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"curriculum" by library? #198

Open ajschumacher opened 3 years ago

ajschumacher commented 3 years ago

What "textbooks" satisfy this criterion?

"Students should not have to read anything that we, you and I, wouldn’t want to read ourselves."

David McCullough https://imprimis.hillsdale.edu/knowing-history-and-knowing-who-we-are/

ajschumacher commented 3 years ago

There's the "Great Books" approach, emphasizing Western thought, but I'm more so thinking about what would be good for say a fourth grader... Maybe it's not a book at all?

Should "something better" replace the nasty textbooks that can be found in many schools? What is that?

ajschumacher commented 3 years ago

Lots of textbook stuff is really activities to fill a term, try to encourage learning, etc.

What if there was a "textbook adapter" for turning any book into a textbook?

ajschumacher commented 3 years ago

oh interesting: https://www.springer.com/gp/authors-editors/book-authors-editors/writing-a-textbook/16956808

ajschumacher commented 3 years ago

the idea of being problem-driven is good, but how do you overcome the knowing-what-you-don't-know problem? Is this a real problem? Or is it just searching at the wrong level: Googling for "how do I set the flob to blib" when you shouldn't be using a flob at all?

ajschumacher commented 3 years ago

"books of problems" vs. "books of content"?

ajschumacher commented 3 years ago

"curriculum of introduction" to things you might want to learn more about...

ajschumacher commented 3 years ago

How to get people to come up with their own problems, their own curiosities, their own ideas to pursue further...

ajschumacher commented 3 years ago


ajschumacher commented 3 years ago

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Number_Devil, Lauren Ipsum, ...

ajschumacher commented 3 years ago



ajschumacher commented 3 years ago

https://openstax.org/ https://openstax.org/books/introductory-statistics/pages/11-2-goodness-of-fit-test https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Main_Page https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Social_Statistics/Chapter_1 https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Portal:Learning_Projects

What's the impact of a book? It doesn't come from the book itself, if nobody knows about it...

ajschumacher commented 3 years ago

https://www.amazon.com/Illustrated-Book-Bad-Arguments/dp/1615192255/ and: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0735222126 "bad choices" on CS stuff...

both seem includable... https://github.com/almossawi/badchoices / https://bookofbadchoices.com/index.html https://github.com/almossawi/badarguments / https://bookofbadarguments.com/

On page 4 (of Bad Arguments) a reference to Gula's Nonsense, which might be a sort of non-illustrated/longer version of Bad Arguments.

ajschumacher commented 3 years ago

ages 0 to 7-10 (mostly) https://nobrow.lpages.co/professorastrocat/

ajschumacher commented 3 years ago

This is rather brilliant:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rs572Cf4zkk&ab_channel=LookingGlassUniverse https://lookingglassuniver.wixsite.com/blog/post/how-to-learn-quantum-mechanics-on-your-own

This is basically a MOOC via assigning some readings/problems. So cool!

ajschumacher commented 3 years ago


ajschumacher commented 3 years ago

"The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments" is some old famous book, sort of banned maybe for being dangerous, but kind of interesting?

ajschumacher commented 3 years ago

Ken Watanabe's "Problem Solving 101" "started as a simple guide to teach Japanese schoolchildren critical thinking skills."

ajschumacher commented 3 years ago

The Fallacy Detective: Thirty-Eight Lessons on How to Recognize Bad Reasoning https://smile.amazon.com/Fallacy-Detective-Thirty-Eight-Recognize-Reasoning/dp/097453157X/

The Thinking Toolbox: Thirty-Five Lessons That Will Build Your Reasoning Skills https://smile.amazon.com/Thinking-Toolbox-Thirty-five-Lessons-Reasoning/dp/0974531510/

both have a cute dog and say they're for ages 13 and up or something