ajschumacher / gadsdc

materials for General Assembly Data Science DC course
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more syntax practice/review/warm-ups (?) #220

Open ajschumacher opened 10 years ago

ajschumacher commented 10 years ago

This is a good idea from the feedback forms:

This is more of a "more work for the next session of this class" suggestion, but I realized last night that I'm erring away from doing plots because it takes me a while to remember the syntax, and I also have a bunch of bad syntax habits that I need to get rid of (thanks to Kevin for showing me a better way to pull the values from multiple columns out of a Pandas dataframe!). To deal with that in the future, it'd be great to have "Lightning Round" exercises either in class (maybe after the break) or for homework--I'm thinking like 3-5 super short things from older material that could be done in a minute if you knew what you were doing, followed by a quick discussion of how to do it. As a bonus, it'd help bring back a bunch of the older material so it didn't feel like we did something for a data and then forgot about it for the rest of the time. Just a thought.