier or just consumables because even that is going to be pretty big if you count keys as consumables

ajollymarlier commented 7 years ago

@drossos you can work on keys if you want I'm just doing effect items right now. I'll push it.

drossos commented 7 years ago

@Aliqyan @ajollymarlier ok I pushed the working item intializer as well as working new commands to go along with it. Will probably look at doing keys next

ajollymarlier commented 7 years ago

@drossos ali and i are working on enemies and the subclasses

Aliqyan commented 7 years ago

@drossos @ajollymarlier Im working on the game class also

drossos commented 7 years ago

@Aliqyan @ajollymarlier working on keys and chests right now

Aliqyan commented 7 years ago

@ajollymarlier @drossos Am working on Game.Class and Room Class

ajollymarlier commented 7 years ago

@Aliqyan @drossos im working on the ammo class right now. Will need to use player class as well so tell me when your working on it ali

Aliqyan commented 7 years ago

ok guys I put the attack method in the player class, cuz it makes more sense that a player attacks an enemy with a weapon

Aliqyan commented 7 years ago

@ajollymarlier i had to change around the attack method so its now in the player class, but it can still be linked back to the melee/ranged for ammo calculations

ajollymarlier commented 7 years ago

@Aliqyan @drossos We should clean up the processAttack method. A lot of the stuff you put in the game class, you could have put in the other classes.

drossos commented 7 years ago

Not really. A lot of the stuff is built upon the already existing code. It is mostly just all command processing and intializing rooms and stuff

Aliqyan commented 7 years ago

The reason its pretty long is because its a 3 word command phrase so we need lots of conditionals to make sure the right stuff is inputted

ajollymarlier commented 7 years ago

@Aliqyan @drossos Ive almost cleaned up the processAttack method. A lot more of the differentiating code is present in other classes rather than all being crammed into the game class.

drossos commented 7 years ago

@ajollymarlier you didn't remove code from the Game class right, because it is good to keep all action processing there?

ajollymarlier commented 7 years ago

@drossos I commented it out for now but if my way really doesnt work we can restore the previous version

drossos commented 7 years ago

@ajollymarlier what did you comment out of Game

ajollymarlier commented 7 years ago

@drossos Mostly the differentiating between melee attacks and ranged attacks. I dealt with all of that in the player class. Also wrote a new overloaded attack method in the player class to deal with each weapon. The code theoretically does the same stuff but just makes it cleaner. Easier to change too

drossos commented 7 years ago

@ajollymarlier ok cool. Did you touch the other command processing stuff in Game?

ajollymarlier commented 7 years ago

@drossos nah thats all still there

ajollymarlier commented 7 years ago

@drossos @Aliqyan Im working on decreasing the ammo while attacking with a ranged weapon. Also, im trying to stack ammo that is already present. I'll be touching the ammo and player classes

Aliqyan commented 7 years ago

@ajollymarlier @drossos Today i'll prob try to write the loop to get the enemys to respond in battle. Will be using Enmey class, and Game Class

ajollymarlier commented 7 years ago

@drossos @Aliqyan Ill be working on the effect item class right now

Aliqyan commented 7 years ago

@ajollymarlier Dude its a bit complicated right now, lets talk b4 we go more in depth

ajollymarlier commented 7 years ago

@Aliqyan @drossos TODO we need to add a defense int for the player class. Could start at 0 but i can add to it when we get armour

ajollymarlier commented 7 years ago

@drossos @Aliqyan we should change the check command so you can check the room or the inventory. It just checks room right now

ajollymarlier commented 7 years ago

@Aliqyan @drossos we should also change all Strings to .toUpperCase() so its better for the player

ajollymarlier commented 7 years ago

Self-Reminder I need to make equip method in player class for EquippableItems

ajollymarlier commented 7 years ago

@Aliqyan @drossos Im adding special attack methods to the miniboss and Boss classes. @Aliqyan you might have to change the processAttack() in the game class to account for this.

ajollymarlier commented 7 years ago

@Aliqyan @drossos Just an idea but we could status conditions later. Ex. burn or poison

Aliqyan commented 7 years ago

@drossos @ajollymarlier I'm gonna be working on the game class to create different check methods and fixing parts of the attacks to make it smoother

ajollymarlier commented 7 years ago

@Aliqyan R u working on the enemy's attack stuff?

Aliqyan commented 7 years ago

@ajollymarlier I can if you want

ajollymarlier commented 7 years ago

@Aliqyan i was gonna write the attack method in the enemy subclasses like we discussed before. That still ok?

Aliqyan commented 7 years ago

@ajollymarlier sure tell me how it works in comsci so i can link it in through the game class